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Just look at it and if you see a drop of oil sitting on it, change it.

*Ganz einfach.*

What kind of car.

This weekend, if I'm not getting sick right now, I gotta do my clutch cable, camshaft and crankshaft position sensors.

And at some point I'm gonna have to put a new power seat bracket on my driver's seat.

None of which is particularly hard to do, just a pain.

Well don't you love your luxury.

Your avatar is an abomination btw.

You're supposed to be a dog.



Or don't

I know it's a meme and a joke but there are optics to worry about, sadly.

We don't get the benefit of the doubt

@Jacob Never read, but you know how the line would go: "IE recommends reading main book of Nazi terror group."

Can't expect fairness



I smiled out loud a little bit.

@Jacob I agree. The optics thing, I was referring to an infiltrator taking a meme posted as a joke and misrepresenting it as a serious recommendation to read the book.

"During the event, the senior citizens got excited about voting and they danced near the bus as โ€œSay It Loud โ€” Iโ€™m Black and Proudโ€ by James Brown blasted through the speakers, Evans said."

Switch one word, blah blah, same old drill. It's almost boring to say it anymore, but stuff like this is real. Perfectly okay. Nobody has a problem. But if we do the same, we're obviously hate filled terrorists. What the hell, man.

So apparently YouTube is down.

Returning 503, service unavailable

Plot twist: Google deleted YouTube to prevent IE from rising. [NOT FACTUAL]

Protip, fizzy drinks soothe sore throats.

Not to derail. Go on with original topic. Just a note.

@Jacob That's fantastic.

@here Mute your mics!

He speaks the truth. Go. Cville 1 was my first mass action with others of similar belief. If you've never done it, really, there is nothing like it. Hard to remember a time I felt that alive.


I identify as an Irish Identitarian Leader.

@Goldstein Riots <:usinnoodle:420778112226164736>

@Koba You can put the box end of a wrench on it and hook the box end of another wrench around its open end to get a longer lever.

@Koba But if it truly won't turn despite you applying significant force, just stop. Strip it and your car will be leaving on a flatbed.

*Server Admin's automated moderation algorithms immediately begin analysing that number for rule-violating codes*

Thank the generic and entirely non-denominational deity or deities which may or may not exist that we no longer have to deal with Stormfront tier crap where if you have one not white ancestor 10,000 years ago you're literally not white at all.


But "thank the universe" sounds nerdy and boring.

I like my thing better

Thank the atemporal cosmic singularity

*B T C*

@Koba As long as it isn't started I don't see how it would matter. But the tool you need is a filter claw. It fits on a ratchet. Nothing better than that.


No way, I hate those.

Monstrous devices.

Good luck getting it off. I mean getting the tool off the filter.

Always check you have all the tools to do the job before you start it.

At least as much as you can.

@Koba Don't forget to replace the rubber ring.

If this is the kind I think it is.

Just wait, me and @Phillip Wiglesworth - FL will have an IE mechanics podcast soon enough.

"Here's how @Koba could have replaced his alternator himself without having to call the Tendie Patrol."

I dream of the day when IE Roadside Rescue is a thing.

@Ald Sorry, can't have the imagery.

I get that, but any screenshots taken from here won't give us the benefit of the doubt in regards to e.g. context.

@Deleted User We send the IE private jet to pick you up and fly you to our world headquarters on Mt. Olympus.

Highly glorious @Wood-Ape - OK/MN. I was 18 when I put flyers up first time, lousy homemade stuff lol. There's nothing more fun imho.

While I wouldn't want one European country to flood another and wipe out what makes it unique, in general, I have no problem with Euro immigration, obviously as long as it's good people, not criminals, genuinely want to be a part of the new country and not just leech off it etc. It's only non white immigration I don't like. Or, in other words, I want immigrants that will keep my country the way it is (well, not as it is today, but you get the point).

Even with non whites, does the Chinese family running the local restaurant really threaten my nation's existence by itself? No. Everything bad in this world is always bad because it's excessive. We used to restrict immigration such that the ethnic balance of the country would stay the same, and that's fine.

@Nemets Well, then Poland has to fix the problems causing them to leave.

Or east Europe generally

Idk why I'm Discording when I should be working on my car.

@Deleted User Camshaft and crankshaft sensors, clutch cable, oil change, and eventually driver power seat motor and probably power window motor.

The window motor is the only thing that's really very hard. Some genius at Ford decided to rivet them in so you've gotta drill, cut and smash the rivets out. I already did the passenger side motor.

Rep and Dem are both garbage. Rep is only better in that Trump can, in theory, corral them into supporting his agenda.

If I hated both I wouldn't have voted.

"Consent of the governed." Voting is consent.

Nah. Lesser evil is still evil, and what got us here.

Don't play the game.

I voted for Trump because I actually believed in what he said, and I'll vote R on the 6th only because I want him to be able to forward his agenda, and to continue the general right wing cultural revolution.

Frog in the boiling water. Taking the thing that's the least bad compromise.

Don't like it.

Better to take nothing. What would happen if everyone, or even a substantial portion of the population, just refused to vote? Refused to consent to be governed by any of the evils? I don't know, but it would have to be better than continuing to play a game set up so there's no way for us to win.

Morally, I refuse to choose evil.

Lesser or not.

In the short term.

@Deleted User So the elites, system, whatever, present two candidates, no meaningful difference between them, both slaves to interests who hate you, and they ask you to choose - think it's stupid to refuse to play the game at all?

But if my vote isn't going to actually change a damn thing, I'd rather not vote for evil, and have at least the satisfaction of knowing I didn't vote for evil. Then work to get a worthy candidate on the ballot, then vote for him, when it's actually worth doing and means something. Yeah, I voted for Trump because I thought he could actually do good.

In 2012 I voted third party.

@Jacob It sounds good, but I don't trust our current government to do anything and would prefer them to have less power than more, so I'd probably vote no.

Will it really? Would voting for Mitt Romney or John McCain really change anything? Or just maybe make it seem so in some illusory ways?

To be clear I'm not saying don't ever vote, or don't vote for a candidate that you actually think will do some good. I'm just saying, if presented with two options that are both garbage, both going to hurt my people and my own interests, but maybe one will do it less - no thanks. When someone decent is on my ballot, hopefully thanks in part to my own efforts, I'll definitely vote for them.

@Undercover Academic - IL No. Be there or be square.

@Agree&Amplify - GA I know it's nice poetic justice, but we can't be posting people's dox in here. Rule 11.

I can turn off this channel

It's not hard

Solves lots of problems very fast

@Caboose This channel isn't for general chatting.

@NITRODUBS I do that stuff when my routine gets broken. I do the exact same stuff the exact same way every day, and so I never think about what I'm actually doing; head always off in the clouds. Which means if one tiny variable changes, I can completely destroy what I'm doing

@Phillip Wiglesworth - FL The people you meet in IE, wew.

Dr. Phil's high school classmate's son.

I just heard a car lay on its horn and didn't let up, just faded away into the distance til I couldn't hear it anymore, horn still blaring.

Cities are evil.

@Kingfish It's too much for me, you go outside and feel like you're still indoors.

Towns, villages, that's okay, but the endless concrete jungle thing hurts my soul.

Yeah I grew up on land and in the woods.

So for me it feel like a prison.

My ideal life would be like a little English village. A town, with people, shops, thing to do within walking distance - but also fields and forests equally within walking distance.

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