Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 360813415280803861
Would any white really complain?
They would get over it
Hahaha. At the place I work there are posters to ban the "R" word, which coulter just used!
I work in a school if you couldnt guess
They would virtue signal for a decade or two, but in their hearts, they would be happy to live in a good school district
Iron Ann went full RWDS?
she said the RWDS line in like 2013 dude
yeah at CPAC 2014 she said if amnesty passes she would organize the daeath squads for the people that passed
@Perihelion - CA cantwell pod cast intro had her quote in it and pumped me up every time
@everyone I'm getting tired of having to delete messages in here every day despite warnings. <@&358437309076602912> as of now please start policing this channel more. Tag everyone whose messages you delete and let them know, and note it in moderator chat. There will be two warnings. The third violation will result in a revocation of posting privileges in this channel.
The radical agenda intro *is* my favorite
I started working for a factory that manufactures parts for tractors on Monday. Demand is so high for new construction equipment that the company is giving us 4 hrs of mandatory overtime per week plus plenty of voluntary overtime.
I just hope some of the parts I make will go into the cranes that put up the Wall.
Here swallow this pill
Ave GI !!
@Der Seeteufel - SD Nuclear powered tractor ftw
Where was that @Deleted User?
Started reading "Generation Identity" by Markus Willinger. This line is a huge white pill.
"...identitarians are not those who are watching a dying flame, but rather are a thousand torches which light up in the night. Reach out your hands too, my friend, grab the torch and set it alight!"
@JohnStrasser Cool pic, but is it a whitepill?
IE is all about fraternity and community. When we get together, it's a massive white pill
IE: Join for the fraternity, stay for the activism.
Or vice versa
I'm an uncle!
@Der Seeteufel - SD congratulations, brother!
I'll put up some pictures when I get them. And if any of you are wondering the baby is white. Mostly German with a little Anglo admixture.
@Goldendawn Tell your Greek family and friends to vote Golden too.
They already do lol @Deleted User
@Deleted User When does Greece vote?
October of 2019