Message from @Freiheit - CA
Discord ID: 519203654126010372
Looks just like Bibi's twin brother lol
absolutely shredded in the comments section π
He starts off saying he could easily defend giving money to Israel on moral grounds
Most Nationalist groups in Europe play lip service to Zionism, at least on the outside to appease certain elements within the establishment.
There really is no advantage for parties like Vox or Lega to be anti-Zionist or j-woke because both Spain and Italy have tiny and insignificant Jewish populations that are not as entrenched there as they are here.
"Israel is not going to be asking us for troops, but we should be giving them anything else they need: intelligence, weapons technology, and other vital information."
Oh new channel <#517910377133244416>
Furthermore being publically J-woke doesn't do anything to advance these parties electoral goals.
They would just end up alienating most of their potential voting base at this point. The only people who it wouldn't alienate are Muslims and the radical far left, neither of which are ever going to vote for a European Nationalist party anyways.
Just when I think I'm starting to feel out the depths of the proverbial rabbit hole, I come to the shocking and humbling realization that I'm not BASTE at all. Behold the FINAL red pill:
Buttercup Dew is a guy? I like his articles but due to the name and his content I thought he was a she.
Hey guys what's going on in h-
IE becoming ml/pol/ when????
@Papa Pizzagate respond to DM, your opinion is requested.
I think the patch is too big for that.
I was thinking a lapel, but don't want it in my neck if I crash.
This is probably the most cringy article I've ever read from Anglin, seriously defending Muslim Rape gangs in Britain and blaming a 14 year old victim and calling her a slut, wtf man?
Is that any more a of a real concern than a metal zipper? @Freiheit - CA
Oh and he's defending having sex with 14 year olds too.
I mean, this is Anglin weβre talking about...
Isn't Anglin a fed?
I dunno about that but I'm pretty sure he's a pedo at this point
Anglin always writes in a sardonic tone, so it's hard to know what he really believes or doesn't believe.
Fed, I doubt. Driven mad in third world exile, likely.
I genuinely believe that his content is pretty caustic to our aims. Alot of otherwise solid people are poisoned by the crap he puts out.
And I do mean crap.
I disagree, I think he writes in a sardonic tone to cover up his vulgar and cringy views. I'm sure he either thinks this or his audience does and he's just profiting off them
@Papa Pizzagate Case in point: the Discord panic.
"White sharia"
(...and that's obviously a mild example.)
Wasn't gonna mention that one, lol.
Employing multiple time felon and sex criminal (now on the lam) "Azzmador"
Wow. I never had an appreciation for him, and I knew he was on the lam for something, but I wasn't aware he had such a rap sheet.
Yeah, I'm not gonna look it up here at work, but it's extensive.
Yeah you can basically watch him age with all those mug shots
@Papa Pizzagate Painful point: Imagine what *we* could do with the kinds of crypto reserves he managed to amass... π