Message from @Prestor John
Discord ID: 418397779661029396
well that looked bad
Does it make sense to give these guys with scarves the opportunity to tell the media that they are not afraid to show their faces but afraid if winter in Chicago.
oi vey! My comment got deleted.
That line of reasoning doesn't really add up when other members, as well as the cops, don't have their faces covered because of "winter".
I wonder if all of those goys were IE. Are IE members allowed to engage in IE activism with non-IE members?
Ask the local coordinator
They are, and the situation has been addressed.
"Racist..." riiight...
Hahaha IOTBW is genius
We should just keep it up until they lose their minds
It really is
Our lieutenant governor not cucking
Boost ?
Downvote, pls
TrueConservatives still don't want to win
They still think they're fighting people with white sense of fair play
Strange how they have the comments disabled on that pro-Islam Army video... It's almost like they don't want anyone calling them out on their bullshit.
Reddit has finally discover the genocide in South Africa and the comments are white pilling. Lets get in and push people I. The right direction. The reddit link The actual story:
Following on from the Reddit post
I don't get it
How is a "Tobacco Free" sign racist?
Whose idea was that? Its awesome!
Get in the habit of doing stuff like this, especially with sympathetic media.
Allsup has almost 200k subscribers. This could be good for us.
The video hasn't even been posted for an hour, and it already has almost 4.3k views.
Yeah, everyone should be jumping in the comment sections
Maybe post a link to White Identity
The book that was on one of the fliers
I'm in there right now talking to individuals who are showing interest in possibly wanting to apply. This is good recruiting grounds.
If someone is already doxxed, or has a good sock, engage people on Facebook, too
A lot of people in the comments are begging to know more