Legitimate [OCE]

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Hello, I just watched about 2-3 hours of JLP videos and there was some points where I think having some information that I happen to have in terms of statistics would have been beneficial to him. Where would be the best place to post it?

Relating to promiscuity and how damaging it is, and how bad any other family configuration is to man and woman

I have some stats you might find useful, I saw you talk about these subjects in a few videos of yours and thought it would have benefitted you to know these. Keep doing what you are doing Jesse, your truth is refreshing!

The results of having sex early or having multiple premarital sexual partners: http://puu.sh/CwNMJ/c6d3a6ca87.png

As you can see, having sex younger and/or having lots of non-matital sexual partners has a damaging effect on marriage quality, marriage success, STD infections, marriage stability, out of wedlock pregnancy, single motherhood, happiness and increased depression *at each step*. This is for female. What it shows is that females who have no other sexual partners other than their first husband have the best lives overall by all these different metrics and probably many more if measured.

The sources are all at the bottom of the image

I thought these would have been useful for telling the 'sluts' at the slutwalk why being a 'slut' is bad.

Now I have a study that shows no other family configuration than man and woman together works as well. https://docdro.id/HdhH28B

Here is a screenshot I took of the most important table in the document http://puu.sh/CwO0P/fec1579adf.png

As you can see, homosexuals and single mothers are terrible parents compared to the bio intact family (man and woman together). Don't hesitate to ask if you would like verbal interpretation of the table.

@cashd13 Take a look at the graph I linked in <#458818454204710952> women who have been with a lot of men are unlikely to be good long-term partners.

I was just watching <https://youtu.be/hr1K3hWMjx4> and Jesse claims that black people don't earn their way (in terms of Uni entrance I assume), they get given it due to their being black. While it *is* true that affirmative action does allow many black persons who are not qualified to enter, there is still really smart black people. I cringe at making the 'not all' argument because I hate it myself, usually I'd assume he was implying that but for some reason it seemed like he was claiming that *no* black people get into really high colleges on merit alone. <:thinking3d:494352154748911646>

I mean, it's a bell curve, so you're always going to get some that can make it

Every situation that a certain group likes to blame racism for has a better more reasonable explanation that usually even has stats to back it up.

The hard part about it, is that it's the truth, and a lot of people don't want to hear the truth. The chances of 'truth' fitting what is or isn't 'politically correct' at a given time as a whole is virtually zero, so if you don't veer into the politically incorrect you will never find truth.

In what context? Academic achievement? Unemployment? How they act? Their income?

Answer my question first, I already said it doesn't exist, now I'm asking you in which context so I can provide a counterpoint to the argument of systemic racism in that field.

Systemic racism is the fictional belief that inequalities between races is caused by unfair or hateful behavior, attitudes or beliefs against the 'oppressed' race by the 'oppressor'. It doesn't actually exist though.

All the evidence is there, but people don't want to look for it, or at it, because it isn't the result you want to see.

@Sar Ah yeah for sure, I didn't consider the argument in terms of *the best school that accepts them*.

Yeah like the 1/4 of women will be raped during college statistic that gets mindlessly repeated even though it counts stuff like 'unwanted kisses' etc

If you only need carbs that are 'whole', that is unprocessed, without anything good being removed, then carbs are generally healthier than any other food group.

As you can see here the more keto your diet is the more diabetic it is, contrary to what their own proponents claim.


These graphs show that at every step of removing animal products from the diet, reduced risk of mortality (dying) and many chronic diseases and negative health indicators occur.

Such as, 55% reduced hypertension (high blood pressure) for vegetarians compared to normal diet and 75% reduced if you cut out dairy and eggs too.

Equating carbs to sugar is a common mistake people make who haven't really looked into understanding the science. The effect an apple has on the body is far different from the effect that sugar = to the carbohydrates present in the apple would have.

Yep I lived around a degenerate student culture for a couple of years, it was disgusting to even walk down the street near them

Yeah I always stay away from parties when invited, I don't want to be a part of that

Church or church related groups might be the best place to look for decent women

I'm just wondering if this is the correct channel to be having a discussion

Well, I have to go for a bit, if a mod sees this and decides to prune our conversation that would make sense no hard feelings

http://silentprayer.video/ isn't loading for me. Anyone else?

I think not swearing as much is going to be one of the hardest parts of becoming a Christian for me, been so bad with that for so many years

Anyone have experience converting to Christianity and having problems with cursing?

You don't know what you are talking about. Please, tell me the difference in impact on your body between sucrose and starch. @Lordcommander of the Stockswatch

The main harmful aspect of 'sugar', if you are eating whole foods which don't cause a significant blood sugar spike, is fructose. Starch has 0% fructose, it is only glucose, when it is broken down from starch > maltose > 2x glucose.

As shown here, with the *exact same calories* replacing carbohydrates with fat *increased* the spike in blood sugar.

> because starch raises your blood glucose and makes you gain weight.
Where is this from? A keto blog? Lmfao

Starch based diets are one of the healthiest diets possible.

Equating carbohydrates as a whole to sugar is stupid

Processed/Refined carbs are what you should be against, not carbs as a whole. Carbs can be potato chips or broccoli.

She has type 2 diabetes right? That's caused by insulin resistance, which is worse amongst people who eat meat. You can literally reverse pre-diabetes and a lot of diabetes symptoms by switching to a wholefood plantbased diet

With the normal omnivorous diet being 1.0, the right-most column is the odds of getting diabetes as a vegan, while the 2nd from the right is vegetarian. If diabetes was caused by carbs, why is there a dramatic decrease in diabetes risk as you consume less and less animal products? (and presumably more plants, mostly carbohydrates like vegetables, fruit, grains, legumes etc)

This isn't even WFPB vegans, this is just normal ones, the chance is way lower if you actually went WFPB SOS free (wholefood plant based salt oil sugar free)

It's also the only diet in the world to *ever* reverse heart disease

Which is the #1 cause of death in the US IIRC

Destiny is the biggest beta male I've seen on the internet

Once you know the underlying motivations and them and their ilk's arguments, I don't see why there is a point in constantly engaging with them.

Their arguments are all the same, extremely predictable

I get what you mean, but conservatives and mainstream leftists hardly ever have original arguments that explain in depth why something should be as they promote

They provide a platform for organisation and collectivisation of an ingroup, that's useful.

I've learnt a lot from people who I generally agree with most of the time

Once you've already explored all the different political points of view and worked out what would happen if they were taken to completion, there is no point in spending your time debating those idiots.

People who I agree with most of the time don't make retarded arguments, that's why I continue to talk to them

Yeah but I've already done that for months Black

Probably watched like 100 hours of debates by now

Yep, the difference is that I've changed my worldview multiple times, each time going closer to the truth

Most people cling onto the first ideology that comes their way and stick with it

That's why college is the ideal place to brainwash people

But you're missing *my* point, you don't have to go talk to some dumb leftists to hear different ideas

I mostly changed from talking to people who were already similar to me, but we still had some differences and they argued their piece well

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