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2018-09-14 23:09:08 UTC

non whites: "racists! we aren't safe around you."
whites "ok, we'll live somewhere else"
non-whites: "you bigots!"

2018-09-14 23:09:13 UTC

its all so tiresome.

2018-09-14 23:09:20 UTC

@Asatru Artist - MD That's exactly how things are.

2018-09-14 23:12:15 UTC

I feel extra huwhite listening to classical all day today.

2018-09-14 23:46:27 UTC

Cheers to friday my brothers

2018-09-14 23:47:46 UTC

Shout outs to all my Dixie peeps.

2018-09-15 00:00:38 UTC

@wayne peek are your ties that short and your pants that pleated?

2018-09-15 00:01:20 UTC

Only on Saturday nights.

2018-09-15 00:03:36 UTC

2018-09-15 00:06:32 UTC

Iโ€™m thankful that minority groups are giving us our own space in our country. Gee wiz. โ˜๐Ÿป

2018-09-15 00:18:31 UTC

@Asatru Artist - MD "-Update: After publication of this article, University of Maryland-College Park changed the name of the group to "Anti-Racism and Ally Building Group," along with a shorter description, which reads, "Do you want to improve your ability to relate to and connect with people different from yourself? Do you want to become a better ally? Members will support and share feedback with each other as they learn more about themselves and how they can fit into a diverse world."-"

2018-09-15 00:18:54 UTC

So it's for white people, but only for white people to feel bad about themselves and learn to serve their new masters.

2018-09-15 00:19:48 UTC

Another white guilt group in a "diverse" area? Imagine my shock.

2018-09-15 00:20:38 UTC

I should show up at that group with some IE brochures and business cards. "Anyone in here not want to be a weak little beta? Come join us!" <:teehee:381917632359563264>

2018-09-15 00:20:51 UTC

Also, JF & Borzoi's talk on "The Godfather pt 1" is some comfy listening.

2018-09-15 00:21:37 UTC

Nah man, any white in that campus group is already antifa or at least cat-lady-neoliberal tier.

2018-09-15 00:49:18 UTC

@Wood-Ape - OK/MN I've been wondering if the white guilt syllabus is just a cover so they can finally meet without PoC around.

2018-09-15 00:50:04 UTC

Most groups like that need a faculty advisor. That makes it, in my mind, less likely that it's some cover.

2018-09-15 00:50:05 UTC

It would be an interesting cover.

2018-09-15 00:51:03 UTC

Curious what you all think about us constantly using "their" terms? Are we conceding ground in the culture war by bending to their dictionary?

2018-09-15 00:51:55 UTC

People of color (instead of a term more in our wheelhouse like non-whites), woke, thots, etc.

2018-09-15 00:52:15 UTC

Even if we are using some of the words in jest, we are still using them...

2018-09-15 00:56:06 UTC

There is a point there. I hate "woke" except in irony, because it's just not proper grammar.

2018-09-15 00:56:38 UTC

Yeah, but even in irony, we are using their terms.

2018-09-15 00:56:50 UTC

Then they become "normalized".

2018-09-15 00:57:41 UTC

Kinda like how we have forced "anti-white" into the mouths of more normie tier whites now. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

2018-09-15 01:02:17 UTC

@Asatru Artist - MD The "White Awake" safe space is too funny lol.

2018-09-15 01:20:18 UTC

@Asatru Artist - MD You know, I've thought about that as well. Really hit me when our guys started using "POC" . We reject PC culture, but embrace civility. Is there some medium ground?

2018-09-15 01:21:17 UTC

I'm not sure what term would be "normie approved", because calling them "non-whites" wouldn't go over too well in mixed company.

2018-09-15 01:22:05 UTC

As a catch all term, the left kinda nailed it, honestly. I just hate using their terms and making them part of our normal lexicon.

2018-09-15 01:22:23 UTC

Not that whites don't have color, mind you... :-p

2018-09-15 01:22:42 UTC

We are the "people of the light". โ˜€

2018-09-15 01:22:43 UTC

Whites have the most colors, technically speaking.

2018-09-15 01:22:58 UTC

Hair, Eyes, and Skin.

2018-09-15 01:23:11 UTC

yeah, blonde/redhead/brunette/black, blue/green/grey/brown, etc

2018-09-15 01:23:14 UTC


2018-09-15 01:23:52 UTC

I find it somewhat perplexing that "colored people" is considered taboo now, but rearrange the words to people of color and its acceptable.

2018-09-15 01:24:05 UTC

Yeah, I always found that strange.

2018-09-15 01:24:28 UTC

"colored people" = broke
"people of color" = woke

2018-09-15 01:26:34 UTC

"people of spectrum"

2018-09-15 01:26:39 UTC

There is an underlying linguistic mechanism. PC demands "people" comes first. "People with disabilities" vs "disabled people" is the most known example

2018-09-15 01:27:04 UTC

my favorite is "differently abled"

2018-09-15 01:27:51 UTC

they come up with some cringey terms and people just go with it.

2018-09-15 01:28:33 UTC

Well, it has a bit to do with POC "reclaiming" words. For instance, they've normalized and made it socially acceptable to use "the N word" by stating they've reclaimed it by merely removing "the hard R". Which is really just putting into written speech the sounds that come out of people's mouths due to accent and linguistics. It's the same word.

2018-09-15 01:28:39 UTC

following that mechanism, PoC are just "differently white", and gay people are "differently straight"

2018-09-15 01:29:15 UTC

But woe be the person who is not socially acceptable or politically correct to use such phrases or words.

2018-09-15 01:30:11 UTC

To all my IE borthers and sitsers in their late 20s and older, when the cool new memes are getting harder to understand...

2018-09-15 01:32:00 UTC

Hahaha! I still don't understand the huwhite monster memes. ๐Ÿค”

2018-09-15 01:32:18 UTC


2018-09-15 01:35:27 UTC

@Phillip Wiglesworth - FL The weirdest one is "queer" and "d*ke" (not sure if that's acceptable on the server). Used to be it was a potent word that would get you an atomic-level laugh or dentention (depending on the local teacher's predilections). Now they call themselves it?

2018-09-15 01:35:58 UTC

And the new weird thing is "Femme"? I guess it just means MtF trannies *and* (so-called) feminine women?

2018-09-15 01:36:25 UTC

@Sonic On the way out to mow his lawn, the 30 year-old boomer asks the 30 year-old Millenial sitting in his studio at the computer: "So, are ya winnin' your video game there?" The 30 year-old boomer sips his white monster energy zero as he thanks GOD that he's not like the 30 year-old millennial. "Actually," the millenial replies, "this isn't really the type of game that you *win*, per se."

2018-09-15 01:37:22 UTC

It's borderline, but I think it's okay to discuss in an intellectual sense. It's ugly language and I'm always both intrigued and disturbed at how people would use ugly speech as "terms of endearment"

2018-09-15 01:37:46 UTC

Ahh ok. Thanks

2018-09-15 01:39:11 UTC

In college I was forced to read a book by a self-described "d**e activist" this was in 2006 and boggled my mind then. I thought to myself "a Chicano author would never call themselves a [river related slur] activist!"

2018-09-15 01:40:18 UTC

On the language topic I wonder when they'll reclaim fa**ot as a term to be proud of.. Seems like it's the only derogatory lgbt term anymore. Will delete post if necessary.

2018-09-15 01:41:02 UTC

On TV, and unfortunately in person, I have seen sassy gay men say that, like blacks sometimes throw the N-word around with the vowel ending.

2018-09-15 01:41:41 UTC

Even milo (cringe) used it but I think ironically.

2018-09-15 01:52:09 UTC

Milo used it to get reactions, nothing more. He's a degenerate attention whore (literally I imagine).

2018-09-15 02:28:49 UTC

Itโ€™s funny how much the leftist glob embraces toxic words to describe themselves.

2018-09-15 02:29:49 UTC

When I was a nihilist with a bad attitude, I was also willing to embrace such awful terms. It shows that these people are in deep pain.

2018-09-15 02:30:33 UTC

Iโ€™m attempting to cultivate more compassion for our โ€œunwokeโ€ counterparts. They donโ€™t make it easy.

2018-09-15 02:31:15 UTC

They elevate and embrace degeneracy and abhor anything wholesome or traditional. It all traces back to the Frankfurt school.

2018-09-15 02:33:52 UTC

@Sonic yes, in hindsight. When you grow up to apathetic parents in an apathetic society with no real future...

2018-09-15 02:34:17 UTC

We have millions of our brothers and sisters calling themselves white trash. Self deprecation is in vogue, even for those outside of polite society

2018-09-15 02:35:04 UTC

I had a very rough childhood, and all of my friends had the same. Itโ€™s easy to blame yourself for your misery when you donโ€™t have any other outlets for the disgust you feel.

2018-09-15 02:36:38 UTC

In high school, I had an eminem phase that started originally just because I liked the way he'd say words like f** and I connected with the anger

2018-09-15 02:38:19 UTC

I feel like people in this movement are on average very intelligent but also quite prone to depression and social alienation

2018-09-15 02:38:47 UTC

@TMatthews I agree. We are passionate.

2018-09-15 02:39:07 UTC

Passion is seen as anger to those who arenโ€™t also passionate!

2018-09-15 02:40:22 UTC

I grew up in DC to a very political family. You would often hear people passionately discussing politics in a restaurant. Iโ€™m used to it. I crave it!

2018-09-15 02:40:45 UTC

Depression, I dunno about that. We all control our mental state.

Social alienation, yes. Our views are well beyond "modern year" approved thought.

I'd imagine a high percentage of us are contrarians by nature.@TMatthews

2018-09-15 02:41:26 UTC

I also crave it, but we need to take breaks from being political all the time. It's harder for us because we can't, for example, go see a movie with friends or a date without seeing subliminal propaganda, but still worthwhile to refresh mentally

2018-09-15 02:41:50 UTC

@Tyler0317 to a certain degree, yes we do control our mental state. But itโ€™s easy to get lost as a kid or teen when you have no community looking out for you.

2018-09-15 02:44:18 UTC

@TMatthews I connected with heavy metal to vent anger in high school (and now tbh).

2018-09-15 02:44:39 UTC

@TMatthews youโ€™re right. Itโ€™s hard to escape the poz. I posted a pic above of the new ballet season at the university near me. Itโ€™s disgusting.

2018-09-15 02:45:01 UTC

Having been pro-white before the alt-right was a thing, it's a little easier for me to put setbacks in perspective and see how far we've come. Even so, when I couldn't do any physical activity due to surgery, I had a lot of pent up frustration

2018-09-15 02:45:02 UTC

Yeah, that poster is maddening and sickening.

2018-09-15 02:45:15 UTC

The other day I went to the antique mall near me. It was such a white pill! I recommend it!

2018-09-15 02:46:07 UTC

@Asatru Artist - MD I went to The Nutcracker last year and the lead girl was Asian!

2018-09-15 02:46:08 UTC

I went to the beach and played in storm waves this past weekend with some IE members and other heathens to refresh. It was awesome!

2018-09-15 02:46:19 UTC

Thatโ€™s great!

2018-09-15 02:46:30 UTC

Iโ€™m landlocked

2018-09-15 02:46:43 UTC

I miss the water in DC

2018-09-15 02:46:58 UTC

we went to Delaware (Bethany Beach)

2018-09-15 02:47:29 UTC

Sounds amazing. Physical activity and being outdoors are good for the soul. Add in community building and it sounds even better

2018-09-15 02:47:34 UTC

The waves were legit 6-7ft at times and the undertoe was a little disturbing.

2018-09-15 02:48:11 UTC

@TMatthews whatโ€™s Delaware like? Iโ€™ve never been.

2018-09-15 02:48:23 UTC

Yeah, it was awesome. We swam in the ocean, then went back to the house and played table tennis, fusbal and cards.

2018-09-15 02:48:45 UTC

@Asatru Artist - MD dm me if you're doing more stuff in Delaware

2018-09-15 02:48:46 UTC

No sales tax!

2018-09-15 02:48:56 UTC

Will do.

2018-09-15 02:49:20 UTC

I understand the masculine, Indo-European need to challenge the storm, but nevertheless I feel obligated to dadpost that you should always wear your P.F.D. (Prevents F***ing Drowning)

2018-09-15 02:49:33 UTC


2018-09-15 02:49:41 UTC

Iโ€™m a crap swimmer

2018-09-15 02:49:51 UTC

@Deleted User Most of Delaware is rural (highest % farmland in the country) and the beaches are nice. Wilmington dominates politics though. It's a ghetto for the most part.

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