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| Next This is an interesting development.
Not to impugn the honor of Justice Clarence Thomas, but wouldn't it be funny if one of these suits made it to the SCOTUS, cut to a picture of Thomas with a dirty look with the caption "I've been waiting 30 years, Joe...."
yeah I don't think Brett and Amy have nice things to say about Kamala either ๐ฌ again, not to impugn their integrity and honor as Justices of the SCOTUS
I think the issue with Joe's past on the crime bill isn't the consensus of what the law should be at the time, but what initiatives have been done by him and Obama during their 8 years in office to rectify or make restitution to those past instances?
So far with Trump, he made a right move in the direction of the First Step Act, and restoring funding for black colleges.
they're almost done the Georgia recount, so far Biden's lead shrank only from 14,000 to 12,000
just from googling it, all are saying Georgia is likely to announce tomorrow.
let alone the ubiquity of how quickly information travels in high volumes
I assume it was cause they were still receiving mail in ballots post marked before election day?
at least, from what everyone is saying
Should democrats be right to feel threatened by investigations, audits or delayed certifications? I know some people say they feel this way because they're hiding fraud but the alternative is they could be legitimately scared that some results could be overturned by some legal technicality?
I agree with you mandarin, they cite themselves are the unquestionable arbiters of truth, we've had to absorb their journalistic activism for 4 years now and they go ahead and say 73 million people are either brainwashed cultists, have racist sympathies or were simply willing to look the other way, and then they wonder why their viewership plummets or why not many find them credible
like a few million I can concede, but over 70 million? That many racists and cultists? Kind of a stretch Don Lemon
I mean, with regards to "they" as the media, they only have themselves to blame for why Trump got elected in the first place. They never draw any criticism to themselves and always so quickly to people who don't share their viewpoints. They pretend to be for all Americans and unity and yet look down on so many of us, even still. Literally after election day on 2016 they first threw blame at Russia, at faulty vote counts, etc and never once considered "Hey, maybe I'm not right about everything I say. Maybe I don't understand the problems as well as I think I do. Maybe I'm not as virtuous a person as I think I am" and that's pretty typical for a lot of those coastal elites.
Given how badly in faith they operated in faith with these investigations, I have no qualms about Trump just wanting to jam the courts with so much litigation that they can't certify by the deadlines, moving the election to House Delegations.
Oh, Nancy Pelosi is gonnah reel her in like Bernie and the rest of the Squad
the progressives in the Democratic House and Senate have pretty much been kneecapped
and somehow Pelosi still kept her position as House Speaker
she will
people in her district don't
a pretty wealthy area in San Fran
they blamed losing house seats on the progressives in the Dems party
the whole "Defund the police, abolish ICE" bull crap
Formally from Cali, now in Canada. Ontario specifically.
This recent story about how ballots may be printed instead of filled out with a pen in GA, might be a bit of a stretch but I'll entertain it for now.
just fair warning guys, do try to temper your expectations that Trump will likely not pull this off. His legal team will do everything they can, but if he can deliver on pulling troops out of the Middle-East it will be a huge bonus should he run again in 2024.
They should have done the counting for Vegas ballots in casinos, given how well equipped they are with anti-cheating measures and surveillance
Honestly it's very likely that Biden could have won legitimately, but these instances of impropriety and errors could be the thing that ironically help Trump win, assuming his team can get something concrete
Guys we're pretty much grasping at straws at this point, all we can really do is sit tight, wait for updates and post them here.
despite the fact that 1 in 6 black men voted for Trump?
She already caved into Nancy Pelosi, she's hardly more a progressive than Mitch McConnel lol
The swing states in question, do they have autonomy to certify the results on Dec 14 even if there are contested grounds for its legitimacy or if a plaintiff is petitioning for a recount or audit of votes
the judge was assigned Epstein's case
what has she done so far?
Any accomplishments? and I don't mean twitter milestones
I think he's sarcastic, Spears
Oh yeah, those dialectivs. When they made Socrates drink poison, I felt he had it coming lol.
He was pretty annoying
@Doc at this point, who didn't know Epstein?
Yeah, he gave me a special VIP pass, unlimited access
What are some possible repercussions should Trump actually get an election victory via House Delegations
aside from civil unrest
It's likely that was always the strategy
but there's a lot of skepticism on both sides right now. In Georgia they just found additional votes on hard drives that were never uploaded, it's unlikely that it'll flip GA, but it was historical in that it gave Trump a net 800 gain from one county whereas most recounts tend to be in the low hundreds when looking at the state as a whole
Votes that wouldn't have been found otherwise if they didn't inquire
Right, but I'm talking about just one county alone. Then again it could just because of ballots they didn't initially knew they had
I never said there was fraud to begin with
most people are claiming impropriety and human error
In a hand recount or audit I would
One thing to remember in all this
is to look at Trump's last two SCOTUS picks
Brett and Amy, what do you think they have in common?
not just that
They worked for Bush's legal team in Bush v Gore
I'm saying Trump was anticipating it,
like imagine this
imagine you're a lawyer
and arguing your point to a judge,
and reference arguments that judge made years ago
I'm not saying there's a huge conspiracy, but some things do cast doubt
like why republican poll watchers were denied meaningful access
or for instance, the curing of mail in ballots for some counties, but not allowing ballots to be cured in other counties within the same state
not really, the treatment of ballots was actually defined in Bush v Gore
that they must be treated equal among all counties within a state.
pursuant to the 14th ammendment
I'm not saying they were deliberately not allowing ballots to be cured
but just that in some counties they did allow and others not
that might be so, but it still doesnt look good
meaningful access means within 6 feet
As ordered by Justice Alito,
wait no that was a separate issue regarding the deadline extension
but yes, they were in the room, but they weren't able to physically identify ballots from a reasonable distance.
It's basically a simple gentleman's rule, like in boxing, how before one coach can wrap the fighter's hands, the opposing coach must come over and witness it to ensure good faith and then mark it before the gloves come on.
I'm not disputing whether or not they were in the room, I'm disputing whether they were actually able to witness and identify ballots being cast.
I mean, answer me this, what reason would you have to not allow opposing party poll watchers to observe ballots being cast?
and yet those same standards weren't even remotely followed for other poll workers
but a court order said they must be allowed within 6 feet.
It isn't, it's simply to cast doubt and pack the courts with litigation
and look at what happened with Wayne County, yeah they withdrew their lawsuit because they have sworn affidavits of 2 board members who want to rescind their certification vote because their initial choice to certify was under duress.
And they have video evidence of people threatening them.
One of the constitution's many contingencies
I think there's even a provision where the presidency can be determined by the flip of a coin if house delegations are tied for votes.
I mean imagine that, the flip of a coin choosing the leader of the free world
new update in PA btw
we can only take what's been said on the phone call at their word, anything else is speculation.
so far it's interesting to see what can be contested and what can't.
What new precedents might be established by a judge on hearing this matter
duress may or may not prove to be an exception in that case
and whatever their real intentions are at this point, they do have video evidence to support their sworn testimonies that they felt threatened at the cost of their own safety and their families when they made the decision, so it's ultimately a matter of what a judge will determine on that
have they certified Wayne County yet?
I haven't seen any updates so far
Then it's likely that will stand, even after being contested.
but you'll wannah hear this
new update in PA
appeals court in PA is stopping election officials in one county from counting ballots that came in envelops with no marked dates
no, likely ones that were segregated with no marked dates
it doesn't say whether or not they will certify or tabulate, just that the process is on hold for now
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