Message from @Legitimate [OCE]

Discord ID: 534654879512395776

2019-01-14 17:14:34 UTC  

@Legitimate [OCE] probably in suggestions 👌🏻

2019-01-14 17:14:44 UTC  

Statistics would be cool

2019-01-15 02:27:49 UTC  

Morning yall

2019-01-15 02:28:05 UTC  

Nice stats.

2019-01-15 02:36:00 UTC  

Morning, yeah they are pretty powerful

2019-01-15 08:01:59 UTC  

I was just watching <> and Jesse claims that black people don't earn their way (in terms of Uni entrance I assume), they get given it due to their being black. While it *is* true that affirmative action does allow many black persons who are not qualified to enter, there is still really smart black people. I cringe at making the 'not all' argument because I hate it myself, usually I'd assume he was implying that but for some reason it seemed like he was claiming that *no* black people get into really high colleges on merit alone. <:thinking3d:494352154748911646>

2019-01-15 08:02:50 UTC  

I mean, it's a bell curve, so you're always going to get some that can make it

2019-01-15 08:03:08 UTC  

Tell me if I'm just reading him wrong there

2019-01-15 08:36:10 UTC  

What is systematic racism?

2019-01-15 08:36:32 UTC  


2019-01-15 08:39:42 UTC  

what is the fiction?

2019-01-15 08:41:53 UTC  


2019-01-15 08:42:49 UTC  

Every situation that a certain group likes to blame racism for has a better more reasonable explanation that usually even has stats to back it up.

2019-01-15 08:44:34 UTC  

What is the explanation of Systematic fiction?

2019-01-15 08:44:36 UTC  

The hard part about it, is that it's the truth, and a lot of people don't want to hear the truth. The chances of 'truth' fitting what is or isn't 'politically correct' at a given time as a whole is virtually zero, so if you don't veer into the politically incorrect you will never find truth.

2019-01-15 08:44:54 UTC  

systematic Racism*

2019-01-15 08:45:16 UTC  

In what context? Academic achievement? Unemployment? How they act? Their income?

2019-01-15 08:45:50 UTC  

What is systematic Racism?

2019-01-15 08:46:50 UTC  

Answer my question first, I already said it doesn't exist, now I'm asking you in which context so I can provide a counterpoint to the argument of systemic racism in that field.

2019-01-15 08:47:21 UTC  

Just tell me what it is

2019-01-15 08:47:36 UTC  

Are you trolling?

2019-01-15 08:47:44 UTC  

What is it?

2019-01-15 08:49:13 UTC  

Systemic racism is the fictional belief that inequalities between races is caused by unfair or hateful behavior, attitudes or beliefs against the 'oppressed' race by the 'oppressor'. It doesn't actually exist though.

2019-01-15 08:49:22 UTC  

This is on the societal scale.

2019-01-15 08:50:43 UTC  

All the evidence is there, but people don't want to look for it, or at it, because it isn't the result you want to see.

2019-01-15 08:50:56 UTC  


2019-01-15 14:27:19 UTC  

When you look at the data, the smart blacks who are smart enough to get in on merit alone like test scores and grades are a minority. The only way to get equal representation where the blacks in positions is equal to their demographic numbers is to do affirmative action and lower the standards.

2019-01-15 14:28:13 UTC  

"Not all women are weak and worthless" but when you look at police departments they are being forced to do affirmative action style pushes for women.

2019-01-15 14:29:22 UTC  

The "not all" argument is so stupid that you really never need to point it out. In 90% of cases, the other person just didn't clarify they were mentioning the average. Only a tiny minority of people I have seen speak in absolutes.

2019-01-15 14:49:24 UTC  

If they actually were speaking in absolutes, they are either trolling or are very very dumb and won't be convinced of anything.

2019-01-15 18:25:12 UTC  


2019-01-15 18:34:34 UTC  

@Legitimate [OCE] The principle of charity dictates that you shouldn't critique a generalization just because "not all X do Y". And really, claiming that JLP was saying "all X do Y" is a straw man argument. But even if he *were* saying "all Blacks are underqualified", he is essentially correct. Due to Affirmative Action, all Blacks are *able* to get into schools that are too difficult for them, and we could reasonably expect reasonable people to choose the best school that accepts them. That means (nearly) 100% of Blacks are underqualified *for the best school that accepts them*. And statistics show us that Blacks actually perform much better and have much more positive career outcomes when they attend a school whose difficulty is on par with their ability. You could actually make this same complaint in reverse, that Asians are over-qualified for the best school that accepts them, which is damaging to their career outcome and to the other people whose grading curve they're destroying.

2019-01-15 19:02:03 UTC  

Just like with women, he makes good generalizations, always claiming not all

2019-01-15 19:02:38 UTC  

And not most black people & women are a certain way, but a lot of them. And as far as how many blacks behave a certain way in city areas, we can then say most

2019-01-15 19:02:54 UTC  

Or women in cities as well

2019-01-15 19:22:07 UTC

2019-01-15 19:22:46 UTC

2019-01-16 01:14:20 UTC  

@Sar Ah yeah for sure, I didn't consider the argument in terms of *the best school that accepts them*.

2019-01-16 01:42:10 UTC  

does anyone know which radio show from jesse it was where he says "It's in the air, it's everywhere! Uh ohhh, liberals you're losing!"

2019-01-16 04:05:53 UTC  

welcome home, bill