Message from @The Soy Goy
Discord ID: 330103927431495680
Henlo @Ignis Faatus
Ignis have you seen mitch
no and i miss shitposting all day on fb i feel so disconnected with novody to talk to
yo allmst im tryna find out is if we can run a train on nathan damigo
Help me
Shamelessly stealing emojis now <:parentheses:321807263457345536> <:wat:321792446008918026> <:spaghetti_supremacy:321790566851543041> <:confederate:321809961002860545> <:nationalist:321809640721612802>
I'm wearing this to blend in with the media no way I'll get doxed!
tfw listening to Alc-Right Rises with the window open while an illegal you just called ICE on works right outside <:moonman:321808243519389707>
Memri tv memes are my favorite 😂
doxxed and just office cuck politics
The implicit beer of the alt right
Beer? How quaint
I’ll take your finest bourbon
*Men will talk about almost anything.
Men will fight for very few things.
And men will fight to the death for only the most basic of motives. They will fight heroically (that is, with supreme self-sacrifice - which is what "heroism" means) only for idealistic aims they hold greater and more holy than their own personal survival.
Only when you can make a man feel, deep in his heart, that survival of his loved ones, his honor, or his whole people are in deadly danger, will he risk his life to do battle against overwhelming odds, where his own personal survival is unlikely.* -GLR
This shouldn't be in the shitposting channel tbh
it trivialises it
You're right. I didn't want to be the copy pasta guy though that takes up space lol
And since nobody is really using this channel I'm going to just flood it real quick
*Temporary and flashy political successes are always easy. It is always simpler and quicker to put pads in one's jacket that to build the human muscles to fill the coat by months or years of work and sweat. For fifty years now, there has been a steady rise and fall of "right-wing" or White movements built entirely of pads.
By endorsing motherhood and virtue and patriotism, etc., and by avoiding brutal statements of the real purpose of such organizations---which must necessarily be the extermination of the Communist-Zionist enemies of humanity---great flocks of skittish "patriots", "conservatives", and even a few "tough" anti-Semites could be corraled. But these people are not attracted to such a movement because they are so inflamed with revolutionary zeal that they can hardly be restrained from attacking their tormentors in the streets. Rather they join the "patriot" society to relieve their guilty consciences by pretending to fight the Jews and their treason and terror by what they call "clever underground methods". They relieve themelves of their pent-up frustration at the tyranny of the Jews and negroes once a week at a "Rally" (private, of course) and then hurry home happily for another week of profits, parties and TV.*
*The most fundamental rule of such a cataclysmic social upheaval as a revolution is: "The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church!" Perhaps it sounds cruel and brutal, but it is nevertheless true, that the greater the proportion of human upheaval aimed at, the greater quantity of blood and torrents of tears which must be poured out in vast quantities to gain the goal. The kind of unprecedented, colossal movement which can alone reverse the suicidal trend of the Western world, and usher in even another thousand years of survival, can never be launched--let alone won--in any safe, painless, or easy way. Even ordinary sufferings and martyrdom are too minscule for the kind of movement we must set aflame to survive. Everything about the current deadly battle for world mastery is and must be Olympian, and we cannot shrink from Olympian AGONIES if we are to hope to win.
Mighty movements always require millions of people to immolate themselves in a passion of self-sacrificing devotion to the cause. And these enormous masses of people can never be moved to fling themselves into the flames of revolution with shouts of "Favorable trade balance!" or "States' rights!" etc. Only the FUNDAMENTAL drives from deep inside the human psyche can lift the slow-moving masses from their ignorant apathy to the wild pitch of emotion which carries them entirely away in the tidal wave of revolution. Nothing so affects these fundamental emotions of the masses as HEROISM, and only the utmost heroism can now save us from our lethargy and paralyzing fear.*
Fuck, I love GLR. I'm almost done *White Power*. Next up: *This Time the World* and *Why We Fight*.