Message from @Dylan - NY
Discord ID: 534873523773243402
I mean they still take in donations and PAC money, that should be outlawed too
I feel like we agree with the DSA on more economic stuff than we would like to admit lol
my interviewer said there's a fair # of socialists here
if the salary is too low they'll just have more incentive to live off bribes
@Dylan - NY That's correct, we accept many different economic views
thats good, in terms of economics its important to debate
Democracy, or the Klepticratic Kritarchy that calls itself Democracy, blows
as long as it doesn't get divisive debates are fine
I personally think it's not healthy for friends to bottle up their disagreements
Even Damigo said a lot of guys on our side agree with socialist policies in the TYT video
i think security for good, working Americans is important, we all know that economic anxiety is why whites are reproducing slower
I favor a social safety net for whites only.
@Dylan - NY the IE guys that used to be Leftists are really interesting to talk to.
i think most of us are repentant libs of some stripe
any former lefties here?
I was a typical republican before becoming WN
I got here through Free Market slide right
Was a Bernie Bro
Former leftist here
I was a civnat who agreed with Dems economically, I actually registered Democrat <:nervous:359009898115104770> just because of economics like a dummy, I quickly realized I didn't want to be a part of the party who hates me
well i guess he cant be pilled
Enlighten me
I say it for the meme, but I do have lefty economics
@fgtveassassin @Sam Anderson I'm not sure but I'm going to go with let's not continue this line of discussion.
Or at least find a more accurate and academic way to talk about it.
Off to the Jiu Jitsu place. College gym is too packed.
Tbh considering it’s history it should be banned as Nat Soc posting is
Not calling anyone out just saying they come from practically the same place
@Jawa this is what I think has been determined in the past.
@NateDahl76 @ThisIsChris what is the canon?
@Logan Canon on what?
NazBol combines two of the most hated ideologies ever. Bad optics, even as a meme
@StevePines -WA Trump calling out the routine lobbying trip to Puerto Rico by 30 dems and 150 lobbyists has been good. One of Trump's best opening moves was his partial ban on the official to lobbyist pipeline. I almost think he should have saved that for later.
@Sam Anderson What about?
Guys who came to IE that used to be Lefties
Yall are pretty interesting