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2018-11-02 01:54:55 UTC [Subverse #new-member-alert]  

2018-11-02 13:09:25 UTC [Subverse #bot-commands]  


2019-11-27 22:24:51 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Is impeachment even helping them? any polls? I cant see it actually doing any good. I basically just tuned out all of the news around impeachment




what am i reading

2019-11-28 22:55:51 UTC [Athens #palaestra_debates]  

@Monstrous Moonshine really makes ya think

2019-11-28 23:10:21 UTC [Athens #amazin-studies]  

read the positive attitudes toward the EU part of the pew study, its sorta interesting

2019-11-28 23:10:33 UTC [Athens #amazin-studies]  

its pew, so idk, may be biased

2019-11-28 23:55:29 UTC [Athens #amazin-studies]  

@SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck the state of science

2019-11-28 23:57:27 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

agreed, we do not need more war and conflict, just hope it does not end with us giving them money

2019-11-29 00:19:33 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

@WeaselWords these small planes just have a horrible history of having popular and influential people killed, why would anyone ride in one

2019-11-29 00:58:50 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

who do you guys think is going to come out at the democratic nominee for president?

2019-11-29 01:01:12 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

@randomNPCno3 maybe, i personally think it may be close again

2019-11-29 01:53:41 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

why... why is the plastic still on the mirror

2019-11-29 01:53:47 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  


2019-11-29 03:47:28 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

god i love trump, shitposts twitter with a "true image" of himself and now hong kong is using it for freedom. I imagine him laughing and smiling when he first sees the images from hong kong using his boxing image

2019-11-29 14:08:37 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

I mean, who does not like open market operations. Letโ€™s keep purchasing bonds and injecting the money supply, sure that will help a ton. I think I read somewhere that the fed dumped another 100 billion this past week

2019-11-29 14:08:56 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  


2019-11-29 14:12:27 UTC [Athens #palaestra_debates]  

Yea, all demographic statistics only took account for legal residents, they never accounted for the illegal surge.

If we were able to have stats on the demographics and it included illegal there would be proof that the US is majority non white for awhile.

2019-11-29 14:13:54 UTC [Athens #palaestra_debates]  

That pew article says they received their information on this from the census. Probably from@the IPUMS data base

2019-11-29 17:14:47 UTC [Athens #palaestra_debates]  

I believe that hispanics will eventually start calling themselves white, probably just like the slavs, irish, ect. imigrants used to vote nothing but democrat but now are the majority of the whites and vote republican

2019-11-29 17:15:13 UTC [Athens #palaestra_debates]  

italians used to be like that as well

2019-11-29 17:28:30 UTC [Athens #palaestra_debates]  

i mean you had siilians who were considered italian whites which came the united states. Many others who were what would consider borderline white. Those groups ended up coming and voting in large numbers the same. Opposing groups attacked the migrants as not Anglo-Saxon and then said that they would destroy the country because of their birthrates. the same arguments or poltical prose you see today. They intermixed in america and within two generations they lost their prior ethnic identity and just see themselves as white americans

2019-11-29 17:29:12 UTC [Athens #palaestra_debates]  

they even broke down the census from whites and then irish, italian, and slavic for awhile, then it just went to white when people stopped caring after that two generation time frame

2019-11-29 17:29:59 UTC [Athens #palaestra_debates]  

lots of hispanics are white, and lots of hispanics that are not white are dating whites. give it two generations and it will be just the same as it always was

2019-11-29 17:39:27 UTC [Athens #palaestra_debates]  

long shared history, ehhhh, more like they were different ethnic and cultural groups. yes they all were from europe but the differences are self evidenent. that being said, lots of the hispanics coming the US could be seen simlar to how the sicilians were coming the US. they would say, "not true itallian", "intermixed not even european", yet over the course of two generations they are fully white and claim to be americans

2019-11-29 17:39:56 UTC [Athens #palaestra_debates]  

lots of italians intermixed with anglos, irish, and slavs

2019-11-29 17:41:04 UTC [Athens #palaestra_debates]  

maybe in europe they segregate, but in the US they definitly intermixed

2019-11-29 17:42:07 UTC [Athens #palaestra_debates]  

the quintessential joke about that everyone is a little italian

2019-11-29 21:28:12 UTC [Athens #palaestra_debates]  

@snake on the black issue i will not argue, you are right. but i think the hispanics will be different


so what your telling me is anyone who disagrees with you is a schizo/mentally ill

how egalitarian of you

when anyone sees @livid_scrooge getting ganged up on

what is that

okay, i guess its time to do my part and start beating up on livid

@livid_scrooge you think you are better than us because you are a differnt color role?


im about to boost the server just to shut you up

@King Canuck sounds like he just needs a little bit of reeducation

do your part and red pill him

"MY SERVER" the state of livid


oh i didnt know this was a circle jerk for midgets?

@livid_scrooge dont do bad things, be a man for once in your life and suck it up and move on

buying friends is a bad idea

where do you get this money

i know that, but even then he has nirto himself

tax redistribution all the way back to sargons server, THE BEST

@lunemarie i have an issue with circle jerks

@lunemarie what would you consider a manlet

i know many a short-man that are just fine, but you cant even disagree that taller is better

the taller the better

fair opinion

i really would not want a short girl either, i would hate to doom my kids

stop reading the fiction from Rand and read Human Action like a grown ass capitalist

@SideTracker the solution must be importing more and increasing govt funded diversity training

@svarozhyc has read Wittgenstein

you should frame before you even cast the net

gotta love democracy

2019-11-29 23:14:29 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

@livid_scrooge when you say for the last time, do you mean it?

another name change @livid_scrooge

2019-11-29 23:49:11 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

@ฯบ14แ›Ÿ cannot be constitutional

@Dostayer makes sense really

@Dostayer degenerates are gonna degenerate

@Holo i have never met a member of the LGBT community which did not tell me about it within the first 5 seconds of meeting them. Although... maybe there are ones that dont and then i would never know. usually its not hard to spot them

@Holo might depend on your country, in the USA its pretty loud and proud

@livid_scrooge .............

stalin genocided the ukraine during peace time

a crime, but not a war crime

@Scale_e in this case the slavs thought another ethnic group of slavs were sub par

in which case its genocide


@livid_scrooge ill trust your not trolling this time, sorry for your genetic disorder

thanks my dude @livid_scrooge

@livid_scrooge a glass half full kind of guy

it was irony


@Scale_e said it best. no egirls exist. assume male and go

BMI is an absolutly horrible estimate for fitness. Individuals with large muscle mass would always be considered extremely overweight even if they are lean

yea idk, not when most gyms and hospitals have free dexa scans, or alteast cheap dexa scans. that shows exactly how much fat % there is

BMI is mass divided by height i think

Multiply your weight in pounds by 703 and divide it by your height (in inches) squared.

(w*703)/h^2 -> that 703 was derived from the results of a populations average height and weight, at the time....

there is probably a big difference in the population of today

therefore the numbers are all off and should be adjusted

the height being squared is because there is a decreasing marginal change as height reaches a point past the average height of the population they used to calculate the 703 number

you need to have some fat to build muscle correctly, use it as an opportunity to get amazing strength gains


@Lucienne d'Anwyl def still is

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