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They run away

So uh oh!

We on our own

2018-03-16 14:00:12 UTC


2018-03-16 14:01:48 UTC

'My boss rang me to ask if I can come in early today because we are having shoot out at the store!" .."Of course I say yes'

What would you say if your boss said we are having a shoot out at the store, can you come in early?

2018-03-16 15:01:59 UTC

"is it for time-and-a-half?"

2018-03-16 15:31:35 UTC

Fucking campers.

2018-03-16 15:40:05 UTC

I love this guy now.

2018-03-16 15:40:13 UTC

No homo.

Well in a day to day situation the 1A is all about being a camper

2018-03-16 19:25:49 UTC

The Fleccas bois flexx on em

2018-03-16 21:00:06 UTC

And then there's this asshole

This has made my day Meghan darling that the media are trying to turn in Princess Diana 2.0

AND she's got a GUN!!!

2018-03-17 15:46:03 UTC

"shock pics"

2018-03-17 15:46:10 UTC

it's a pistol, ffs.

News just in. Meghan Markle is AMERICAN!

2018-03-18 15:13:01 UTC

Ah, you have the death Laser attachment

2018-03-18 15:16:25 UTC


2018-03-18 15:16:30 UTC

it's a flashlight you fuck

you could blind someone! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

2018-03-18 15:23:26 UTC

2018-03-18 23:18:33 UTC

2018-03-19 01:53:31 UTC

Who would have guessed?

2018-03-19 03:25:18 UTC

Vice actually has some pretty good stuff on bump fire/bump stocks.

2018-03-19 03:45:51 UTC

@Thomas the Sowell Train [USA] wow it's actaully not shit

2018-03-19 11:43:29 UTC

Yeah I've been finding a lot of Vice stuff lately that isn't shit.

2018-03-19 11:43:46 UTC

It's been quite an experience.

2018-03-19 11:44:18 UTC

This doc in particular I thought was really really good.

2018-03-19 11:45:36 UTC

The title is ironic. The doc shows the struggles of marines trying to get the people of Afghanistan to take up arms and turn themselves from drugged up peasant sand people into fighters, to defend themselves from ISIS.

2018-03-19 11:48:38 UTC

It's a certain perspective on foreign conflict we don't see often, that of trying to motivate and cooperate with the locals, and coping with all of the issues and baggage they bring to the table with them. Seeing the contrasts that arise in interactions between American marines and Afghani citizens is something I find quite striking.

2018-03-19 11:49:10 UTC

Also this is a particularly enjoyable explosions video

2018-03-19 11:52:30 UTC

which has nothing to do with Vice, it's just a good video

2018-03-19 18:41:16 UTC

ive fired one of these converted to 9mm luger

2018-03-19 20:44:02 UTC


2018-03-19 20:44:13 UTC

This solution is stupid

2018-03-19 20:44:21 UTC

But saying that is even worse

2018-03-19 20:46:41 UTC

>start shooting at niggers in the school
>cops show up and start stealing you kills
>sad face

2018-03-19 21:55:48 UTC

If your kids are so massive shitheads their professors would shoot them if they had a gun, maybe they're doing you a favor.

2018-03-19 23:16:19 UTC

And maybe those people shouldn't be around kids regardless of whether they have a gun.

2018-03-19 23:38:34 UTC

hey you retards <@&372567061840527383> no one noticed the magazine is loaded backwards?

2018-03-19 23:38:59 UTC


2018-03-19 23:39:23 UTC

Excuse you sir

2018-03-19 23:40:42 UTC


2018-03-19 23:40:49 UTC

Probably a stock image they didn't pay attention to and placed in the tweet

2018-03-19 23:41:36 UTC

Or is a statement of some-sort.

2018-03-19 23:43:29 UTC

Didn't even payed attention to the magazine tbh

2018-03-19 23:46:52 UTC


2018-03-19 23:47:13 UTC

guns n shieet

2018-03-19 23:53:35 UTC

So I may or may not have preordered the Lithgow Atrax F90mbr

2018-03-19 23:56:05 UTC

@JDM_WAAAT Saying retard is problematic pls apologize.

2018-03-20 02:21:38 UTC

I do not recant

2018-03-20 03:19:31 UTC

Hush up tard

2018-03-20 11:20:08 UTC

TBH if you gave me that gun I wouldn't just put it in backwards I'd slide it in the wrong way up

2018-03-20 14:48:34 UTC


2018-03-20 14:48:52 UTC

judging from the title and picture alone, people are cottoning on to what I've been noticing for over two years now

2018-03-20 14:48:55 UTC


2018-03-20 14:50:00 UTC

I remember trawling through state-by-state data

2018-03-20 14:50:32 UTC

And noticing that neither Texas (lax GC laws) nor California (strict GC laws) were anywhere near the 'safest' states per capita when it came to gun violence, or just violence in general

well that would be Vermont or something

a small rural state

2018-03-20 14:53:21 UTC

which, ironically, also has extremely lax gun control laws

2018-03-20 14:53:24 UTC

you can't get a CC permit there

2018-03-20 14:53:27 UTC

..because you don't *need* one

2018-03-20 23:34:12 UTC

Texas does not have lax gun control laws

2018-03-20 23:34:58 UTC

Non-american misconception, Texas is very urban and only slightly republican, the city folk write the laws

2018-03-21 03:56:56 UTC

This was joked about, but is it legal to own a cannon?

2018-03-21 03:57:19 UTC

Or any kind of artillery?

2018-03-21 04:12:44 UTC

It would depend on the year of manufactur

2018-03-21 04:13:14 UTC

pretty much all functional traditional cannons should be perfectly fine to own because they would have been made before 1898.

2018-03-21 04:18:06 UTC

Searching for "gun" on pornhub will be somewhat confusing, I assume.

2018-03-21 04:46:35 UTC

Do they fall under C&R classification as well? I know there's some private owners who have acquired military hardware in "operational" condition but I don't know what legal hoops they had to jump through to get that besides a shit ton of money

2018-03-21 04:52:21 UTC

Schwarzenegger owns a tank.

2018-03-21 05:01:13 UTC

By default AFAIK you can buy military vehicles but they have to be demilitarized. For tanks this means cutting the breech so that it can't be used, however there are exceptions. I don't know the process for keeping it at military standard though

2018-03-21 15:01:52 UTC

He might be a victim of the gun ban.

We might still be allowed bows in the UK. I've seen classes to make them

2018-03-21 15:06:41 UTC

What about assault slingshots?

depends what you are launching

2018-03-21 15:26:45 UTC

How about slings, you canโ€™t go wrong with a good sling.

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