
Discord ID: 595820875152883712

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ahh finally...a discord where I donโ€™t have to obscure my intellectual side

> Every Authoritarian regime in the world has been lead by Megarich. While the successful ones like Ireland and Scandinavia have always been lead by professional community-based accountable politicians
@Yussuki โ‚ช no, it has been led by taxes

hereโ€™s a question: how do you overcome moral relativistic counterarguments?

@Yussuki โ‚ช high taxes and social reforms are hardly an innovation

the point is the people pay for those programs...if no one pays those high taxes then those programs fail

> By arguing that objectivity doest not exist, since it is a mater of frame of reference ? is it ok ?
@Yussuki โ‚ช I meant the opposite lol

like someone saying well that is what YOU think

I went on a date (kinda) and we talked about Warren Buffet

and how he hardly spends his billions

I said if I were in his position I would dedicate my time left to doing good

he, on the other hand, is obsessed with work. THAT is his happiness

I said thatโ€™s a rather pointless existence (Camusโ€™ existentialist positions aside lol)

Supposedly he plans to donate like 40 billion to the Gates foundation

the generalization is wealth accumulation and the point of that

Thereโ€™s a real estate Mogul with a garage of cars worth $30,000,000

Iโ€™m like...ok?

enter arguments of materialism, psychological egoism etc

I guess what I mean is...is there a point to owning 30,000,000 worth of cars?

when the same wealth could have been used to help people and animals in dire need? ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ

excuse my idealism but I am partial to Plato lol

the effect on the masses is to want the same thing...they focus on money and accumulation of wealth and then wonder why their lives lack fulfillment

I was just on YouTube. Saw an ad for a documentary called Betting on Zero where a billionaire tries to short HerbalLife stock in order to expose that itโ€™s a pyramid scheme that preys on the working class and savings

I had a friend do some type of MLM...itโ€™s amazing how much in denial he was in despite the fact that he lost money and never made any money

> Is hard to argue in such way NOT TO turn your partner into an enemy..
@Yussuki โ‚ช I embrace disagreement since it leads to an opportunity to reconcile differences and reach a more generalizable view

How different would society be with universal healthcare? Thatโ€™s a more practical approach to improving the welfare of society. The number of uninsured and people who donโ€™t get medical attention because of the costs is astounding

mental health is a subset of health...funny enough we are all a little crazy...thereโ€™s a Slim Shady in all of us ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ

cool but what are your thoughts?

@JPMcGlone lol that was a troll

@JPMcGlone are you serious? youโ€™re going to compare the cost of mental health to the cost of uninsured etc ?

youโ€™re saying we are footing the bill of mental health now and then making the assumption of the cost at the ballot

Yes we all now the government is too big

I agree on that point

they do contribute though

specify the subpopulation youโ€™re talking about

if you want to improve anything โ€œhealthโ€ related the theory and research points to universal healthcare

> JP, I would say that when speaking about humans, it is insulting to use business school terminology.
@Malachi so youโ€™re from the school that canโ€™t put a price on a human life ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ

thatโ€™s economic reality

tell that to car makers

war strategists

the US army

or any economists

if the goal is to talk about as many topics as possible then you guys are doing fine...I feel like some lines of reasoning donโ€™t get anywhere and certain things are not clarified or improved

RE: voice chat

the college student also comes off as hereโ€™s my view and itโ€™s right and better than yours

in hearing you guys talk I see so many chances to go elaborate and bring up something interesting but then you guys move on lol

like the drug/morality issue

the Christian guy said drug use is immoral

but is it immoral if the tax revenue from the sale of said drugs is used for social welfare programs? Up to what point is something โ€œimmoralโ€ acceptable?

things like that

I was busy anyway so I could only listen

and sometimes terms are introduced with no operational definition

like self ownership for instance

what exactly is that? owning โ€œyourselfโ€?

is it immoral if youโ€™re in pain?

why is drinking and cigarettes ok then?

marijuana is also becoming increasingly legalized

Legal doesnโ€™t mean moral

some would say gambling is immoral

So casinos shouldnโ€™t exist in that case

whatโ€™s your standard of immoral?

is it immoral to kill a person?

it ends in cultural relativism always thatโ€™s why I avoid these lines

in culture X, honor killings are a thing

blah blah blah

how do we get people to stop paying for the decisions other people make?

because thatโ€™s still a thing

the government does

At the vet waiting room and lots of noise

Just leaving some thoughts here

Maybe you guys respond

well your tax money goes to support prisons

but youโ€™re forced to pay itโ€™s not optional

thatโ€™s what Iโ€™m getting at

tax money is also used to fund wars

pointless ones sometimes

so whatโ€™s everyoneโ€™s background here? We got the Christian computer programmer. The army brat/college undergrad. Who else?

oh Iโ€™m the ivy leaguer/entrepreneur btw

> @Ozymandias I Donโ€™t understand what your position is. Yes we pay for people to get punished so what do you propose we do? Taxes is one of the mechanisms of which a state can function. Can you elaborate on your position?
@Edmqnd redefining what should be punished by imprisonment

you concede that mass incarceration is a big problem in the US right?

for heinous crimes you could implement chemical castration or capital punishment

good question

excellent point

one simple measure is elimination of appeals especially when there is DNA evidence

for the death penalty application

the point is saving money in mass incarceration expenditure may lead to that money being used in social welfare programs or infrastructure

how is it more expensive?

China loves executing people

Iโ€™m pro-China in that respect

> Anybody here believe in parallel worlds, or more specifically, that we kinda hop between them on occasion?
@Smoke like the many worlds interpretation in quantum physics?

pass on kids and the compulsory 18 year prison sentence

some argue that having kids gives them a chance to be better than ourselves...give me a break...look at todayโ€™s generation

> @m.miller My pleasure drive theory leads me to believe the meaning of life to be pleasure.
@ThePangburn well whatโ€™s the highest pleasure?

pleasure is so basic

> @Delta yes. Being alive is well. You can't be any version of well if nonexistent or dead.
@ThePangburn you can also be alive and suffering

the Big Bang is a big hoax

Hubble constant bruh

also the universe doesnโ€™t need to have a beginning because thatโ€™s you think it should

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