Message from @Perihelion - CA
Discord ID: 515011480928649218
Look at Brazil for hope beyond the 50% brown horizon
You can still build a nationalist coalition once criminality becomes a big enough issue. Obviously this is far less ideal. But it's doable.
@Josh M. -OH *Do we* need conservative non whites, though? An extra 1% of the white vote is a lot more than an 1% of the black vote.
@Willy - VA half of GenZ simply wants to watch the world burn
@VinceChaos until recently it was just @Alex Kolchak - NY typing
@Nemets maybe the "honorary" groups like Persians and Asians will see things our way
it's a stretch though
@ThisIsChris comfy!
We just need our people to wake up and stop thinking “my one vote won’t make a difference” or “it’s gonna go democrat anyways”
@ThisIsChris my bad, I left something typed but not sent
@Alex Kolchak - NY no problem typing is soothing like rain
Dude I forgot I'm off tomorrow.
I have to travel tomorrow morning for thanksgiving, not looking forward to it
And most normies and everyday people sitting at home don’t see how bad things really are. They just see the picture that’s painted by mainstream media and social media about how amazing and inclusive things have to be and the benefits of it. They don’t see what we see.
Pro white ASMR? Is there a market for that lol
I've been pretty bold with my normie friends and family IRL and it's actually been recieved pretty well.
@VinceChaos softly reading FBI Table 21
A lot of people feel the same way and are waiting for someone else to say it
Just don't sperg out and do cite the facts.
People just see massive issues as small isolated instances. “Oh what’s a few extra people trying to come here to build a better life / seek asylum / escape persecution”. They don’t see the bigger picture
Yeah, word
Pro white asmr would be opposite of sperging out
It's easy in California. Reality is staring them in the face every time they leave the house. Even 20 years ago they remember how it was.
Just challenge them to think about what it will be for their kids or grandkids.
@Deleted User yes gen Z is largly doomers. thats why we have so many people say fuck it and become identitarian.
Ask them if they want their kids or grandkids to live in Brazil.
American Identity is Puritan universalism
We have to go baaaacck
These are largely symptoms of being one of the largest and most powerful empires in history
There have been empires that have lasted much longer
I'd point to mass media and the intentional subversives running it
But none compare in size or power, or decadence.
Happy White Wednesday
implicitly white, of course
spicy take indeed
Reminder: they killed boy scouts
Introducing White Wednesday to balance out Black Friday
gay co-ed scouts now