Message from @PatrickAZ
Discord ID: 523940649075212300
Patrick Little's "take jewish money and gib to blacks" meme?
No, like Ocasio Cortez
That girlfriend must be something
Universal basic income may have legs
Instead of giving welfare to a bunch of blekks everyone gets a little piece
Idk tbh. Haven't given it too much thought.
I can think of a few socialists I've met that may come over under the right conditions.
Universal was tried for a few months and then abandoned recently somewhere.
I actually think ub is a good idea, so I agree with Spencer there. However he certainly hasn't worked out all the details of what ubi would actually entail.
2 years ago, as a libertarian, i always had trouble when talking to a socialist about health care
lmao at anyone who thinks they will get UBI if doxxed as "racist"
I mean, everything will be taken away if you're doxxed as "racist"
In all fairness UBI would be covered by the state not private corporations, so I don't think that would be an issue.
Went back to read and just wanted to say RS taking over heel turn isn't 'dick at night' at least not all the time, the latest episode is "The Richard Spencer show" lmao he's done 2 episodes and renames it after himself, if that's not narcissism I don't know what is
Think of people who get replaced by technology like European Americans. "No one will mourn us. For us, it is conquer or die." -RS
"UBI" will never work. You have to win in a competitive world. Otherwise you will disappear. That's why I'm not worried about us long term. Any system that sustains decadence is doomed.
We can win on our own creativity and ability to withstand disaster, better than any other group.
I'm watching Jared Taylor with my brother. Merry Christmas.
@Eugene of Savoy PoC will be replaced by technology in far greater numbers than European Americans will be, IMO <:whitepill:439924104406106113>
Skimming through the posts and see RS running for president. Ok so a bit of a sad joke right, I have a confession though, I can imagine a lot of scenarios where I would vote for him...
And they'll have no one to blame but themselves frankly. They have a chance to survive.
Spencer/Little 2020 would be 'interesting'
Spencer's campaign is just his pitch for the cable reality show he wants to be the star of. Change my mind.
1 part vanity project. 1 part better than Little’s exposure style campaign. 1 part libertarian->alter right pipeline is dry.
We Bernie bro -> Identitarian pipeline now
🌲 <:deye:359010025223618570> ⚒ 🇺🇸
They’re there for the taking
I am proof
The 2020 primary will be the PoCs/LGBTs fighting the neoliberal banking types. The Bernie bros (and chicks) will be trampled and spat upon.
I sometimes wonder what Trump v. Bernie would have looked like...
Where did Spencer actually say he’s running???
Would like to see an announcement or something
@TylerHess That wouldn't happen, but the thought of it is utterly cringe inducing. People like Little just need to go away.
Where can I post videos? Its about a decentralized internet called Zeronet
unfortunately its a TED talk haha. but one of the betters ones
never heard about it until now