Message from @heyitsmeunseen - IN
Discord ID: 360927665655644161
I started working for a factory that manufactures parts for tractors on Monday. Demand is so high for new construction equipment that the company is giving us 4 hrs of mandatory overtime per week plus plenty of voluntary overtime.
I just hope some of the parts I make will go into the cranes that put up the Wall.
Here swallow this pill
Ave GI !!
@Der Seeteufel - SD Nuclear powered tractor ftw
Where was that @Deleted User?
Started reading "Generation Identity" by Markus Willinger. This line is a huge white pill.
"...identitarians are not those who are watching a dying flame, but rather are a thousand torches which light up in the night. Reach out your hands too, my friend, grab the torch and set it alight!"
@JohnStrasser Cool pic, but is it a whitepill?
IE is all about fraternity and community. When we get together, it's a massive white pill
IE: Join for the fraternity, stay for the activism.
Or vice versa
I'm an uncle!
I'll put up some pictures when I get them. And if any of you are wondering the baby is white. Mostly German with a little Anglo admixture.
@Goldendawn Tell your Greek family and friends to vote Golden too.
They already do lol @Deleted User
@Deleted User When does Greece vote?
October of 2019
Long way to go
My best friends woman is having a huwhite baby girl as I'm typing this!!!
My brand new niece. Plz no dox my sister and her husband.
Nice!!! So many white babies!!!!
The whitest pill!
Baby boom in AZ AltRight: 4 babies born in the last year. 3 more due in the next 5 - 6 months. 3 more of us *working* towards the next one 😉 And all the younger guys getting serious about career and staying out of debt to be in a position to marry.
Convinced one of my boomer relatives not to "Die Broke" - (((Pollan and Levin))) wrote the book - and actually save something for his heirs.
Ive been married for 5 months and wife is daily asking when we care start a family. Within the next six months we are gonna start trying so excited to have kids!
<:chad:359013583469805568> <:chad:359013583469805568> <:chad:359013583469805568>
Let's keep this for whitepills, gents.
Discussions are for general.
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