
Discord ID: 323598188873252865

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2017-06-27 00:58:41 UTC

Drugs expand your mind, man.

2017-06-28 00:53:29 UTC

Is this spoal?

2017-06-28 10:42:57 UTC

2017-06-29 03:48:09 UTC

2017-06-29 20:44:27 UTC

tfw listening to Alc-Right Rises with the window open while an illegal you just called ICE on works right outside <:moonman:321808243519389707>

2017-06-29 21:55:09 UTC

2017-06-29 22:26:57 UTC

Memri tv memes are my favorite ๐Ÿ˜‚

2017-06-29 22:33:26 UTC


2017-06-29 22:36:47 UTC


2017-06-29 22:36:52 UTC


2017-06-29 22:48:51 UTC

2017-06-29 23:21:34 UTC

doxxed and just office cuck politics

2017-06-30 03:31:14 UTC

2017-06-30 03:31:31 UTC

The implicit beer of the alt right

2017-06-30 03:32:27 UTC

Beer? How quaint

2017-06-30 03:32:33 UTC

Iโ€™ll take your finest bourbon

2017-06-30 04:13:30 UTC


2017-06-30 18:09:19 UTC

2017-07-03 21:09:40 UTC

*Men will talk about almost anything.ย 

Men will fight for very few things.ย 

And men will fight to the death for only the most basic of motives. They will fight heroically (that is, with supreme self-sacrifice - which is what "heroism" means) only for idealistic aims they hold greater and more holy than their own personal survival.ย 

Only when you can make a man feel, deep in his heart, that survival of his loved ones, his honor, or his whole people are in deadly danger, will he risk his life to do battle against overwhelming odds, where his own personal survival is unlikely.*ย  -GLR

2017-07-03 21:14:41 UTC

This shouldn't be in the shitposting channel tbh

2017-07-03 21:14:56 UTC

it trivialises it

2017-07-03 21:15:34 UTC

You're right. I didn't want to be the copy pasta guy though that takes up space lol

2017-07-03 21:19:00 UTC

And since nobody is really using this channel I'm going to just flood it real quick

2017-07-03 21:19:32 UTC

*Temporary and flashy political successes are always easy. It is always simpler and quicker to put pads in one's jacket that to build the human muscles to fill the coat by months or years of work and sweat. For fifty years now, there has been a steady rise and fall of "right-wing" or White movements built entirely of pads.

By endorsing motherhood and virtue and patriotism, etc., and by avoiding brutal statements of the real purpose of such organizations---which must necessarily be the extermination of the Communist-Zionist enemies of humanity---great flocks of skittish "patriots", "conservatives", and even a few "tough" anti-Semites could be corraled. But these people are not attracted to such a movement because they are so inflamed with revolutionary zeal that they can hardly be restrained from attacking their tormentors in the streets. Rather they join the "patriot" society to relieve their guilty consciences by pretending to fight the Jews and their treason and terror by what they call "clever underground methods". They relieve themelves of their pent-up frustration at the tyranny of the Jews and negroes once a week at a "Rally" (private, of course) and then hurry home happily for another week of profits, parties and TV.*

2017-07-03 21:21:39 UTC

*The most fundamental rule of such a cataclysmic social upheaval as a revolution is: "The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church!" Perhaps it sounds cruel and brutal, but it is nevertheless true, that the greater the proportion of human upheaval aimed at, the greater quantity of blood and torrents of tears which must be poured out in vast quantities to gain the goal. The kind of unprecedented, colossal movement which can alone reverse the suicidal trend of the Western world, and usher in even another thousand years of survival, can never be launched--let alone won--in any safe, painless, or easy way. Even ordinary sufferings and martyrdom are too minscule for the kind of movement we must set aflame to survive. Everything about the current deadly battle for world mastery is and must be Olympian, and we cannot shrink from Olympian AGONIES if we are to hope to win.

Mighty movements always require millions of people to immolate themselves in a passion of self-sacrificing devotion to the cause. And these enormous masses of people can never be moved to fling themselves into the flames of revolution with shouts of "Favorable trade balance!" or "States' rights!" etc. Only the FUNDAMENTAL drives from deep inside the human psyche can lift the slow-moving masses from their ignorant apathy to the wild pitch of emotion which carries them entirely away in the tidal wave of revolution. Nothing so affects these fundamental emotions of the masses as HEROISM, and only the utmost heroism can now save us from our lethargy and paralyzing fear.*

2017-07-03 21:34:52 UTC

Fuck, I love GLR. I'm almost done *White Power*. Next up: *This Time the World* and *Why We Fight*.

2017-07-03 21:36:03 UTC

This time the world is equally as important as WP

2017-07-03 21:37:04 UTC

It's so personal and romantic. Reading about the struggle of his career is inspiring to say the least.

2017-07-03 21:38:00 UTC

In the future I'll be reading *Collected Works* and *A National Socialist Life*. Makes me wonder what would've happened had he not been killed.

2017-07-03 21:38:15 UTC

Pres by 72

2017-07-03 21:39:43 UTC

I've started watching *The Man in the High Castle*, and despite it being fantasy type of shit, it makes me wish that America was "The Greater Nazi Reich".

2017-07-03 21:40:23 UTC

Notice that the airport is named after *George Lincoln Rockwell*

2017-07-03 21:40:40 UTC

In that show I mean lol

2017-07-03 21:42:00 UTC

FOR REAL? I'm only on the third episode. Probably didn't look hard enough. I'll see it again. I would've absolutely joined the ANP if I was alive back then. I have a copy of *Stormtrooper Magazine*.

2017-07-03 21:42:22 UTC

Same, that's awesome!

2017-07-03 21:44:20 UTC

It's beautiful. There's a story in this issue about a group of ANP members that went in disguise undercover at a pro-commie rally, threw off their jackets, revealed their swastika armbands and shit, grabbed the commie flags and ran off. One of the big, buff members of ANP named Mike fought off several Black Panthers. So bad ass.

2017-07-03 21:45:32 UTC

Rockwell was a master of propaganda. We use the same techniques in the alt-right.

2017-07-03 21:46:25 UTC

It's my goal to steal a commie flag. I've contemplated buying one for $4 on Amazon (free shipping btw) just to use it as a doormat, like Matt Hale used a Jew flag to wipe his feet with LOL.

2017-07-03 21:46:56 UTC


2017-07-03 21:47:03 UTC

Don't buy one

2017-07-03 21:48:26 UTC


*We don't have to do anything really "vile" to win.ย 

We have only to quit the sterile effort to win by trying to drive cold, hard unsympathetic facts into the minds of the masses. It won't work.ย 

We have only to put the truth into a form suited to the people. You don't do that with long dissertations, rationalizations, statistics, facts and unvarnished truths.ย 

You do it with PARABLE, analogy, slogans, diagrams, posters, demonstrations, and above all combat-things that reach the hearts of men and then filter into their minds.*

2017-07-03 21:56:07 UTC

Why does Molyneux suck Cernovich's dick so hard all the time? Is he paying his bills or something?

2017-07-03 21:57:52 UTC

Probably @MadDimension

2017-07-03 21:59:23 UTC

Makes him sound like a cuck tbh.

2017-07-03 22:05:08 UTC
2017-07-03 22:12:32 UTC

^ More people need to know about this. People always say "oh, he's almost on our side!"
Anyone from "a pretty Jewish clan" is not on our side.

2017-07-05 19:29:30 UTC

I'm going to try to steal some fag flags that I see hanging around St. Louis. Would be great optics to burn one of those

2017-07-05 19:54:21 UTC

Dont commit crime or talk about committing crimes

2017-07-05 20:00:53 UTC

@โšกClarkโšก some would disagree with those sentiments lol

2017-07-05 22:39:24 UTC

I've got a better idea @โšกClarkโšก
Take the fag flags and do an actual flaming fag drag with them! THAT would be perfect! I'm just sorry I'm out of town and will probably miss it.

2017-07-05 23:40:44 UTC

Brilliant idea @Athena Marie sad to miss you there!

2017-07-06 00:29:51 UTC

@โšกClarkโšก I assume you're coming to Charlottesville? This one is going to be fun!

2017-07-06 00:50:00 UTC

2017-07-06 00:50:03 UTC

2017-07-06 02:32:28 UTC

Alex Jones Alex Jones Alex Jones
Alex Jones Alex Jones Alex Jones
Alex Jones Alex Jones Alex Jones
Alex Jones Alex Jones Alex Jones

2017-07-06 02:36:16 UTC

2017-07-06 02:37:36 UTC
2017-07-06 02:38:11 UTC


2017-07-06 02:39:05 UTC

This will be the first server to replace shitposting with Jones posting.

2017-07-06 02:39:13 UTC

The globalists did this

2017-07-06 02:39:36 UTC

I blame the chemtrails.

2017-07-06 02:40:14 UTC

The frogs are turning the pedophiles into intergalactic globalist.

2017-07-06 02:40:25 UTC

"My god. There were servers full of them. Half frog half nazi."

2017-07-06 02:42:02 UTC

SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!

2017-07-06 02:42:23 UTC

It's fucking Alex Jones o' clock goys!!!!!

2017-07-06 02:42:51 UTC

2017-07-06 02:42:58 UTC

Binders full of globalist.

2017-07-06 02:44:10 UTC

2017-07-06 02:44:16 UTC

This is the Info War

2017-07-06 02:47:09 UTC

Break free from the collective

2017-07-06 02:50:55 UTC


2017-07-06 04:01:29 UTC

Lies!! He loves the memes!

2017-07-06 05:01:16 UTC

2017-07-06 10:58:20 UTC

It is amazing that people care more about retarded Alex Jones memes then the Fucking security of the people at the event ...

2017-07-06 12:36:16 UTC

@HueTheHand although your point is valid, I am wasting my time in the AJ channel because I'm not worried about security. I trust @Eli Mosley and @MadDimension to take care of it. Neither of them take these matters lightly. I'm sure there is a lot of planning going on behind the scenes that we don't see in the public channels for OPSEC reasons.
If you want to help just let them know.

2017-07-06 12:37:55 UTC

@Athena Marie I'm referring to the posts that were made ether wen they temporarily got rid of this room and made it a sector security planing room

2017-07-06 12:39:06 UTC

And people started crying that they wanted the AJ room back and why did we need a security room

2017-07-06 12:39:33 UTC

Most of those posts are gone now that the room was brought back

2017-07-06 12:39:36 UTC


2017-07-06 12:40:44 UTC

would it be possible to have both an AJ room and security planning room?

2017-07-06 12:40:51 UTC

@Johnny O'Malley Yes they just made that one but the comments were still made wen i made my first post on the subject. With people complaining that they thought the security room was unneeded

2017-07-06 12:41:42 UTC

I made it before they made the new new room

2017-07-06 12:43:01 UTC

@HueTheHand please understand that AJ fans, myself included, aren't going to make sense to non-insane people.
Of course it is important to have the more security and prep! Just forgive our AJ flavored excitement.

2017-07-06 12:43:22 UTC


2017-07-06 12:44:11 UTC

He's hung around too many boomers before this. I'm sure he will adjust to the autism soon

2017-07-06 12:44:40 UTC

TBH I still think AJ is a government Shill so

2017-07-06 12:44:44 UTC

@Johnny O'Malley we just need to break his conditioning!!!

2017-07-06 12:46:05 UTC

Yes I take life to serenely some time but working in the Executive protection , PSD, Counter Terrorism wold dose that to you๐Ÿ˜• you get to know how fucked up the world really is I wish I was still ignorant some times

2017-07-06 12:48:34 UTC

I went to Iraq three times. I know how fucked up the world is. If laughing at Alex Jones memes makes it a little less fucked up then I will laugh at Alex Jones memes.

2017-07-06 12:51:14 UTC

That wasn't my point some one posted that they didn't see the need for a security planing room and they wanted the AJ rooms back because they were more important

2017-07-06 12:52:22 UTC

They removed the post now but it was there

2017-07-06 12:53:10 UTC

So I'm sorry for being an uptight asshole ๐Ÿ˜Š

2017-07-06 12:53:13 UTC

Regardless, you are more then welcome to join in on our fun. I know it isn't for everyone but perhaps you should talk to eli about getting more involved in the security. That isn't really something we can help you with in this channel.

2017-07-06 12:53:33 UTC

No worries

2017-07-06 12:54:03 UTC

2017-07-06 12:55:01 UTC

Oh I am and have. That is what I was pissed. I did some of the security for Colton in DC and me and my crew are coming down with this event

2017-07-06 12:56:22 UTC

@Athena Marie But as I said if was replying to a post in this room bitching about the loss of one of the AJ rooms it was deleted before you came in thew so you only saw my response

2017-07-06 12:57:10 UTC

They is the down side of being able to delete your posts here

989 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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