Message from @NateDahl76
Discord ID: 532293796336238602
love to see that @Sam Anderson
Tfw you want Patrick to go on his show and then you worry that Molys public rhetoric is becoming too extreme.
Nah. Moly is still less hardcore than Red Ice, Patrick's employer amd main outside-of-IE venue
I love Red Ice and consider Red Ice to be the threshold of classy and defensible without qualifications. Past that you get stuff that can still be great but is maybe too edgy for most (TRS)
Although TRS is not all one show or group. The Godcast attempts to avoid curse words, Convict Report is more normie- accessible than FtN, which is itself less meme than TDS, which is actually less over the top than others, etc
My point is actually publicly speaking about Jews in such a way that Patrick would not publicly.
As long as all state coordinators are doing their best to make sure no such individuals enter the organization, a Jared Taylor "no comment" type line is good.
It's great to hear good music for us that isn't quite so overpoweringly loud.
“Jewish supremacy” is a major David Duke talking point
The truth is truth regardless of who says it. Moly was never in any bad optics group. George Soros, Haim Saban, Sheldon Adelson and Tom Steyer and I all probably agree the sky is usually blue. Doesn't mean I have anything to do with them.
And in the sense that delivery is important (and it is), Moly's has been better than Duke etc. It remains to he seen if Moly is having a Paul Nehlen redpill overdose seizure.
Bluntly, any naming of the Jews when running for public office is an immediate death sentence for any campaign.
What are everyone's predictions or thoughts about the upcoming address later in the evening?
Hopefully Trump finally names the Jew
@Jacob Lol he talks about his son in law all of the time!
I'm hoping Trump announces a drastic plan to get the wall funded and built, but I'm not holding my breath.
actually this ^
Don’t buy from Banana Republic
A rare company named after its goal!
imagine the freakout when she dies
not gonna lie I'm actually a bit scared
My cope theory is that Trump was promised a wall etc. after reluctantly signing the dreadful Omnibus spending bill. After the wall funding failed to appear, he's decided to stop playing nicely, hence the shutdown and, hopefully, forthcoming state of emergency.
Trump just needs to get angry and go wild.
He's a bold guy.
That's what he's here to do.
tonight: Trump announces a permanent shutdown of US borders and decalres a national emergency.
Congress is indefinitely suspended and it's members with allegiance to foreign countries are arrested for treason.
Congressional powers are absorbed by the Senate.
Trump declares he is the Senate.
new emperor time
no he should declare that he's the House of Representatives
because that's the one that got lost
delete if necessary
Trump needs to implement this.
@Reinhard Wolff w/ the judicial majority & Gorsuch on the business end, that would be truly GodEmperor of him.
@Reinhard Wolff Yeah, Jazzhands has consistently been going HAM on that point.
My prediction is he declares a SoE, shuts the border down & as Mr. Casey stated activates PwrLvl9000 & enacts executive privilege etc.