Message from @Maw

Discord ID: 784990371288842251

2020-12-06 03:49:02 UTC  

Not entirely true.

2020-12-06 03:49:12 UTC  

Which part?

2020-12-06 03:49:14 UTC  

That's only about 25% of the story.

2020-12-06 03:49:20 UTC  

That's kind of what everyone in politics does. I've never met one politician that said "I take full accountability for my actions"

2020-12-06 03:49:25 UTC  

The China part.

2020-12-06 03:49:28 UTC  

What’s the 75%

2020-12-06 03:49:28 UTC  

There are plenty of suits still pending that have constitutional ramifications and need to be adjudicated before I see that. The three pending from the Trump campaign are some examples. If they are not, my original point remains, the most reasonable option for a legislature to wait and see. If that leads to a contingent election, the results of that will also acceptable as it is within the constitution.

2020-12-06 03:49:41 UTC  

I want that gig... I get to take all the credit and get to place all the blame elsewhere. 😉

2020-12-06 03:49:42 UTC  

Now that makes sense.

2020-12-06 03:49:48 UTC  

@DisenchantedTruth yeah but the point is we couldn't have stopped it had we wanted to because we literally didn't know about it till it was too late

2020-12-06 03:50:00 UTC  

@AdamS They didn't think it prudent to warn the rest of the world when all they had was China saying "Hey guys, no evidence it's airborne. 😉

2020-12-06 03:50:19 UTC  

China then proceeded to buy EVERYONE'S PPE in mass.

2020-12-06 03:50:31 UTC  

So we were #$@!ed when it was found out it was airborne.

2020-12-06 03:50:36 UTC  

Yes! That was my point....all this finger-pointing at Trump is null. It was going around long before we knew.

2020-12-06 03:50:44 UTC  

Oh shiiit

2020-12-06 03:50:57 UTC  

Didn't even know about that bit.

2020-12-06 03:51:01 UTC  

Also they wanted to hedge their own financial virus related issues, by spreading the love.

2020-12-06 03:51:09 UTC  

Yep. WHO sucks.

2020-12-06 03:51:12 UTC  

Yes, they did this to the UK/AU/CA/US.

2020-12-06 03:51:21 UTC  

I swear I got that October 19. We all got sick after traveling from Japan. Who knows.

2020-12-06 03:51:28 UTC  

Then resold defective PPE to these places at hiked costs.

2020-12-06 03:51:30 UTC  

This is not true, China produces most of the worlds PPE. The US continued to sell PPE when it was required at home. Why would China buy anyone’s PPE?

2020-12-06 03:51:37 UTC  

I would add, any an unelected bureaucracy should never be tolerated without question.

2020-12-06 03:51:41 UTC  

@AdamS This is in fact true.

2020-12-06 03:51:42 UTC  

I don't know... I feel like Bush 43 owned his mistakes. I've heard Obama discuss his. Maybe it's a post-presidency reflection. I can't remember exactly.

2020-12-06 03:51:49 UTC  

To be fair they did

2020-12-06 03:52:07 UTC  

They wiped Australia out

2020-12-06 03:52:18 UTC  

Defective PPE they sold, yes.

2020-12-06 03:52:22 UTC  

@Corndog a contingent election has no grounds , all the cases Trump has put forth have failed and you can send me the docket of any pending cases. You are describing the possible routes for trump which is available for any president that wants to push the issue. It’s just a hope of what could happen and has abandoned any pretense of trying to justify any real fraud or malfeasance in the election process it self. This was always the plan to just make things up and build support in the base. That’s it

2020-12-06 03:52:28 UTC  

Also the fact (Yes Fact, I can prove it to you) that China modified the Sars-Cov-2 with gain of function research doesn't help things.

2020-12-06 03:52:34 UTC  

But I don’t remember China buying PPE

2020-12-06 03:52:42 UTC  

The CCP was running a PPE purchasing operation all over the world.

2020-12-06 03:52:43 UTC  

Well you weren't paying attention clearly.

2020-12-06 03:52:46 UTC  

For alcoholism or deploying troops in Iraq with Bush?

2020-12-06 03:53:43 UTC  

So the us was selling PPE to China during the pandemic, why is that China’s fault? And how is that not a failure in response?

2020-12-06 03:53:59 UTC  

Before we knew

2020-12-06 03:54:01 UTC  

Because they intentionally withheld information from everyone.

2020-12-06 03:54:16 UTC  

By saying there is no evidence of human-to-human transmission.

2020-12-06 03:54:19 UTC  

So our intelligence agencies were sleeping?

2020-12-06 03:54:26 UTC  
