Message from @Sam Southern - TN
Discord ID: 520368668836626434
Ok, this is epic
Those colors tho
"i'm telling you, Chip; I was fearing for my life. They came out of nowhere and started some white supremacist chanting as if they were about to sacrifice us. Back to you in the studio."
Merry Christmas from Identity Evropa. Drink up Santa!
There was a funny meme I didn't save
About how to tell if your child is a "right wing extremist"
Lifting weights
not doing drugs, not drinking alcohol, hating porn
Reading more
Basically being a decent human being
Wait are we gonna have a merry christmas poster this year? If so, it should totally dogwhistle milk
Finn posted the Xmas poster and campaign on slack.
tucker calling out trump for not keeping his promises
if it pleases the court, i'd be in favor of a Christmas poster with milk and cookies for santa with an emphasis on tradition again
@NateDahl76 <:really:453005408064241674>
Ah okay awesome, looking forward to it
@Kingfish I knooow it's an old meme and blah blah blah but it's still getting media attention and people would think it's funny so long as it's subtle
it's an old meme, but it checks out
and the ADL/SPLC could run another hundred articles about the racism underlying whole milk
W's all around
True that
Based @Goose
@Sam Southern - TN nice Star Wars ref
Milk: it does a body good
Any of you southern boys see War of Rights? Its a new civil war game on steam
Hate to break to you guys, but we're not going to do any "milk-centric" propaganda campaigns.
That one
it's just weird and completely unserious.
fine, let's go with something more like "AIPAC is gay"
Now we're talking!