
Discord ID: 396504026210107393

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2018-02-06 19:55:11 UTC

Not photoshopped

2018-02-06 19:55:21 UTC

Definitely just vitalik hours

2018-02-06 19:55:41 UTC

And idk where to get that shirt but he was 19 when he developed ethereum

2018-02-06 19:55:51 UTC

And I adore his intellect

2018-02-06 19:56:28 UTC

I'm the world's only living human female sapiosexual

2018-02-06 19:56:31 UTC


2018-02-07 14:10:16 UTC

anyone using steemit? it has currency awards that runs over the steem blockchain

2018-02-07 14:10:37 UTC

their crypto currency token is STEEM

2018-02-07 14:55:48 UTC

*oyyy veeyyyy*

2018-02-07 15:44:52 UTC

2018-02-07 15:50:10 UTC

Whatโ€™s that have to do with currency?

2018-02-07 15:52:35 UTC

Haha It doesn't. It's more relevant to the autism part I suppose.

2018-02-07 16:50:51 UTC

@Der Jรคger if you do C# coding check out Stratis. It is an enterprise-targeted project for crypto/blockchain stuff. Written entirely in C#.

2018-02-07 17:47:29 UTC

ah ok..will check out thx

2018-02-07 20:26:18 UTC

My husband wrote a steemit piece about how steemit is gay

2018-02-07 20:27:18 UTC

Sorry wrong link at first

2018-02-07 22:11:07 UTC

"Noone cared who I was until I put on the mask"

2018-02-08 00:06:53 UTC

2018-02-08 00:06:59 UTC

2018-02-08 03:06:17 UTC

2018-02-08 07:11:47 UTC
2018-02-08 16:18:39 UTC

Wtf is up with BCH today and how many Jews are involved

2018-02-10 10:02:04 UTC

All of them

2018-03-01 13:49:45 UTC

Does anyone have legitimate info on the loan interest rate in NS Germany

2018-03-01 14:04:37 UTC


2018-03-01 14:35:56 UTC

That's wicked high though

2018-03-01 17:33:31 UTC

Should be 0%

2018-03-01 17:33:46 UTC

Loan interest is usury

2018-03-01 17:35:35 UTC

I don't think 0

2018-03-01 17:35:40 UTC

but only because of inflation

2018-03-01 17:36:08 UTC

If I loan $10,000 to someone and they repay it back over a 10 year period, what I get back is going to be worth a lot less than what I gave

2018-03-01 17:38:52 UTC

You shouldn't loan money to a brother because of what you'll get out of it later

2018-03-01 17:43:24 UTC

TWP (and the Movement, for that matter) needs to start a credit union (it only takes 100k to get one started...I know that is still a ton of money, but it would be a worthwhile, and profitable, goal)

2018-03-01 17:49:17 UTC

It would be cool to get a trade union/group of unions going too. A way to provide insurance and stuff to members, training for youth, stuff like that

2018-03-01 17:50:06 UTC

Hell's actually really easy to start an independent labor union

2018-03-01 17:51:40 UTC

I've been looking into the IRS stuff and I've got a CPA friend who would probably be willing to help if that would be helpful

2018-03-01 17:53:11 UTC


Ya, I really wanna get a labor union rolling by the end of this year...maybe the beginning of next.

2018-03-01 17:54:03 UTC

But yeah, a pan-trade labor union that offered apprenticeships, health insurance, etc. It would help twp and definitely help people and thereby recruiting in poor areas

2018-03-02 17:40:48 UTC

Any economic autists who can enlighten me on what would be a good loan interest rate then if only to cover losses from the loaner due to inflation?

2018-03-02 17:53:34 UTC

it would be whatever the inflation rate is

2018-03-02 17:53:53 UTC

so that the person who lends gets exactly what he put in

2018-03-02 17:53:56 UTC

no profit

2018-03-02 17:54:46 UTC

current inflation rate is 2.1%

2018-03-02 17:56:30 UTC


2018-03-02 17:56:58 UTC

Having *some* interest also discourages people from going into debt when they don't need to

2018-03-02 17:58:01 UTC

If I have enough money to buy a car, but I know I can get a loan for it and spread the cost out over 5 years with absolutely no drawback, why the hell would I just pay for it myself?

2018-03-02 18:41:33 UTC

Also having interest guarantees you will have lenders to provide capital

2018-03-02 18:41:55 UTC

Literally who would engage in loaning when it's inherently risky if they just get their money back?

2018-03-02 18:43:21 UTC

Unless you have a state run bank, I suppose. But then you may run into issues of some dumbass bureaucrat just handing out loans to everyone and their dog, costing taxpayers a fortune

2018-03-02 18:43:26 UTC

People who want to help their fellow white man out

2018-03-02 18:43:29 UTC

Lending is jewish

2018-03-02 18:43:34 UTC

Helping each other is not

2018-03-02 18:44:06 UTC

That's well and good for small loans to friends but for larger capital investments it's not really about just helping out your fellow white man

2018-03-02 18:44:45 UTC

You may want to help out a white man, but would you loan half a million out of the kindness of your heart? A million?

2018-03-02 18:45:42 UTC

Call me a Jew if you want but I don't think people would be loaning out large sums like that if there was no incentive to do so, it's too risky

2018-03-02 18:49:30 UTC

And without large loans like that being made it would cripple small businesses, as it's not uncommon for loans of half a million or so to be made to a startup business afaik

2018-03-02 19:23:31 UTC

So just matching inflation rates would be a good position?

2018-03-02 19:23:47 UTC

The incentive is that you have just bought most of the company and will, as partial owner, share in the profits. The difference between that and (((lending))) is that the lender doesn't care what happens to the business as long as he gets his money somehow, whereas the new business partner will benefit as the investment succeeds.

2018-03-02 19:24:01 UTC

@WeIrdGuy Yes, along with keeping inflation to zero.

2018-03-02 19:26:24 UTC

How does one ๐Ÿ…ฑ revent inflation? <:spurdo:406662967371759617>

2018-03-02 19:26:28 UTC

Inflation isn't something that just inevitably happens, there is a cause. Jewish banking shenanigans being the biggest one, another historical example being the influx of New World gold into Europe in the 16th century.

2018-03-02 19:33:13 UTC

And by Jewish banking shenanigans I am referring both to the "Federal Reserve" (which is neither federal nor a reserve) and the debasement of currency in the late Roman Empire by the same sorts of people, as well as other looting schemes like Weimar.

2018-03-02 20:03:42 UTC

@WeIrdGuy It's simple

2018-03-02 20:03:46 UTC

We kill the Fed

2018-03-02 20:26:30 UTC
2018-03-02 20:29:50 UTC

For businesses that's fine

2018-03-02 20:30:01 UTC

but what if my car breaks down and I can't afford a new one?

2018-03-02 20:31:18 UTC

One would hope in the ethnostate there would be a community in place to help those in need, for one

2018-03-02 20:31:37 UTC

Two, cars breaking down is clearly Jewish and would be done away with

2018-03-02 20:32:20 UTC

or a mortgage

2018-03-02 20:32:37 UTC

There could even be something like a state loan office or whatever, pay it off within x time its interest free

2018-03-02 20:32:48 UTC

that could work

2018-03-02 20:33:25 UTC

As for housing, honestly I think it'd be cheaper in an ethnostate

2018-03-02 20:33:38 UTC

You wouldn't have to pay a premium to get away from diversity

2018-03-02 20:33:53 UTC

It would just be more normal priced in that respect

2018-03-02 20:34:13 UTC

True, but its still something that will cost a significant amount that people might not have money for

2018-03-02 20:35:30 UTC

Yeah, of course. I'm not too knowledgeable on mortgages tbh but they do reach about the same as a small business loan, so I don't know if interest is necessarily bad

2018-03-02 20:36:20 UTC

From the banks point of view they're giving you a large sum of money. Some people will fail to pay it in its entirety, so it makes sense for them to charge some % extra to compensate for the risk they're taking

2018-03-02 20:37:11 UTC

You're talking like 200-500k depending on where the home is located, that's a lot to just lose

2018-03-02 20:38:14 UTC

Perhaps you could have some kind of state run mortgage lender, but they may do shit like what caused the housing crisis, give loans to high risk individuals because in their eyes it isn't their money

2018-03-02 20:39:08 UTC

Thus basically being gibs to shitbirds and hemorrhaging money that could be better used by the state

2018-03-02 20:40:23 UTC

Perhaps they could have some kind of policy where you can only charge interest after the debtor has missed a few payments or something, I don't know

2018-03-02 20:40:38 UTC

Capitalism is state enforced usury. Lending money at interest is verboten

2018-03-02 20:41:38 UTC

profiting off it is forbidden

2018-03-02 20:42:05 UTC

Okay. Who would go into lending then?

2018-03-02 20:42:27 UTC

If you cannot make a living off of it why would you lend money to anyone?

2018-03-02 20:42:29 UTC

Nobody because lending isn't a legitimate business

2018-03-02 20:43:20 UTC

It's like asking, but if faggotry is illegal, where will Anglin get his Thai ladyboy prostitutes?

2018-03-02 20:43:50 UTC

from Idnetity Evropa, obviously

2018-03-02 20:44:02 UTC

O shit, u right @Hadrian

2018-03-02 20:44:15 UTC

Are they thai, though?

2018-03-02 20:44:17 UTC

or possibly Atomwaffen

2018-03-02 20:44:21 UTC

That just seems like an unreasonable position my dude. If lending didn't go on you'd have a hard time purchasing a house or starting a small business, going to college etc

2018-03-02 20:44:28 UTC

I hear Rape knows something about that area

2018-03-02 20:44:42 UTC

The government can lend

2018-03-02 20:44:53 UTC

Why are we talking about real money

2018-03-02 20:45:05 UTC

Money is a spook

2018-03-02 20:45:11 UTC

Bureaucrats are shitty at discriminating with who they give money tho

2018-03-02 20:45:12 UTC

things like small businesses are in the best interests of society, so using tax money for that is fine

2018-03-02 20:45:26 UTC

obviously we hang the bureaucrats then and get better ones

2018-03-02 20:45:49 UTC

It fundamentally isn't their money so they're more willing just to give it to whoever

2018-03-02 20:45:59 UTC

@Arcturus you know we're not talking about doing this stuff in America, right?

2018-03-02 20:46:33 UTC


2018-03-02 20:46:55 UTC

I'm not sure why you think that the "ethnostate" will be America, but with minor policy changes

2018-03-02 20:47:04 UTC

I'm aware this is a theoretical discussion about after we get our ideal form of government, it would still geographically be in America tho

2018-03-02 20:47:15 UTC

*in* America, sure

2018-03-02 20:47:16 UTC

Yeah, no shit

2018-03-02 20:47:24 UTC

But it won't be America

2018-03-02 20:47:31 UTC

but the political and economic system will have little resemblance

2018-03-02 20:47:31 UTC

The state

2018-03-02 20:47:41 UTC

I'm aware

2018-03-02 20:47:44 UTC

the way things are done now just won't apply

2018-03-02 20:51:23 UTC

You're talking like money will be the same, taxes will be the same, etc. Like everything will be the same, just with us in charge

2018-03-02 20:51:39 UTC

I understand there won't be just minor changes, don't straw man me claiming that's what I think this will be my dude. I'm just saying this is a useful system that shouldn't entirely be done away with. We don't have to do literally everything opposite as to how it's done now for the sake of it being opposite. There can be a discussion as to what %'s are ethical, sure, but I don't think you can entirely do away with interest without having pretty broad ramifications on society

2018-03-02 20:54:19 UTC

>that shouldn't be entirely done away with

2018-03-02 20:54:36 UTC

the thing is, we *want* pretty broad ramifications on society

2018-03-02 20:55:20 UTC

You want an example of government loans in Germany?

2018-03-02 20:56:19 UTC

The government would give couples x amount of money and subtract a percent they would have to pay back for each child they gave birth to

2018-03-02 20:56:39 UTC

Yeah yeah, you get what I mean though lmao. By ramifications I was meaning that you just wouldn't have small business loans or mortgage loans in that system *if lenders were private* which would be pretty disastrous

2018-03-02 20:56:53 UTC

I'm aware of that, I'm not opposed to that

2018-03-02 20:57:23 UTC

I'd granted earlier you could have a loaning agency that could work, I was talking within the framework of if lending is private 0 interest wouldn't work

2018-03-02 20:57:55 UTC

But you're saying that if people don't make money off it, they won't want to loan money for a living

2018-03-02 20:57:57 UTC


2018-03-02 20:58:04 UTC

That's not a fucking job

2018-03-02 20:58:39 UTC

Helping people is something you do because you want to, not because you can profit off people in need

2018-03-02 20:59:15 UTC

"Oh, if I can't take advantage of these poor people through interest slavery, what's the point of lending money?"

2018-03-02 20:59:32 UTC

Unless someone is really close they don't help people for a *couple hundred thousand dollars*, provided they even have that kind of money

2018-03-02 20:59:35 UTC

No usury, period

2018-03-02 20:59:52 UTC


2018-03-02 21:00:07 UTC

You get what I mean, don't pick apart what I'm saying on semantics

2018-03-02 21:00:11 UTC

Large sums like that

2018-03-02 21:00:11 UTC

a couple hundred thousand Heimbucks

2018-03-02 21:02:29 UTC

Unironically, anybody that advocates for usury deserves to be shot. We aren't fighting the jews just so we can become them

2018-03-02 21:03:47 UTC

If you're gonna argue that I should be shot because you're not providing a compelling argument on this I don't get why I'm even talking to you fam

2018-03-02 21:05:09 UTC

Go purity spiral against about half of the people who agree with you on just about everything because they disagree on something far off in the future they likely wouldn't even be in charge of deciding

2018-03-02 21:05:38 UTC

๐Ÿคท I don't know why you are either. If you want to be a capitalist, why join a fascist group?

2018-03-02 21:06:16 UTC

But usury is literally the reason we're in this mess at all

2018-03-02 21:06:29 UTC

Europe sold their souls to the Jew

2018-03-02 21:07:52 UTC

Europe allowed usury because they needed money to fight jew manufactured wars, so they borrowed money from the jews who were financing both sides

2018-03-02 21:08:41 UTC

If they didn't allow usury, the jews would be, at most, an inconsequential little desert tribe

2018-03-02 21:09:28 UTC

But instead, they forced us into the situation we're in today where jews own the world

2018-03-02 21:10:42 UTC

I don't care if you can make more money in a capitalist system. I don't care if capitalism is better at this or at that. Money isn't the end-all be-all

2018-03-02 21:11:32 UTC

It's better to be poor and keep your soul

2018-03-02 21:14:40 UTC

Because I support this group, more or less. This is about the only disagreement I have, and even then I haven't seen a real alternative proposed. You said people should lend (paraphrasing) out of the kindness of their heart. That doesn't seem reasonable for a lot of everyday people, to be honest. Who would lend considerable sums out of the kindness of their hearts to someone starting a risky venture like starting a business, or buying a house? If you propose a state run agency, alright, that could work, don't have that big a deal with it. But just relying on thousands of philanthropists to lend out money to people seems unrealistic to me.

2018-03-02 21:15:21 UTC

I'm just talking about everyday loans people need dude. I get those arguments on how it fucked up europe, you're not wrong.

2018-03-02 21:16:15 UTC

Because that is unrealistic, and I have no idea where you would even get that idea

2018-03-02 21:16:44 UTC

Banks give out loans, right?

2018-03-02 21:16:53 UTC

"Helping people is something you do because you want to, not because you can profit off people in need"

2018-03-02 21:17:19 UTC

Private banks won't be a thing

2018-03-02 21:17:20 UTC

For large loans like that, we ARE proposing a government agency

2018-03-02 21:18:02 UTC

Yeah - I recall you advocating that Hadrian but Koh wasn't really clear with what he was saying

2018-03-02 21:18:47 UTC

I wasn't saying anything, mainly because Hadrian already said it

2018-03-02 22:23:32 UTC

I thought making a profit off of interest is usury, not interest in and of itself.

2018-03-02 22:27:25 UTC

If I go to the TWP Heimbuck Crypto Emporium, and I want a loan to pay for a house, the ideal situation is only charging me interest to match inflation so the government isn't at a loss.

2018-03-02 22:29:03 UTC

In this relationship, I (Loanee) get my house, the government (Loaner) has one more citizen off the streets or living in squalor.

2018-03-02 22:31:55 UTC

Potentially though the argument can be made with the NS Germany example, certain loans can be paid in full after a certain number of children are born, thus being an essentially interest free loan, while also benefiting the state.

2018-03-02 22:32:37 UTC

Idk I'm a newfag plebeian just spitballing here

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