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2018-09-24 11:14:49 UTC

Can you imagine a Linux distro made by social justice warriors? It would be riddled with Spyware and Trojans lol

2018-09-24 13:57:24 UTC

Lol wat more popular than you might think..

2018-09-24 14:45:48 UTC

@Sheamus Everything that puts SJW needs over actual functionality turns to shit...Spyware and Trojans would be the least of your concerns

2018-09-24 14:48:41 UTC

@Darkseid lol i can imagine the difficulties of actually producing anything... Too busy with the politics to actuality get any work done lol

2018-09-24 17:48:01 UTC

more destruction, instead of creating anything better to surpass it, it would be easier to destroy others creations and burry it

2018-09-24 17:58:59 UTC

@Sheamus Ignore Julias and his griefers, he's just one weird guy telling people to take land but doesn't want people near his Sandton crib.

2018-09-24 18:00:45 UTC

@Rainbow Monkeys Yeah totally understand you... But he is not just one weird guy, he is the representation of 8% of the people, that's over a million weird people clutching to the sdame ideas he spreads

2018-09-24 18:00:46 UTC

It's history, our history, and it has to be there to remember how the country got here. Not every white person was a racist then in fact De Klerk is the reason Ramaphosa is a president today, we have to respect that.

2018-09-24 18:02:20 UTC

De Klerk unbanning communism... Can never forgive him for that lol

2018-09-24 18:08:54 UTC

@Sheamus De Klerk made serious changes to the apartheid policies, look he was no Angel but so isn't Julias. Whilst Julias was the youth league president the dropout rate skyrocketed whilst he was in charge. I see no one ever talking about that in fact if you take a look at his followers they're the most unemployed. Why isn't he using his so "called" connections to establish businesses, and build up youth programmes but instead cashing in on those connections. I see nothing changing in EFF besides more damage to infrastructure that will cost taxpayers more and the government focusing on fixing stuff they shouldn't be focusing on because julias and the clan all they do really is talk and complain.

2018-09-24 18:14:13 UTC

@Rainbow Monkeys Totally agree with your observations about him and his party and their lack of proactive action, but always enthusiastic about action taken. They are begging the people to give them their responsibility in order to represent them, but not willing to show any initiative to actually do anything to show that they are competent to take responsibility for their own actions, how then are they supposed to be responsible for the people that they represent? And then we have to question why there are people that do not realize this and observe this as we do?

2018-09-24 18:32:19 UTC

@Literally_Nobody I know right?! No offence but makes you wonder wtf kinda people we have here Lol. But then again we are not a reading nation, I mean if there was a university course in burning tyres I promise the unemployment rate will sit at 8%. People don't factor in the facts, they react to whatever their leaders put there without thinking about it. Look closely, government mentions expropriation without compensation, people are talking kill whites and take their land back. 2. Government announces investment plans with China, EFF says the Chinese want to steal investment, people are up in arms. 3. Government announces the stimulus package and EFF says it's increasing the wealth of white minority. Look at what happened with BEE, black people looted tenders, had a twisted view about the whole thing. These black people are professionals most of them but the pocket change mentality came into place. If those 8% EFF followers are weird then it begs the question. How many other more weird people do we have. It's not that people are oppressed, it's that the whole "kill the Boer" exposed the amount of people who don't have the knowledge or wisdom to think on their on; they have to piggyback behind parties like EFF.

2018-09-24 18:32:27 UTC
2018-09-24 18:48:28 UTC

@Rainbow Monkeys Agreed, and this does play into the increasingly lowered standard of education to the point that they now want a seperate education, that's watered down even more... This decolonisation mentality is literally begging to discard their sanity. It's like the politicians want them to NOT be thinking individuals. The media too sensationalize this too, pushing it because that is what is trending. Since when is news reported based on what's trending? Since the clicks matter, that is when... There is a hell of a lot of weird people out there, plenty with their quirks for sure, but one cannot help but notice the obvious problem being exposed from all this, and that is the vastly different understandings and perspectives due to our vastly different values, principles and beliefs that we interpret the world and events within it in a different way as compared to another. This is why we ought to respect and uphold the objective truth, that which we all can agree on, but we dont have that, because we need to tolerate many different truths, we need to tolerate multi-culturism, and so the truth being put out there is whoever has the most influence, politically that is the left, racially the black and idealogically it is marxist. In a democracy the majority rules, that doesnt mean they are right, and it appears that is how the majority thinks, they are right, as long as they all agree. more is always better... Which is argue, it is a matter of quality over quantity.

2018-09-24 19:38:14 UTC

@Sheamus Hhmm, twisted views don't honestly bring more economic freedom as they claim to. The government has and possibly still is looking to how western countries do about handling their countries. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that but since colonialism is to blame we tend to forget that Asia was colonized as well. They didn't sit down and point fingers at each, they implemented contingency plans, strong policies and focused on developing the private sector, Asia is far from perfect but they've made such big progress. There's nothing perfect here, unless of course you talk about Ariana Grande then we can excuse the not perfect statement, Lol but even you can see that that's also unrealistic and impossible, which is exactly what we want to do, put unrealistic policies and impossible tasks. Exhibit A, when RISA struck a deal with Universal studios to implement their business model to SA to unseat the USA in terms of music because SA has a vast variety of music especially because of the culture, but USA is built into states and those states aren't small and their variety of music culture will be much bigger than SA's entire music industry combined, hence the "unrealistic" implementations fast tracked by the government. It's not that we are in this state because of colonialism but it's the way in which policies were implemented - government then wasn't focusing on our little economy but rather how our economy can be on par with the states. One field we could've improved was our medical field and then the education field. Those two were two crucial fields strong policies and realistic and possible solutions were supposed to be implemented.

2018-09-24 19:48:15 UTC

@Rainbow Monkeys Yeah agreed, and colonialism is the excuse thrown around as to why we are where we are, and if not that, then apartheid, which is not a valid reason for the continuous failure of flawed ideology. There are really terrible ideas floating around, and there are people that keep these ideas alive, and entertained, and demand for it to become policy, that is a reflection of the people as much as it is the idea that possess those people. I agree with your observations lol we need opposition before this becomes an echo chamber lol

2018-09-24 20:10:17 UTC

@Sheamus I get that physiologically an economy like this brings low levels of esteem and lack of confidence, but we seriously need to get our shit together and let go of the mediocre surrounding us especially with the media. It's almost like the media is inventing a new type of clickbait and people seem to fall for the nonsense media portrays about south Africa. Someone suggested that we all south Africans should just pack our bags and go on vacation, and possibly leave the country's keys with the neighbors Lol but all in all the statement Rome was not built in one day needs to be understood that Rome wasn't also built by one person. We have to overlook people like Julias whose selling overpriced dreams and focus on the real life situations. It's become such a huge plague that people are settling in with idea of killing farmers who literally have nothing to do with economic uncertainty and then we moved on to killing women who literally did nothing but just merely become women๐Ÿ˜.

2018-09-24 20:30:41 UTC

@Rainbow Monkeys it be difficult to convince people to ignore Malema, considering the things he says is materializing. Kill the farmers and EWC are two big examples of this, so to ignore him would be silly from both sides, on the affected side which is everyone being targeted to be murdered and their property taken from them by the force of the state that they pay tax to, or if you on the other side of the fence, then it would only make sense to use Malema for easy gains, they too would tell you to go fly a kite lol.. It's a messed up situation and problem really. You have people ideologically opposed to one another, which creates the issue of the perception of us vs them, and then that golden rule that encourages equity, which is love thy neighbour as thy own self goes out the door, and becomes non existent as lawlessness takes over. Independent communities like Orania and Zululand become the prime example that seperate but equal development are coming into fashion again as people take interest at how differently and more at peace the lives are of those in an ideologically cohesive culture are not too concerned about their immediate surroundings at all. We can keep diversity in the form of diverse communities, each doing their own experiment. Those that fail can learn from those that succeed and eventually we will reach a new common understanding of success that benefits all, which would put us on an equal footing in respect to value of contributions to society as well as behavior and tolerance towards one another, and to perhaps finally bring about the final conclusion of what was meant to be be achieved initially.

2018-09-24 20:56:26 UTC

@Sheamus Well said. I think ANC is only letting malema's nonsense materialize because they're between a rock and a hard surface due to elections the following year. Land uncertainty is pushing investors away which poses a problem as well. You can't just rock up on empty land and build up shacks, morally it's seriously rude and lawfully it's illegal. I understand our justice system is beyond repair, but celebrating that the police force have gained more golf GTIs is utterly pathetic. A Polo will do just fine, instead rather that GTI money could be channelled to further enhancing the legacy systems that are prone to fraud and implementing better communication solutions for life threatening situations. Look, the new generation of children cannot suffer the us vs them plague because they literally have nothing to do with racism - we've lost it, parents aren't teaching their kids to dwell away from racism altogether but instead making their children believe between black and white. Not long ago Julias was now attacking the Indians, Lol I honestly feel like that person doesn't deserve to speak because of the level of aids coming from him. But if you say that equal development is becoming a norm again then I guess there's some sort of glimpse of hope. The sad truth is that, the world is moving on and thinking bigger everyday, if we don't catch a wake up, we'll find ourselves without a country to live in.

2018-09-24 21:12:35 UTC

@Rainbow Monkeys yeah let every independent community that wants to be, just exist on a municipal level where they live and work together in an ideologically cohesive environment that is familiar and predictable to them, and peace will be abundant to be found. We can still do business and trade with other communities, as well as learn from one another. It's still a national building effort.

And that last part about the world moving on to bigger things and thinking bigger and us falling behind, that's unfortunately so true, we are rather far behind now, in spite of not having needed to be. And as things are going, getting bail outs from China, i can only imagine you might be right, we could be found without a country to live in.

2018-09-24 21:39:43 UTC

@Sheamus I just have to admit though, some of the municipalities were unnecessary. Lol I feel like if you got the office of the premier then traditional affairs and a few municipalities were just fine but because government.. I'm not in politics or anything associated just that facts outweigh perceptions and that's not the case here. Nonetheless, we as society have to let go of our double standards as @Rendier keeps mentioning, blaming the government the entire time just creates a problem on a problem and we need to respect each other and gain back that humane society we were working towards. Some other stuff are unnecessary and admittedly the older generation has really failed the youth and now it's to Hoping the forthcoming generation moves forward with the unity. Right now people don't even want to work anymore because Grant.. But then go on later to complain about unemployment. Here's a simple scenario, black rural townships complain about food shortages and unemployment. Their houses are only 10m big and the rest is the entire yard, they get access to free water and electricity, why not build up a young farm and get people to help you out (en route employment) and then sell to supermarkets, if you've got the knowledge to understand the whole sassa system then you most definitely have the knowledge to understand simple economics. But instead they'd rather spend money on alcohol and then go tarnish government for not providing food. I'm not trying to talk bad about them, I'm just merely stating facts that sometimes taking steps like these could become a serious change in rural townships. The big cities were once rural areas..

2018-09-24 21:58:32 UTC

@Rainbow Monkeys yeah i know what you mean, it is fact. Reminds me of a colleague i worked with, told me about this group in his parents community that got a piece of farm land, and he advised the people to turn the farm house into a bed and breakfast kind of tourist related business, expand the quarters to accommodate the community and work the land, all those in the community not working a job outside of the community can still keep productive. Crime would go down as everyone is busy one way or another, and they would have something that develops then...

But he says a week later when he went back to help them get organized, the farm house already taken apart and stripped down, and used to build new shacks or upgrade their old ones, and no one really had the motivation to farm for no monetary return.

So there are some things to note from incidents like these... There is this mindset that is cultivated. You are right, there is much potential to this, but it's not kicking off quite as we would expect, because our expectations are based on what we understand, and what makes sense... Their is a while other perception of different expectations and understanding, so the interpretation is so dodgy.

2018-09-24 22:27:41 UTC

@Sheamus Lol! That's terrible though, seriously terrible. There's so much room for creativity and innovation especially with tourism and farming. We can't be importing mealie meals regardless of the type of technology used on the mealie. Some things we just have stop and rethink the approach. That farm house could've boosted productivity, gotten people into jobs, a bit of CSR (corporate social responsibility) would've been done by subsidising the workers with access to education, that would help the individual and yourself with your business. Eventually the community would follow suite and there you've got your CSR. Still goes back to farm killings, they do a lot of CSR which is unfair to murder them because there are black families that work with them and make a living off of that. Seriously unfair. But back on topic, those shacks bring in no land value and according to UN they're supposed to be uninhabitable, even so government agrees especially with excessive amounts of heat. They don't bring in any land value and where there's any economic activity and room for serious growth investors will always follow, that's just how it is. Things don't just appear and then there's a successful city. If you receive free water and electricity then you basically have cost of maintenance to a near zero. Gives you room to focus on other pressing issues - but hey you're right, there's a serious problem with the mindset there. If you drive by a rural area it looks like sand. Did you know that even with no roads, or even proper fencing; if the communities worked together to clean up the paths and put grass, just that simple idea, you'd see rural areas in totally different perspective, in fact it would look inviting. It's all about the effort and basic stuff, something as small as grass can make a serious amount of change.

Alright, I'm off to bed now, nighty niteโœŒ.

2018-09-24 22:39:32 UTC

@Rainbow Monkeys yeah still in agreement. Thanks for the time and conversation, i enjoyed it. Good night

2018-09-25 16:35:44 UTC

2018-09-25 16:36:36 UTC

2018-09-25 17:52:55 UTC


2018-09-25 18:58:25 UTC

isn't that the dweeb that got BTOF by Lauren Southern and Molyneux?

2018-09-25 18:58:26 UTC

GG @spursfan82, you just advanced to level 9!

2018-09-27 09:01:15 UTC

"most reject the EFF's policy plan once they understand it"
Yup! I think the EFF are banking on people not understanding the implications of EWC

2018-09-27 09:08:31 UTC

But we know that lol, they are exploiting the people, while telling the that it is us trying to help them that are exploiting them... It's a battle of ideas, lots of deception involved.

2018-09-27 10:14:01 UTC

Lol can't believe they put those memes out there lol, free publicity of spicy memes on a mainstream platform lol.

2018-09-27 10:41:30 UTC

no ways...

2018-09-27 10:47:55 UTC

"Willem Petzer and his wife Rene outside whites-only town Orania."

2018-09-27 10:56:42 UTC

no place for racist shit like that

2018-09-27 11:00:36 UTC

if you cant show/say something to a persons face then don't post it

2018-09-27 11:05:39 UTC

Still it is kak funny coming from a mainstream platform lol, imagine trying to explain to someone how bad the k word is, but you keep saying the full word... That's what this article achieved in principle.

2018-09-27 11:08:23 UTC

hehe yeah its a hard one to report on. I guess they figured linking the name with the image makes up for it

2018-09-27 11:10:32 UTC

Yeah except people reading it will find many of those amusing lol free publicity, whether it be bad is still good publicity lol

2018-09-27 11:11:42 UTC


2018-09-27 11:11:42 UTC

Malcolm the Seceder, it doesn't look like you can use that. <:SMILESWEAT6:403540174069432320>

2018-09-27 11:24:32 UTC

My God

2018-09-27 11:24:38 UTC

That made my day

2018-09-27 15:10:19 UTC

Isn't publishing private conversations that you were not party to slander? (Strictly, these conversations are public, but the citizen doesn't seem to know that, so publishing them constitutes malice).

2018-09-27 15:44:30 UTC

well, typically the people doing this kind of thing are cowards

2018-09-27 15:44:58 UTC

oops, chatting about gnomeo, the citizen put names on the article

2018-09-27 15:45:02 UTC

they're just idiots

2018-09-27 15:45:30 UTC

@Derde yeah, but that doesn't stop people from committing a crime as long as it's virtue signalling

2018-09-27 15:46:37 UTC

you never know, that pink haired unicorn might just see your signal and touch your virtue

2018-09-27 15:46:37 UTC

GG @rob, you just advanced to level 8!

2018-09-27 16:37:03 UTC

Have you guys got any news on this Nicholas Ninow guy that supposedly raped a 6 year old at a restaurant in Pretoria?

2018-09-27 16:37:03 UTC

GG @Spaghet, you just advanced to level 2!

2018-09-27 17:05:25 UTC

First I'm hearing about it

2018-09-27 18:00:07 UTC

same here.

2018-09-27 18:16:56 UTC

Saw the video clip... Not really showing much damming really, so will need to wait for testimony of the girl and DNA test to be sure.

2018-09-27 18:18:02 UTC


2018-09-27 18:18:11 UTC

Reading your mind lol

2018-09-27 18:18:17 UTC


2018-09-27 18:18:32 UTC

i dunno if i wanna watch that

2018-09-27 18:19:41 UTC

I felt the same, it showed nothing, it does show a pixeled naked man claiming not to be mentally ill, but nothing much else. Rest of the context is provided by the article itself

2018-09-27 18:20:22 UTC

But the credibility of mainstream is really not worth the much... So going to take it with a pinch of salt

2018-09-27 18:20:39 UTC

tbh, he does have a bit of a low IQ look about him ๐Ÿ˜‚

2018-09-27 18:25:48 UTC

Lol even his behavior is retarded, but let's be honest, if it were true, I'm sure he wouldn't be standing up right. There are people that would kill for less, but I'm certain the guy would have gotten a good beating for raping a child. It just doesn't seem sufficient enough to claim the video is anything credible. It shows something went down, but will have to wait and see, the girl should be giving some kind of testimony, there ought to be security cameras at least showing both going into the bathroom at the same time, and a DNA test will definitely go a long way. I'm sure all 3 of those are not unreasonable to want before giving judgement.

2018-09-27 18:29:14 UTC

Agree. Its pretty disgusting if true. Let's see how this plays out.

2018-09-27 18:32:44 UTC

Yeah it is rather disgusting, the environment itself becomes disgusting if this is the degeneracy it cultivates.

2018-09-27 18:32:58 UTC

of course MSM will turn this into a race thing:

2018-09-27 18:33:06 UTC

Of course lol

2018-09-27 18:34:02 UTC

next they will try link him to Afriforum some how lol

2018-09-27 18:35:40 UTC

Yeah, after seeing that low quality journalism earlier today about Willem and Daan and their relationship with afriforum, i wouldn't be surprised. They looking for ways to discredit afriforum.

2018-09-27 18:35:58 UTC

They are intimidated by afriforum

2018-09-27 18:36:24 UTC


2018-09-27 18:36:33 UTC

and by Willem

2018-09-27 18:43:51 UTC

Lol and this whole Cyril denying the farm murders thing, and the media backing him lol, weird hey. We are accused of fabricating a conspiracy that these things happen, while them denying it is the real conspiracy lol. Also goes a long way to expose the guilt by denying the truth, not even trying to sugarcoat it.

2018-09-27 18:46:19 UTC

dunno what Cyril's game plan is. How does he think he'll get away with lying like that?
I mean, the crime stats literally just came out.

2018-09-27 18:54:26 UTC

Yeah I know lol, it doesn't make sense in terms of reason, but the feelings of guilt in a person provokes denial.

2018-09-27 18:57:19 UTC

you think he's capable of feeling guilt?

2018-09-27 19:11:21 UTC

Clearly if he is denying the truth, yes he clearly is ashamed to admit the truth.. I don't think he is capable of regret though, which i think is what you perhaps want to get at.

2018-09-27 19:22:06 UTC

just noticed that Renaldo made a quick video about that rapist

2018-09-27 19:25:40 UTC

yeah saw it lol, it's more about the racialization of the matter than the actual matter.

2018-09-27 19:33:04 UTC

Renaldo seemed pretty grim in that video

2018-09-27 19:36:00 UTC

yeah, saw that mood before as well...

2018-09-27 19:37:08 UTC


2018-09-27 19:44:09 UTC

oh yeah, starting to close in on our perception of the reality. It only becomes clearer and clearer what's going on.

2018-09-27 20:07:35 UTC

SA news today like

2018-09-27 22:47:16 UTC
2018-09-28 13:57:00 UTC

Hang that rapist already. If the witnesses are lying and we find out one day, hang them too. Surely we can get this done for a white criminal?

2018-09-28 17:06:07 UTC

Regarding this whole rape thing..

2018-09-28 17:47:19 UTC

2018-09-28 18:07:30 UTC

It actually attracted my attention because I'm not the only one thinking a DNA test is needed for this incident lol, I'm not even shocked about the racist stuff lol, it's become such a norm.

2018-09-28 19:18:54 UTC

Yeah* best to make sure. But tbh if I see a guy who (allegedly) happens to wear her pants to cover his ding dong and a little girl naked then my first instinct would be to kick his fucking ass.

2018-09-28 20:04:55 UTC

@Dusk Exactly my point, hence why I doubt so much... I have seen people murdered by a lynch mob for less, the fact that he was standing and looking fine enough to point his hand and yell and not knocked on his arse at the very least, makes me doubt really, but again, it is not unreasonable to get a testimony, and a DNA test, even some CCTV footage of the bathroom doors to see who enters and leaves, to show the two of them together in the bathroom at the same time could go a long way. Though if alleged, and no reasonable evidence, it would not go well with you, especially if after the fact, the truth comes out that it was a setup. Then yeah... Let's reserve our emotions, and not be like the lynch mobs. Let the legal process occur and then we can know.

2018-09-28 20:05:14 UTC

I keep getting distracted while typing a message lol

2018-09-28 20:09:18 UTC

Although I think he did it, we need to put our trust in the justice system. It'll all be revealed when the CCTV footage is made public.

2018-09-28 20:12:07 UTC

"Currently in custody, will answer questions after the trial... the truth will be heard ๐Ÿ™ "

2018-09-28 20:12:56 UTC

Sounds good, the truth better just have facts lol

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