(DM) Sam MN & John MN
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If you remember anything from the first document I sent you on theology, the main point was that man fulfills his relationship with the Creator by embodying instinctual values (that he has in common with the Creator).
Unified Consciousness
Unified Identity
Eternal Consciousness
Values of the Creator
The Reality of God
The Structure of Creation
Transcendent Meaning
Transcendent Spirits
Transcendent Values
Values of the Life Force
Section One
Racial Soul
Ancestral Reincarnation
Ancestor Worship
The Problem of Evil
The Nature of Evil
Elements of Degeneracy (add Porn)
The Necessity of Evil
The Value of Goodness
Section Two
Hierarchal Supremacy
Values of Degeneration
Manifest Destiny
Assertion and Destiny
The Heroic Journey
The Power Fantasy
Eternal Struggle
Eternal War
Struggle Generates Worth/Value
Inner Freedom through Working and Fighting
Six Attributes of Successful Struggle
Eternal Attack
Eternal Growth
The Extermination of Anti-Social Elements
Cosmic Racial Holy War
Mission Statement (Identity, Goals, Symbol)
The Enemy
Conversion (Redpill, Fight Club, Revolutionary Mentality)
The Overman
The Family and The Duty to Have Children
The Folkish Community
Total Investment
Economic Structure
Private Land, Private Roads
Self Sufficiency (Food, Clothing, Shelter)
The Means of Production (Business, Industry, Infrastructure)
Cultural Structure
Control of Information: Education and Media
Prohibitions on Screen Entertainment and Harmful Propaganda
Observance of Religious Festivals and Rituals
Modesty Precept
Birth, Initiation, Marriage, Childbirth, Death
The National Socialist Ethnostate
Expansion and Colonization
Besides the basic values of Creation, Beauty, Mystique, Masculinity, Femininity, and Connection; there are a further set of values that together form a metapolitical worldview (the same one that animated National Socialism). They are:
- Racial Soul
2. Authenticity
3. Vitality
4. Goodness (read: honor [=loyalty=duty] & dignity)
5. Chivalry (read: hate outwards, love inwards; destruction outwards, construction inwards)
6. Hierarchal Supremacy (includes concepts like “Overman” and “greatness”)
7. Manifest Destiny (Assertion & the Heroic Journey [in opposition to the power fantasy])
8. Eternal War (fundamentally against Entropy) (+Eternal Attack & Eternal Growth)
...among others. These are supposed to categorically replace the current system of values (equality, egalitarianism, pity, mercy, masochism, weakness, guilt, and unconditional love).
For example, here is the section dealing with "Hierarchical Supremacy"
If a religious movement in the United States took power with these values as their animating force, it would consume the entire world in a racial holy war.
- Praise for men who either did tons of solo activism or accomplished a larger goal such as stenciling or a banner drop.
- Shame for those who didn't accomplish their once a week duty of sticker placement.
Workout Report
- This is completely ran by Kyle MO he takes over this entire part of the meeting.
- Kyle MO is our fitness coordinator, he has given each man a tailored workout plan they have to follow every week. In these meetings he asks them if they have been fulfilling their duty and if they would like to tweak the workout.
- Usually goes on about why it's important to be fit and healthy, he will call out men who are not following the routine in front of everybody. It's highly effective IMO.
Large Event
- If we have a planned large event I will always bring it up before moving forward since guys like to drop out the longer a meeting takes. December 4th is the current large event but we have few details currently. Medium sized events like the September 11th Springfield, MO joint network action will be talked about and also the late September / early October Iowa joint action. (You'll be getting invited to that one.)
Next weeks plan for STL and Kansas City
- Since we're dealing with two large cities that are far apart I have goals for two different groups of men.
- I've given Mark MO sub-lead of all Kansas City activism but he has a lot to learn still.
- We plan all of our banner drops, stenciling actions, and general coordination between one another.
Major Issues
- This isn't every week but if we have anyone breaking a rule or an issue that needs to be stomped out immediately I'll always talk about it before the end of the meeting so it can stay fresh in our minds. One issue we had was with Telegram and using it for a large march that could have lead to a leak, men didn't know the risks associated with this. Other issues we've had are men talking bad about one another, inaction, ect.
Comments, Questions, Concerns
- Just like in a NNM meeting I follow the Thomas approach when dealing with the things above. This is simply an open forum where we can discuss whatever and it has made a world of difference. Many ideas have been brought up, issues that weren't previously mentioned, ect. It's a great thing to allow everyone to speak after sitting through my voice for 45 minutes.
Meeting Length:
I try and keep the meetings under 45 minutes but they have gone on for over an hour. At times it's necessary when we are having turmoil that needs to be addressed. We still have men who don't show up every single week for whatever reason but they don't get the invite or the ability to plan our actions. It's a feedback loop where those who show up influence the Missouri Network giving themselves a position within it and the ability to change it. Frederick IL
:PF-White: 2
ND - Carter MO ND - Carter MO
10:40 PM (#1968393)
#1 Activism
#2 Workout Reports
#3 Large Actions
#4 Plans for the Week
#5 Issues / Problems Within
#6 Open Forum
As each man enters the meeting room (since I'll always try and be 10 minutes early) I'll welcome them and ask how they're doing. Just a sign of respect that I acknowledge they took the time to show up. Those that didn't show will have a chance for a meeting recap on mumble for a couple days afterwards, I call them out in our regional chat if they didn't show (unless they have an actual excuse). I'm pretty hard on the membership we have but I believe this has retained all but two men and instills confidence in those who go above and beyond. The men who are the at the top have been given positions from their hardwork.
These are the men who have been awarded positions:
Kyle MO Fitness Director
Randolph IL Secondary Lead / Scribe
Mark MO Sub Lead of Western MO / KS
Christopher MO Scout and Photographer
This is Carter's mumble meeting set up, you can adapt it to the situation in Minnesota.
Also, that person who was going to join MN network ghosted Johnny.
Awesome, that's two. Now you're comfortably in the lead.
How sad is that 😂
Had a long discussion with Carter. Real sharp guy.
His advice was essentially what you gave me.
We still on for a mumble meeting tonight? 7pm
Yep, talk to you then
Have you had any discussions with matthew?
No, he’s still active on RC though
Haven’t figured out why he left the Threema group
Same. Hoped you might have insight.
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