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2019-02-11 22:31:51 UTC

Any state convention would definitely lead to worse results.

2019-02-11 22:32:02 UTC

What do you mean by that?

2019-02-11 22:32:40 UTC


2019-02-11 22:32:52 UTC

A lot of people think you have a right to protection. You don't. You have right to life and liberty, that's different.

2019-02-11 22:33:10 UTC

The protection (by law) is a protection of the rights.

2019-02-11 22:33:23 UTC

Government was established to secure rights, not grant them.

2019-02-11 22:33:27 UTC

Negative vs postive rights = rights vs privileges.

2019-02-11 22:33:30 UTC

People have the rights, the constitution should limit the governmentโ€™s ability, not the peopleโ€™s rights. The rights are within the people.

2019-02-11 22:33:37 UTC

To simplify, a negative right is a protection from something while a positive right is an entitlement to something

2019-02-11 22:33:48 UTC

The people give up freedom to be governed.

2019-02-11 22:33:58 UTC

An example of a positive right is the right to a speedy trial

2019-02-11 22:34:02 UTC

The government doesnโ€™t grant rights.

2019-02-11 22:34:31 UTC

Who grants them?

2019-02-11 22:34:36 UTC


2019-02-11 22:34:37 UTC


2019-02-11 22:34:39 UTC


2019-02-11 22:34:46 UTC

the BIG G-O-D

2019-02-11 22:34:49 UTC

People will contest if positive rights are a thing at all, often

2019-02-11 22:34:50 UTC

Gawwwd does not exist. Sorry.

2019-02-11 22:35:04 UTC

Then use some other higher power.

2019-02-11 22:35:08 UTC

Doesnโ€™t have to be god.

2019-02-11 22:35:12 UTC

Does not exist either.

2019-02-11 22:35:17 UTC

God as the religious one or as a shorthand for nature

2019-02-11 22:35:26 UTC

A level above government grants them just for being people.

2019-02-11 22:35:29 UTC

part of the reason they are called 'natural' rights

2019-02-11 22:35:35 UTC

And even if we assumed it did exist, what are the rights granted by that higher existence?

2019-02-11 22:35:55 UTC

@H3llbender Which are the natural rights? Which rights did God give us?

2019-02-11 22:35:57 UTC

But having public schools that are mostly paid for by the government (taxpayers) is a good thing, as long as the government manages its resources well and doesn't tax people like crazy

2019-02-11 22:36:19 UTC

Property rights are the natural rights.

2019-02-11 22:36:24 UTC

For example, many (even libertarians) think copyright is natural.

2019-02-11 22:36:30 UTC

The rights god (or nature) grant is are all the rights we have except the ones we relinquish to government.

2019-02-11 22:36:31 UTC

Exhaustive list.

2019-02-11 22:36:32 UTC

An illiterate person is a social outcast, in today's world

2019-02-11 22:36:46 UTC

I think that's the biggest load of shit I've ever heard, to argue copyright monopoly as a natural right.

2019-02-11 22:36:58 UTC

Intellectual "property" rights are postive rights.

2019-02-11 22:36:59 UTC

Because it's "property". Property of an idea. Or word.

2019-02-11 22:37:14 UTC

I've quite literally never talked to someone who called copyright a natural right

2019-02-11 22:37:18 UTC

Most ancaps reject IP rights.

2019-02-11 22:37:24 UTC

The idea is that you have all rights. The only non-rights are anything which infringes the rights of another.

2019-02-11 22:37:29 UTC

@halfthink But isn't all property kind about positive rights?

2019-02-11 22:37:53 UTC

Property rights are pretty much "Don't fuck with my shit"

2019-02-11 22:38:00 UTC

@whiic no, socialised institutions to protect them are though.

2019-02-11 22:38:19 UTC

How it becomes "my shit" and how one defines "fuck with" are various things

2019-02-11 22:38:35 UTC

Especially when it comes to common property

2019-02-11 22:38:40 UTC

Capital is generally required to have copyright. Since you invested something into the idea.

2019-02-11 22:38:46 UTC

For example, is any land you circle with a fence "your land"?

2019-02-11 22:38:57 UTC

Under some definitions, yes

2019-02-11 22:39:22 UTC

If you can defend it, sure. You put money into circling it. Capital.

2019-02-11 22:39:26 UTC


2019-02-11 22:39:37 UTC

"worked" land is activating a part of my memory

2019-02-11 22:40:27 UTC

@whiic Are you familiar with squatter's rights?

2019-02-11 22:40:32 UTC

Well, some would fence of more land they can work with, just because it's expected that free land will run out, and being too greedy allows them to sell it with nice profit later, when there's no land to grab onto.

2019-02-11 22:40:42 UTC

Most libertarians accept the homesteading principle as how unowned property is originally appropriated.

2019-02-11 22:41:24 UTC

Basically, Molyneux land ownership logic stopped working a few hundred years ago in USA, and was already outdated much earlier in Europe.

2019-02-11 22:41:57 UTC

Here's a non religious argument for natural rights

2019-02-11 22:42:10 UTC

Make sure to ping him

2019-02-11 22:43:53 UTC

Ping me when you are active again @whiic , I want to speak about the most annoying ideology of the 19th century with you

2019-02-11 22:44:05 UTC

Which would be?

2019-02-11 22:44:21 UTC


2019-02-11 22:44:29 UTC

Wow look at how wrong everybody is

2019-02-11 22:44:35 UTC

What's wrong with Georgism?

2019-02-11 22:44:58 UTC

Land use tax is probably more just way to tax than income or trade tax is.

2019-02-11 22:45:15 UTC

Nothing particularly, it is actually quite compatible with much of liberarianism

2019-02-11 22:45:30 UTC

They just annoyed a lot of people in the 19th century

2019-02-11 22:45:37 UTC

Like commies did in the 20th

2019-02-11 22:45:38 UTC

The police protect the right and not the people. Thatโ€™s rich

2019-02-11 22:46:07 UTC

I quite like LVT

2019-02-11 22:46:14 UTC

@H3llbender And if there's nothing wrong with Georgism or Geo-Libertarianism, what is that makes it annyoing?

2019-02-11 22:46:43 UTC

I know it annoys hardline capitalists because they like to think land as property the same way niggers were property once.

2019-02-11 22:46:45 UTC

Georgists do. They had a commune just north of me during the early 20th century

2019-02-11 22:47:46 UTC


2019-02-11 22:48:21 UTC

@whiic John Galt for example funded communal utilities in Galt's Gulch via what appeared to be a LVT

2019-02-11 22:48:43 UTC

I used to be an AnCap, BTW

2019-02-11 22:48:58 UTC

But what makes Georgists the most annoying?

2019-02-11 22:49:18 UTC

@H3llbender have you ever read Rothbard?

2019-02-11 22:49:19 UTC

They served the same social role as Commies do today

2019-02-11 22:49:31 UTC

@H3llbender It is on my list

2019-02-11 22:49:40 UTC
2019-02-11 22:50:03 UTC

@H3llbender Same role? As in threatened some part of capitalism, just like slavery abolitionists did?

2019-02-11 22:50:04 UTC

@H3llbender have you ever read any Austrian economists?

2019-02-11 22:50:20 UTC


2019-02-11 22:50:26 UTC

I mean, threatening to release a type of property (whether it's land or niggers), it annoys the owners.

2019-02-11 22:50:54 UTC

I'm a Geo-Libertarian, btw, despite being a land-owner.

2019-02-11 22:50:55 UTC

@H3llbender in what sense did you "used to be an ancap"?

2019-02-11 22:50:58 UTC

@whiic As in quite literally a lot of georgist communes reorganized as communist communes

2019-02-11 22:51:10 UTC

@halfthink Randian

2019-02-11 22:51:25 UTC

Randians aren't ancap.

2019-02-11 22:51:37 UTC

I'm used to talking to leftists

2019-02-11 22:51:38 UTC

Ayn Rand was minarchist.

2019-02-11 22:51:39 UTC

@H3llbender Rand was not an ancap, she even rejected the label "libertarian"

2019-02-11 22:51:50 UTC

as you can clearly tell

2019-02-11 22:52:03 UTC

...also Rand supported copyright because she was a selfish bitch who wanted monopoly of her writings.

2019-02-11 22:52:24 UTC

@whiic same reason Milton was a Keynesian.

2019-02-11 22:52:44 UTC

@halfthink No-one's perfect.

2019-02-11 22:53:08 UTC

own work that you produced? how absurd

2019-02-11 22:53:18 UTC

@whiic Hoppe comes pretty close.

2019-02-11 22:53:27 UTC

Copyright is an interesting topic that we are all probably more likely to actually convince each other of

2019-02-11 22:53:45 UTC

I personally think copyright is mostly obsolete now

2019-02-11 22:53:46 UTC

@Unwound Well, that applies more to copyright than to land. And you can modify the land, but you didn't create it.

2019-02-11 22:53:51 UTC

property rights only count for scarce resources. You can't steal am idea.

2019-02-11 22:54:21 UTC

On the other hand, if copyright was a legit property, what is the libertarian argument against Cultural Appropriation?

2019-02-11 22:54:37 UTC

At one point due to the scarcity of information copyright was useful to promote the distribution of IP

2019-02-11 22:55:05 UTC

But that isn't quite a thing anymore

2019-02-11 22:55:12 UTC

The purpose of copyright has always been the control of information.

2019-02-11 22:55:34 UTC

Tim is awake

2019-02-11 22:56:28 UTC

Thr libertarian case against IP.

2019-02-11 22:56:51 UTC

He was asking for the one *for* IP tho.

2019-02-11 22:57:20 UTC

Speaking of which, Discord is absolutely proprietary

2019-02-11 22:57:29 UTC

That's a contradiction. What's the communist argument for capitalism?

2019-02-11 22:57:58 UTC

Nah, I was asking against. But I was particularly asking it from @Unwound because he said "own work that you produced? how absurd" and I found it a particularly retarded thing to say.

2019-02-11 22:58:47 UTC

I'm definitely against intellectual monopolies, as they aren't even tangible goods but just ideas. You cannot own an idea, if you cannot even own a nigger.

2019-02-11 22:59:07 UTC

Hippity hoppity.

2019-02-11 23:00:09 UTC

```[Women] are โ€œeconomic land,โ€ because they are equivalent to physical land in being original, nature-given factors of production. Yet will anyone deny title to a cow to the man that finds and domesticates her, putting her to use? For this is precisely what occurs in the case of land. Previously valueless โ€œwildโ€ land, like wild animals, is taken and transformed by a man into goods useful for man. The โ€œmixingโ€ of labor gives equivalent title in one case as in the other.

-Murray N. Rothbard.```

2019-02-11 23:05:13 UTC

Always funny how we go to the past for the reasons to move forward and ignore the present for reasons to do the same.

2019-02-11 23:28:39 UTC

I think TP underestimates what's going on in the true alt-right. Richard Spencer's channel and discord server are only growing, and the Murdoch Murdoch crew is as popular as ever.

2019-02-11 23:49:05 UTC

Basic copyright seems necessary when it comes to art.
Personally, I would be willing to give up "art as we know it" for fully open source society, but I imagine professional artists being upset over this.
When it comes to science there is both big pros and cons.
But with recent Youtube policy of demonetizing videos for having seconds of other person's footage, which used to fall under "fair use", I think pretty much everyone (except big corporations) is in favor of reducing copyrights.

2019-02-11 23:54:28 UTC

I don't think art will die if copyright did.

2019-02-11 23:54:55 UTC
2019-02-11 23:54:58 UTC

"art as we know it"

2019-02-11 23:55:09 UTC

Whether it's painting something on canvas, mural or Sistine chappel, copyright doesn't even come to it.

2019-02-11 23:55:24 UTC

"art" as we know it

2019-02-11 23:55:36 UTC

And lots of digital arts is released on other funding models to begin with such as Patreon.

2019-02-11 23:55:41 UTC


2019-02-11 23:55:46 UTC

preemptive response


2019-02-11 23:56:52 UTC

Comissions for what? You can just take someone else's photo and edit it a bit and there you go. Why pay comissions

2019-02-11 23:57:26 UTC

Considering it's illegal to take photographs outside, with a known building on the background, behind your friend, I think pressure to destroying copyright is already past the point of salvaging copyright.

2019-02-11 23:58:15 UTC

Which country are we talking about?

2019-02-11 23:58:40 UTC

And the CP promoters are just pushing more and more dystopian levels of protection, more dystopian levels of monitoring, and more dystopian jurisdictions for both police and private investigators. And extortion letters, etc.

2019-02-11 23:59:01 UTC

In the USA at least you can't actually be prevented from taking pictures on public property last time I checked

2019-02-11 23:59:26 UTC

@Yuukimaru Some countries in Europe has copyright extended to architecture. And the consider the copyright to belong to the architect, not the photographer.

2019-02-12 00:00:20 UTC

Ok. I still think reducing copyright is more politically viable than abolishing it completely

2019-02-12 00:03:13 UTC

Same could be said about fixing the EU.

2019-02-12 00:03:47 UTC

Yet both the copyright holders and EU resist being regulated or fixed. Of course they do. The critique is coming from outside.

2019-02-12 00:04:45 UTC

To check whether you have the right to take pictures of buildings and art placed in public areas, check: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_of_panorama

2019-02-12 00:07:32 UTC

EU copyright is a joke at this point, it's barely legal to even post links

2019-02-12 00:09:33 UTC

Both EU and copyright are jokes separately. You don't even need to combined them to make a joke.

2019-02-12 01:18:23 UTC

An hour long commentary? What makes it worth listening to?

2019-02-12 01:20:26 UTC

HOLY SHITE! is he really alive?

2019-02-12 01:34:20 UTC

David Duke responds to the SotU?

2019-02-12 01:34:29 UTC

Why should I care what a KKK Grand Wizard thinks?

2019-02-12 01:35:12 UTC

The Dems need him to endore Trump to prove Trump is racist KKK Facist Bigoted NEONAZI.... ect ect

2019-02-12 01:37:14 UTC

,,, but I thought he backed Democrats and shit

2019-02-12 01:45:21 UTC

MSM runs his endorcement of the GOP President Hopeful every year to get people to vote Dem

2019-02-12 01:45:55 UTC


2019-02-12 01:46:02 UTC

that's cute

2019-02-12 01:46:32 UTC

If you'd change your vote to Democrat because some crazy idiot out there likes the Republican candidate...
You were already voting Democrat.

2019-02-12 02:09:06 UTC

Was illhan Omar right? How is the Israel related stuff the only thing most US politicians can agree on?

2019-02-12 02:09:56 UTC

And was it really antiemetic?

2019-02-12 02:21:36 UTC

Why is slowmode enabled?

2019-02-12 02:26:35 UTC

```Why should I care what a KKK Grand Wizard thinks?```
Because all people have the right to tell their opinion. Just because he was in the KKK doesn't make him a bad person.
I'd say he might be a Pacifist and totally against violence

2019-02-12 02:30:52 UTC

dafuq, 70k people signed up for it. And 10 are in there.

2019-02-12 02:30:52 UTC

but because he was in the KKK, it makes me take what he says with a small hint of bias

2019-02-12 02:31:19 UTC

why is my rank pleb when peasant rank superceded plebians?

2019-02-12 02:31:21 UTC

Tim should watch THAT!

2019-02-12 02:40:54 UTC

Look to people like Daryl Davis to understand why you should be willing to listen to a member of the KKK.

2019-02-12 02:41:19 UTC
2019-02-12 03:15:31 UTC

All white people are Nazis.

2019-02-12 03:15:46 UTC

Soon to be popular opinion among media.

2019-02-12 03:16:11 UTC

@Stefan Payne
>Because all people have the right to tell their opinion.
But I'm not obligated to listen.

2019-02-12 03:19:45 UTC

Am I the only who considers this guy an annoying troll?


2019-02-12 03:22:17 UTC

I dont like how much he just posts quotes

2019-02-12 03:22:42 UTC

besides that hes not too bad
doesnt seem very open to changing his mind though

2019-02-12 03:22:51 UTC

Nomen est omen.

2019-02-12 03:43:04 UTC

@Analytical Chick what makes you think I'm a troll?

2019-02-12 03:53:50 UTC

no bullying

2019-02-12 03:54:16 UTC


2019-02-12 04:06:52 UTC


2019-02-12 04:27:09 UTC

half think is alright. hes standing by his principles

2019-02-12 04:27:27 UTC

his principles are like a ring, they connect to each other

2019-02-12 06:00:46 UTC
2019-02-12 09:47:02 UTC

I'm staunchly anti-left

2019-02-12 09:58:19 UTC



2019-02-12 09:59:26 UTC

fucking retard

What the hell is wrong with politicians these days, that common plebs have better grasp of economics then them?

2019-02-12 10:43:21 UTC

no, he's right

2019-02-12 10:43:33 UTC

Markets need rules to flourish

2019-02-12 10:43:53 UTC


2019-02-12 10:45:02 UTC

Too much regulation and it goes to shit, too little regulation and everything goes to shit as well as nobody hinders a company to extord shit or do other things.

For example: What does force an insurance company to pay for the thing you ensured and not just keep the money???

2019-02-12 10:45:05 UTC

are monopolies free market ?

2019-02-12 10:46:01 UTC

Exactly that is the point. And to prevent Monopolys or at least give little companys somewhat of a chance, we need rules so that the big ones don't abuse it and kick the little ones out of the market

2019-02-12 10:55:16 UTC

If insurance companies didn't pay out, people wouldn't buy insurance from them, and would face lawsuits over it. No ancap argues for a system without law and defence services, only that, just as everything else, they would be better provided by the market than a compulsory monopoly that forcibly suppresses competition.

2019-02-12 10:55:52 UTC

lawsuits without a state ?

~~halfthink you should rename yourself to nothink~~
Sorry, shoudn't say that

2019-02-12 10:58:05 UTC

What prevents the state from stealing your money?

2019-02-12 10:59:17 UTC

Or from "extracting the surplus value of your labour", to put in terms you might understand?

2019-02-12 10:59:25 UTC

Half think is ancap too?

But on a serious note, without a state there cannot be a free market.
Because in order for *any* market to exist you have to have some __no stealing__ rules implemented

2019-02-12 11:00:02 UTC

That sounds like bullshit tbh

2019-02-12 11:00:31 UTC

See, here's a lfe rule. Steal from me, get shot.

2019-02-12 11:00:51 UTC

Where is the need for government law in this case?

someone has to stop me shooting you first, before stealing from you

Because I'm not going full KOTOR on you before shooting you - I will shoot you in the back, probably wouldn't even finish you off, and then proceed to steal all I want

And since there is no state, there will be no investigation

2019-02-12 11:02:57 UTC

Give your guns to the grubberment. No one has ever been shot in a gun free zone before, that's impossible.

2019-02-12 11:03:12 UTC

Tetra, think of it like this

And anyone who tries to build something will eventually be constantly raided.
Have you tried Rust or Arc?

2019-02-12 11:03:30 UTC

The rule of life is as follows

2019-02-12 11:03:44 UTC

"Big risk, big reward."

2019-02-12 11:04:04 UTC

So you sellimportant everyday goods

2019-02-12 11:04:17 UTC

Rust and Ark don't have death penalties. Terrible analogy

2019-02-12 11:04:51 UTC

If you had to buy the game again every time you died, it would turn into ancapistan pretty quick.

@halfthink any penalty implies government. What is wrong with anarchists these days

2019-02-12 11:05:26 UTC

The penalty from stealing from me

2019-02-12 11:05:37 UTC

I already told you, you get shot

2019-02-12 11:05:52 UTC

By me

You are dead already

2019-02-12 11:05:59 UTC

anarchists : you can't do that, that's illegal
also anarchists : government isn't needed

2019-02-12 11:06:15 UTC

No I am not, as long as I am alive, I got my gun

I already shot you in the back. Now what?

2019-02-12 11:06:32 UTC

A monopoly on government isn't needed.

2019-02-12 11:06:52 UTC

I ain't stupid enough to have windows and doors in the back of my store

2019-02-12 11:07:13 UTC

You either come in from the rfront or blow open a way in the back

2019-02-12 11:07:25 UTC

Eitherway I know you are there

~~Abstract thinking is not your strong side I see~~
We are not taking about your store, we are talking about an arbitrary point in your life.

2019-02-12 11:08:33 UTC

Like, sure you can steal from me, but see I can also murder you

2019-02-12 11:08:44 UTC

Cause it's not murder anymore

2019-02-12 11:08:49 UTC

as if you could even hold a store in an anarchist society

See my link up there

2019-02-12 11:09:18 UTC

You just shoot me for no reason?

2019-02-12 11:09:19 UTC

you'd be raided every thursday, in-between "protection" groups that come to racket

WKUK - Anarchy

Why not? You got stuff I want

2019-02-12 11:09:36 UTC

Nice dude, well good luck with that

2019-02-12 11:09:47 UTC

No I dont, my store does

2019-02-12 11:09:59 UTC

I got clothes

2019-02-12 11:10:29 UTC

I do not carry cash, I would leave that too the banks

2019-02-12 11:10:55 UTC

See, the world isnt going to revert back to what it was before

2019-02-12 11:11:02 UTC

oh, so you trust banks

2019-02-12 11:11:40 UTC

We still have technology, so banks would employ trained guards

2019-02-12 11:11:58 UTC

You would need a seriou crew to steal from one

2019-02-12 11:12:30 UTC

If the banks have trained guards strong enough for you to think your cash is safe and sound, then you wouldn't be able to get back what's "yours" would you?

2019-02-12 11:12:30 UTC

But agian, good luck mate. You can kill me for nothing, but as I said. You gain nothing

2019-02-12 11:12:46 UTC

if they ever decide to steal

2019-02-12 11:13:16 UTC

So people stop using that bank, see the market is all about trust

2019-02-12 11:13:27 UTC

Sure I get screwed

2019-02-12 11:13:31 UTC

Worst case scenario:

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