Message from @Ozymandias
Discord ID: 757930714749599817
Zurich ?
I believe it's morally justifiable for a child to sue his parent, after his parent refused to enroll him in school for the legal minimum number of years.
Otherwise, if you just let parents withdraw their children from school without penalty or incentive, they would misuse this law and create a generation of less productive youngsters lacking education.
And the collective well-being should prevale on the long term
*The smallest minority is the schyzophrenic individual 😂
*Or the multiple personalities individual
Americans appear to be too individualistic to realize that the success of a society rezides in coherent collectivist behaviour, properly oriented to national goals.
The so-called "successful individuals" like entrepreneurs, doctors, lawyers, engineers produce and grow their wealth within and FOR society, not on Mars.
If the Government doesn't oblige the Megarich to comply with the rules and pay taxes, he will squander his profits on luxury and society won't profit at all. This is wy is moral for him to pay taxes.
And it's a bad idea to have rich people in policymaking. Their will act in self interest, while professional politicians are accountable to their electors.
Every Authoritarian regime in the world has been lead by Megarich. While the successful ones like Ireland and Scandinavia have always been lead by professional community-based accountable politicians
Sorry Zino - caught up in some work
My school is consuming my life, wish I could talk more
> My school is consuming my life, wish I could talk more
@Zurich04 we are gonna be having town halls on the weekends so maybe you can join for a bit. :)
Awesome, I’ll plan on it
> Every Authoritarian regime in the world has been lead by Megarich. While the successful ones like Ireland and Scandinavia have always been lead by professional community-based accountable politicians
@Yussuki ₪ no, it has been led by taxes
Ok..but taxes need to be thought of and imposed by some Entity to serve a goal, right? 😛
here’s a question: how do you overcome moral relativistic counterarguments?
@Yussuki ₪ high taxes and social reforms are hardly an innovation
By arguing that objectivity doest not exist, since it is a mater of frame of reference ? is it ok ?
the point is the people pay for those programs...if no one pays those high taxes then those programs fail
> By arguing that objectivity doest not exist, since it is a mater of frame of reference ? is it ok ?
@Yussuki ₪ I meant the opposite lol
Yes I agree 🥳
like someone saying well that is what YOU think
Oh I believe that is actually easier to debunk 😄
I went on a date (kinda) and we talked about Warren Buffet
and how he hardly spends his billions
I said if I were in his position I would dedicate my time left to doing good
I would ask that person the following: Than tell me with is the minimum common ground you are prepared to accept and lets discuss on that 🙂
he, on the other hand, is obsessed with work. THAT is his happiness
I said that’s a rather pointless existence (Camus’ existentialist positions aside lol)
That is worth debating. Wow.
Supposedly he plans to donate like 40 billion to the Gates foundation
the generalization is wealth accumulation and the point of that
There’s a real estate Mogul with a garage of cars worth $30,000,000
I’m like...ok?
enter arguments of materialism, psychological egoism etc
You could argue for wealth accumumlation and ego also . You could argue both ways, but it depends on which argument you like more and accept 🙂
Is hard to argue in such way NOT TO turn your partner into an enemy..
I guess what I mean there a point to owning 30,000,000 worth of cars?