Message from @NateDahl76
Discord ID: 537021138308694057
Ignoring it while enjoying the reduced traffic.
The Splc has a "Hate Map" ironically this maybe a useful for use to track which chapters are the most active in Flyering ……...LOL
954... my, my. That's a lot of groups!
'kay, rule of thumb: anyone who's fat doesn't take their shirt off
that is an absolute abomination of aesthetics
Nah, they leave off a ton of stuff on the hate map
Happy Martin Luther, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords Day
But the ADL and SPLC both have tools where they literally track flyering, or at least for the year of 2018
Peace Be Upon Him
Found myself on the hatemap <:teehee:381917632359563264>
How does it feel to be a one-man (so-called) hate machine?
Is the media going to smear him because he was a womanizer
Feels like I'm a Kang
@NateDahl76 I doubt they would *intentionally* leave stuff off
they absolutely do. They only put us in a few states, and do the same thing with others
huh weird
guess we need to do more flyering in more states...
maybe those are the only locations they noticed us, though I guess I could see them not wanting us to look too powerful
lmao wut
they say the Daily Stormer is in Montana
remember the whitefish property fiasco? that's why
lol ya
it still doesn't seem accurate though
and they probably know it
yeah it's totally inaccurate and they know it for sure
>thinking these people care about the truth...
Another thing to consider Catholics are starting to break republican too, trending red since 2008.
Interested to see what effect this has
Since 2008. 🤔
Well that’s as far back as I felt like looking haha
My right wing coworker hadn't heard of the Covington story, so I made him look it up. He's furious now. This is fantastic redpilling material.
@sigruna14 Yeah a lot of my friends today were furious about it. Everybody was talking about it and they were all in agreement with me
Even Candace Owens has a white boyfriend lmao
I still think she's purely an opportunist.
MLK is delaying the shutdown fight by a whole 24 hours. Why MLK do this. Gib emergency wall declaration.
So apparently an American Indian group is going to protest Covington Catholic School tomorrow.
my lefty-mom coworker brought up the CovCat story.
i said i didn't even want to talk about it.
she admitted she was wrong.
of course she had to mention white nations being built on black slave labor stuff, but she had a hard time running from the fact that the media is openly anti-white male