Message from @Legitimate [OCE]

Discord ID: 535387645270949888

2019-01-16 19:03:04 UTC  

and reduce sugars + carbs.

2019-01-16 19:03:46 UTC  

_, he a beta_

2019-01-16 23:20:54 UTC  

Vegans are a part of Green Tyranny

2019-01-16 23:21:04 UTC  

Just like the climate change hoax

2019-01-16 23:43:03 UTC  

@garish yeager yeap, did research, come to found out that veganism is a cult and also they do a lot of cherry picking and lastly, a lot of ex-vegan saying don't go vegan

2019-01-17 01:45:58 UTC  

You don't know what you are talking about. Please, tell me the difference in impact on your body between sucrose and starch. @Lordcommander of the Stockswatch

2019-01-17 08:44:33 UTC  

The amylase in your saliva and small intestines convert the starch into sugars

2019-01-17 08:44:42 UTC  

`Does starch increase blood sugar?
The reason is simple. Starch is one of the largest dietary sources of blood sugar and dangerous after-meal blood glucose spikes. Even if you eat so-called “healthy grains” such as whole wheat and brown rice, these all convert into sugar during digestion.`

2019-01-17 08:45:04 UTC  

`What starch can diabetics eat?
People with diabetes shouldn't eat too many starchy foods, even if they contain fiber, because starch raises your blood glucose and makes you gain weight. Starchy foods, such as bread, pasta, rice and cereal, provide carbohydrate, the body's energy source. Fruit, milk, yogurt and desserts contain carbohydrate as well.`

2019-01-17 08:45:06 UTC  


2019-01-17 08:46:09 UTC

2019-01-17 08:46:29 UTC  

The main harmful aspect of 'sugar', if you are eating whole foods which don't cause a significant blood sugar spike, is fructose. Starch has 0% fructose, it is only glucose, when it is broken down from starch > maltose > 2x glucose.

2019-01-17 08:48:18 UTC  

As shown here, with the *exact same calories* replacing carbohydrates with fat *increased* the spike in blood sugar.

2019-01-17 08:48:29 UTC  

And it repeats itself at every level

2019-01-17 08:49:02 UTC  

> because starch raises your blood glucose and makes you gain weight.
Where is this from? A keto blog? Lmfao

2019-01-17 08:49:25 UTC  

Starch based diets are one of the healthiest diets possible.

2019-01-17 08:52:20 UTC  

Equating carbohydrates as a whole to sugar is stupid

2019-01-17 08:52:37 UTC  

and shows your ignorance

2019-01-17 09:11:01 UTC  

Processed/Refined carbs are what you should be against, not carbs as a whole. Carbs can be potato chips or broccoli.

2019-01-17 09:13:20 UTC  

Or, basically just high GI foods

2019-01-17 09:19:21 UTC  

Here is a decent run-down. <>

2019-01-17 11:40:03 UTC  
2019-01-17 16:38:54 UTC  

I'll be sure to tell my old diabetic mom it's all fake news and she can eat apples again since they don't really cause a blood sugar spike

2019-01-18 00:14:47 UTC  

She has type 2 diabetes right? That's caused by insulin resistance, which is worse amongst people who eat meat. You can literally reverse pre-diabetes and a lot of diabetes symptoms by switching to a wholefood plantbased diet

2019-01-18 00:23:47 UTC  

With the normal omnivorous diet being 1.0, the right-most column is the odds of getting diabetes as a vegan, while the 2nd from the right is vegetarian. If diabetes was caused by carbs, why is there a dramatic decrease in diabetes risk as you consume less and less animal products? (and presumably more plants, mostly carbohydrates like vegetables, fruit, grains, legumes etc)

2019-01-18 00:24:34 UTC  

This isn't even WFPB vegans, this is just normal ones, the chance is way lower if you actually went WFPB SOS free (wholefood plant based salt oil sugar free)

2019-01-18 00:25:18 UTC  

It's also the only diet in the world to *ever* reverse heart disease

2019-01-18 00:25:35 UTC  

As in, *cure* it, *after* they had it

2019-01-18 00:25:54 UTC  

Which is the #1 cause of death in the US IIRC

2019-01-18 03:33:40 UTC  

wtf. apples are always good for you lol

2019-01-18 03:33:47 UTC  

geez these people are trying to kill people

2019-01-18 03:34:53 UTC  

eating almost any fruit is not going to be bad for you based on it's natural sugars. it's not refined sugar, it's completely different. And only thing I know of that bad is having grapefruit if you're on an antidepressant or having an orange after you've just taken pills. But those make sense

2019-01-18 22:48:44 UTC  

You don't need carbs at all

2019-01-18 22:48:57 UTC  

You need meat and veggies

2019-01-18 22:49:54 UTC  

You could live a perfectly healthy life if you only ate fish and veggies

2019-01-18 22:50:10 UTC  

The same cannot be said by only eating rice and beans

2019-01-18 22:52:07 UTC  

Fruits are a great source of vitamins like vitamin c, and some antioxidant, but you cannot survive off of eating just fruits

2019-01-18 22:54:46 UTC  

But stuff like bread, pretzels, chips, and muffins have no nutritional value whatsoever, and you could not live a healthy life eating just these, or even a majority of these.

2019-01-18 22:56:11 UTC  

The body relies heavily on fats and protein, expecially our brain. Without animal products such as meat, and eggs, are essential to a healthy body

2019-01-18 22:57:39 UTC  

Of course our relationship with food these days is poor, as fast food is horrible horrible, and people tend to overeat, and eat high amounts of fried foods.