Message from @Ald
Discord ID: 511026894506950666
@sigruna14 I don't see any problem having in groups that get progressively more specific. As for what if Pennsylvania secedes, well, if they can function independently and it would make them happy, they can secede, if they aren't big enough to function independently, then they should be grouped in with the next in group up.
@ophiuchus Lol
I mean, I personally have multiple in groups
@ophiuchus Dump the scum of *any* European nation on a barren rock and it will become a 1st world nation given time.
I agree, was just stating that for history's sake.
oh and getting worried about Southerners thinking we're our own ethnicity... hate to disillusion you, but there is a large group of Southerners that do think this. That's part of the basis of modern Southern Nationalism
Southrons fam
I'm Polish, Slavic, and European. The more specific groups don't interfere with the less specific ones. I care about the interests of all Europeans, but I'm also concerned specifically about the interests of European-Americans and Polish people.
This is why I think the answer lies less in where exactly the founding people came from and more they exhibited a particular European spirit.
If they didn't share an ideal they wouldn't be able to become cohesive as they have. An ideal that broke through national and even language barriers.
Nah, not a fan of all the extra nationalism. I would say I'm a "white" nationalist, but that term is loaded with too much baggage from idiots who've done and said stupid things in connection with it. I guess "racial nationalist" is good enough in that case.
@Rabbidsith Regardless of the reasons, he had no impact. So celebrating him as on par with Columbus because he was Nord or he was the first Euro on North America is reaching a bit
@sigruna14 Would you put the interests of European-Americans over the interests of other Europeans?
@Virgil Would you say the same about Neil Armstrong?
@Virgil If we had a lunar colony?
@Jacob Don't think that's the same question as what else is being discussed here. The answer is yes, but it's not a related question. If a European wanted to come here, became a citizen, showed loyalty to our country - fine with me.
>implying we don't have a lunar colony
@ophiuchus lol
The problem with disowning terms like White Nationalist is that to those listening the difference between disowning the plain meaning and disowning the connotations and baggage is not clear. We are nationalists for whites, ie WN. To say you're not a wn sounds to most like you're just cucking, not rebranding
All else being equal I'd put the interests of a Euro-American living in my own town ahead of the interests of one from another town, but that doesn't necessarily mean I wouldn't want the one in the other town in my town.
@Virgil Leif Erikson is comparable to Neil Armstrong IMO.
he was simply the first
I just want to live with beautiful white people, who all speak a common language (English) who celebrate traditional holidays, who want every President to place his hand on the Bible (not any other book) in Inauguration Day, who wish each other marry Christmas and happy Easter and who celebrate July 4th and Halloween.
Just saying, the difference should be clarified if one is going to say they're "not WN"
Therefore, he can be compared to Columbus.
@Rabbidsithfirst we know of with a name.
@Rabbidsith No because Armstrong represents a continous link with Outer space and the lunar landing was the first step in eventual space colonization
I got black pilled af hearing about the UN migration pact. Any room for optimism?
DayX optimism
@Virgil We haven't been to the moon in how many years?
@sigruna14 You don't think of a significant amount of Polish immigrants moved into your town it would have an effect on the sense of community?
@Virgil Leif Erikson represents a continuous link in Europeans attempting to colonize the Americas.
he was simply the first of that chain
that we know of
@Jacob Remember I did say they should come in reasonable numbers? I'm not saying any amount of European should just pour in. I'm disagreeing with zero immigration.
Cute redheads *only*
I would have no problems with a bunch of blond blue-eyed Scandinavians pouring in