Message from @celticflame
Discord ID: 518887669753970710
That has to be a joke
They are both in the same paper
They printed the apology the following day apparently, with the reprinted congrats. I dunno...James Woods tweeted it out
open bob open cloth
Could use some help on this one
so uh. any of you white boys into airsoft>
@The Eternal Anglo Celtic cross doesn't make someone a "nasty sperg". I mean it isn't ideal optics and I would never use one at least in the US context, but it's really just a historical European symbol and I doubt the connotation is as bad in Europe as it is here.
France is lit rn
This is the first I'm hearing that a Celtic Cross has a bad connotation so I googled it and see that larpy WN 1.0 target symbol is considered a Celtic cross, so yeah I wouldn't use that around. But any normal Celtic cross seems fine
"That larpy WN 1.0 target symbol" 😂 😂 😂
@Kingfish US TV is of course ignoring yellow vests.
Any good live streams?
Lol unfortunate typo
I took it to mean a stream that was on the side of the protesters.
Of course!
Check out @KTHopkins’s Tweet:
*Now* things are getting real
France to Macron: "You have no power here"
Wow things seriously heating up,the Firefighters and police show support. And then this..
Yep @Flint
Good 'ol Dahboo..
That dude's been at it for years
At least he always trys to keep up with latest emergencies around etc..
Now I know why they're wearing the Yellow vests: required to keep them in their vehicles in France in case of motor emergency
Thus, signaling France = emergency situation
Yes and it really is,the people are fed up all over
I'm left wondering what the gov's concession will be. Just some tax cuts? *Boo*
If Martial Law is called, I wonder what the Muslim Colony Neighborhoods /No Go Zones will do?
No joke the French gov is probably thinking, "Man, we need to stop these white people from rioting before the Muslims do some real damage"
In a multi-culti nation opportunists are always a threat
Ahem, where's their vests?
France needs to also not sign the UN charter that demands 60 million refugees in 6 years. It's to be signed Dec 10th or 11th. Few countries have said no so far. It also makes criticism of migration a crime