Message from @ThisIsChris
Discord ID: 397932604831170563
Need more Paul Nehlen appreciation in the official Paul Nehlen channel
Start another war there, John. Make sure to spark one last massive conflict before you die.
No one wants to die in a sour mood. He just wants to feel good this holiday season.
We’re going this mainstream goys
Is it real tho? You can edit stock photos with any phrase you like online
🅱 ig 🅱 oi <:koba:359010745112985611>
Yes, a goy in another server took the pic
daily beast going down
daily 🅱east
2018 the year old school liberal media dies in a firey bankruptcy inferno and neo liberal social media titans systematically destroy their own brands to stamp out wrongthink
pattern seems to be that some billionaire buys them to push his agenda
Boomer (Gen X?) Mom just referred to Sweden as “north Somalia” in conversation without batting an eye. We’ve gone from “Obama did nothing wrong” a year ago to this. Baby steps.
Hunter’s back!
@Sam Southern - TN - what state is that? We should get it up on r/the_donald
I’ll ask I don’t remember
It really is!
god bless this man
we were just talking about what an idiot he is in general
Like with many others, he fooled you 😜
Paul is blazing a trail and believe-you-me, people are watching how this plays out.
This is one of the best plays of the field I've seen. Nehlen is the political gladiator.
He's dug himself in a hole and bringing all the controlled op grifters the establishment is trying to prop up with him.
I can't believe he brought up the chemically salty meme
Hes trying to get banned and Twitter isnt biting
The actual headline is “The Future of Trumpism Is on Campus”
That is from the Atlantic article on trump supporters on college campus or whatever
^not a whitepill my guy
if we had a blackpill channel, that would fit tho lol