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Q15: Has felt that his political and religious beliefs were at odds. He was a member of the LDS church since birth and the church leadership are pro-multiculturalism. Reconciled this by refusing to accept the authority of the church leadership.

Q16: Literature that has been impactful on him are Revolt Against The Modern world and some other Evola books as well as Beowulf hanley translation.

Q17: Current level of physical fitness is "medium-low". Can do 10 reps of a 25lb dumbbell. Lifts weights every other night. No MMA experience.

Q18: Ideal family structure is the nuclear family with extended family being involved. Multiple generations should be involved. Modern families are too impulsive, divorce rates too high, do not put importance on family. Personal upbringing was similar to modern family, parents are divorced. Opposed to LGBT, porn, promisc.

Q19: American figure who he most admires is Theodore Roosevelt for establishing the national parks and his involvement in the Spanish-American war.

Q20: American historical figure who he despises is MLK Jr. He was a degenerate behind the scenes and was a marxist.

Q21: The nationalist movement today is doing better than in the past. Pro-Globalist sentiment by the government is fueling the nationalist movement. Flaws in the nationalist movement are accelerationism and infighting. Our organization is good because we are non-violent and we are activists.

Q22: Goals for the future are to become self-reliant, get a gf or wife.

Gotta interview him a second time cause I didn't have the document when we met him.

He looked like a typical working class white guy. He mentioned reading William Luther Pierce and Evola, which Johnny asked him some more questions about as he's read them and I have not. Johnny felt that his answers to the questions he asked regarding those specific things were "a little vague" and that he didn't seem eager to go into much detail about them even though he was "a big fan of" them, but other than that didn't have any complaints about him or his answers. When asked about how he came to his current worldview he said that he was a leftie when he was younger (would make sense since he said his dad was a democrat and mom wasn't political during his interview), and during his teenage years he read Nietzsche, then Pierce and so on.

When questioned about his lack of a car, he stated that he chooses not to have one for economic reasons. He stated that his mother and brother are aware of his political positions, but did not mention if his father was or not. Stated that he identifies as a third positionist. When asked about how he learned about us and what pushed him to join he brought up the 2019 Anarchist book fair demo which is what got him initially interested in the org, and then more recently seeing promat in his town pushed him to finally apply (this matches up with the answer he gave during his initial interview as well). Was able to determine what town he lives in based on when he saw the promat, because it was promat I'd put up personally, and he's closest to Marcus out of all of us.

Interviewee - 796512
28/CA/Costa Mesa (With his brother in CA. Will be there for the foreseeable future.)
Conductor: Jason TX
Notes: Randolph IL
Result: Accepted
Test: Have you ever seen any of the orgs activism in person?: No
Interviewed before: No
Transport: Yes
Drugs: No
Crimes: No
Govt Employ: No
Ailments: None

Q1: Grandfather was part of a club in Georgia (Oakleaf Club). He was into Hitler stuff. Went to meetings with him when he was young. Has been familiar with Fascism for a long tome. There was never are trigger moment. Grew up around non whites in GA. Label: White Nationalist. Concerned with demographic issues and parasites in the gov. Mother and Father are on the same page as him.

Q2: Found us on 4chan. Found our videos about 6 months ago. Knew about Cville and Vanguard. Getting tired of not doing anything. We are at a turning point in America. Wants to find ideological allies in CA. Would do all types of activism.

Q3: Civic nationalism is wrong. It will always break down into conflict. Is on the side of European Nationalism.

Q4: Ancestry fought in the revolution. Other parts came in 1830's. French, Scottish, Ukrainian on dads side a little bit.

Q5: Believes in a God. Not a church goer. Read some French sounding authors as well as Evola. Behaves as if there is a God. No religious/political conflicts. No problem working with others.

Q6: Has done construction, plumbing, cooking, will be at events. Outdoorsman. Hikes a lot.

Q7: Current level of fitness is "fine" 6' 175ibs. Does burpees in his living room a lot. Could do a mile in under 10 min. Hikes. Brother has taught him some Jiu Jitzu.

Q8: Counter protested people removing confederate state in St. Augustine FL. Never a part of a group. Had a blog that someone found out about and told some people. Lost a few friends. Doesn't have a lot to lose. Not afraid to get hurt, arrested, hand out materiel and ect. Families is like minded and has some friends back home.

Q9: Biggest threat to America is Jewish subversion and demographic shift away from the white race.

Q10: Violence is justified when violence is being committed towards you. Doing anything overtly violent would hurt us right now. There comes a point where violence is necessary but it's not his call to make. Could remain disciplines during a demo. Understands and agrees with violence statement.

Q11: Last physical confrontation was three years ago at a bar. No arrests or serious injuries.

Q12: Telegram: Follows PF, Mike Enoch, Paul Wagner and similar people.

Q13: Has read a lot of philosophy. Likes Evola even though it's a meme now. Post WWI nationalist type. Storm of Steel. Mein Kampf. Doctrine of Fascism. For My Legionaries. Imperium by Yakey. Liked the idea of "fortress Europe" with a white nationalist tone.

Q14: Ideal family is man and woman with at least 3 kids. That is almost non-existent now. Families are almost non existent in CA. His parents are still married. Two parents. One brother. Had a lot of family around him.

Q15: Admires Andrew Jackson, Teddy R, Patton. Stonewall Jackson. He had faith and was highly religious. He had loyalty to where he came from. We need more fanatics.

Q16: Despises FDR. He betrayed the Germans.

Q17: The nationalist movement in America is almost non-existent. It is not homogeneous. Civic nationalism is weak. PF has the balls to go out and be active.

Q18: Goal for the future is to have a farm and a family. Would like to own a restaurant.

Q19: Has been truthful.

Q20: Doesn't know where he is needed in PF. "I'm a good dude and can help out any way I can."

Q11: 10 to 20 hours of free time weekly. Can attend weekly meetings

Q12: Biggest threat to America is the cultural decay of the last 70 years. Foreign and Semitic influence are the cause of this. American capitalism and rationalism left us open to this influence.

Q13: Follows a lot of people on Telegram: Thomas Sewell, Zoomerwaffen, Zoltanis. Reads the "controlled press" sometimes like the AP or RT for the news. Occasionally reads the news paper.

Q14: Worldview is Nietzschean. World exists as a ascetic phenomenon. Will to power.

Q15: Religious and political beliefs have not collided.

Q16: Has read Yukeo Mishima, Francis Yakey, Evola, William Pierce, Jopenhouer. These as well as others helped him put a lot of thoughts into proper context such as the motivations of people.

Q17: 16 or 17% body fat. Can run a mile in under 10 min. Has a routine. Goes to the gym and lifts about 4 or 5 days a week. Has been part of boxing clubs.

Q18: Nuclear family is ideal. Not what is seen today. Man are despondent and woman take on non traditional roles. Children are raised by school and tv. His father died when he was 14 which made him realize the importance of a nuclear family. Elderly should be taken care of and not thrown into homes. Homosexuality, porn, transsexuality are all bad. Mental disease. Promiscuity is devastating to society.

Q19: Respects Robert E. Lee. Brilliant strategist and conducted himself in a noble manor.

Q20: Despises FDR. Created the current over arching state and global institutions. Created Social Security system and the UN. Devastated any respect for the constitution. There was no American interest in WWII. We killed millions and made the Soviet Union stronger.

Q21: Nationalist movement is in pretty bad shape. Many people don't understand the seriousness of the situation. Many conservatives call us feds and are just spectators. On the other hand there are dimwits who do fall into the hands of feds because they have no self control. PF is a strong org that calls the enemy out directly but is disciplined in action.

Q22: Ideally, would be trying to help whatever group or people can set this country on track while trying to maintain a career.

Conductor: Patrick TX
Notetaker: Jason NY

Test Question: How long ago did you send in your application? 2-3 days ago

1. Never interviewed before.

2. Does have personal vehicle.

3. No substance abuse.

4. No criminal charges. No govt employment.

5. No phsyical/mental ailments.

6. Political journey started as a Libertarian/Conservative in HS because of his upbringing. Experimented with Bernie Sanders type ideology outside of highschool. Now considers himself a traditionalist, likes Evola. Ideas of self-ownership are important to him. Believes he received ideological poison in college and entering the real world convinced him of self-ownership. Was attracted to socialism because of collectivist atributes. Believes collectivism can also be found in "far right wing" politics.

7. If he had to choose a label he would pick Traditionalist. Conservatives do not conserve anything. Chooses traditionalist over other similar labels because traditionalism is timeless. Would also accept label of Nationalist, believes there's a lot of ties between Traditionalism and Nationalism. Personal experiences that brought him to this point are having been "beat down by degeneracy" as a Christian. "There's correct ways of being, that just seemed inescapable." Was into hookup culture/sexual degeneracy in college and it made him unhappy.

8. First found out about PF from a thread on /pol/. Describes thread as supportive of our org. Understands why people are concerned about feds on /pol/ but thinks it shouldn't prevent you from organizing and taking actions. Feds would only be an issue if doing illegal activity and believes we do not engage in illegal activity. No impression other than the /pol/ thread convinced him to join. Saw some of our videos on Telegram.

9. Wants to join the organization because he lives in a liberal area and wants to organize with likeminded people. Willing to engage in all sorts of activism required.

10. There is an ethnic component to being an American, you must be European.

11. Family has been in America for 4 generations. They are Germans who were living in Russia at the time of their immigration. Would describe self ethnically as German.

12. Some jiu-jitsu experience, some outdoorsmanship, barbell training. CPR certified.

13. Current level of physical fitness is above average. Climbed a couple of 14k feet mountains. Deadlifts 405, squats 365. Trained Jiu Jitsu for 1 1/2 years.

  1. Never been a part of a group like ours in the past. No likeminded friends/family in his area. Wanted to get into to an organization like this because he believes you are stronger when you're in a group. Wants to have comraderie.

    15. Biggest threat to America is the far left. They have an inverse, perverted worldview and are promoting degeneracy. The Jews also have a role but he hasn't studied Jewish involvement much.

    16. Violence is justified if his "personal autonomy" is threatened. Violence would be appropriate if he was being forced to take a vaccine. Not vaccine mandates, but if the govt kicked down his door and tried to physically force a vaccine into him. Violence is not a viable option for the political change he seeks. Would be able to remain peaceful if provoked at a demo. Understands and agrees w/ violence statement.

    17. Never involved in a physical confrontation.

    18. Typically gets his information from, zerohedge, right wing twitter.

    19. Likes to read Evola, Reign of Quantity, other traditionalist texts. Reign of Quantity "tears modernism in half and fully exposes it for what it is." Goes in to depth about the benefits of traditionalism over modernism, changed his worldview forever.

    20. Ideal family structure is a husband and wife with a large family. Father should take leadership position, also be spiritual leader. Modern families have no hierarchy, equality is satanic. Families are chaotic. Personal upbringing was similar to his ideal.

    21. American historical figure who he admires most is Teddy Roosevelt. Appreciates him for his personal attributes and for contributing to creation of National parks.

    22. American figure who he despises is Woodrow Wilson for being president during creation of fed reserve.

    23. Nationalist movement was propelled forward by Trump but now there are too many nationalists who have tied their worldview to Trump in particular. Biggest flaw are people relying solely on Trump as a solution to our problems. Believes that further organization outside of the GOP could solve the problems. Likes that our organization are nationalists disconnected from Trump.

    24. His goals for the future are to have a couple of children, was recently married. Wants to get his long-term career goals sorted out. Wants to expand his income so that he can purchase a homestead.

    25. Certain that he has been truthful.

    26. He should be admitted to the organization because there is no choice between being a fringe isolationist and getting organized and he wants to take the next step forward by joining our group.

Result: Accepted


28 Years Old/Kansas/Kansas City (Permres: Yes)

Conductor: Jon UT
Notes: Tyler SD

Test Question: How long ago did you send in your application?
Answer: Sent in one about 6 months back, never got a response; sent another a week ago and got the link.

1. Have never interviewed before.

2. Has access to a personal vehicle.

3. Has never had substance abuse issues.

4. No past crimes.

5. Was previously in the marine corp, out in 2018.

6. No ailments.

7. Has always had a passion for "outspoken ideology", though highschool was fairly melancholy, but when he started paying taxes he really moved forward. When he started in the military he read Beyond Good and Evil, Thus Spoke Zarathustra; by Evola: Men Amongst the Tigers, Revolt Against the Modern World; also ready Mein Kampf.

8. Labels self as a Natsoc, influenced by working class family, grandfather who fought for Germany. Believes that the government exists to serve the interests of the people and Natsoc best aligns to that end. As a teenager we was needlessly leftist, but shortly after matured and realized how wrong and against reality it was. Raised in Texas, went to skinhead and punk shows, was never really a leftist as much as he was someone who had leftist views at one point due to who he was surrounded by in HS. Seeing how X had struggled with rejection from society engaged him forward in his political journey especially.

9. It was the demo at the March For Life that enraptured him, how organized and directed it was. Decided to join 6 months ago. Had a doxxing experience where an employee of his recognized him (Michael Knowels event "Men Aren't Women") that was eye-opening for how bad things were and what he needed to do. Wants to join because he needs to do something; has stickered for White lives matter in the past, but felt it lacked organization. Agrees to do everything an activist needs to do.

10. Has heard of civnationalism, sees it as an erroneous starting point. Believe that a true identity is required, that there is an ethnic component to being an American (European) due to heritage.

11. Family has been here since early 1700s, they mostly came from Germany and Wales. Describes self as German (blond hair and blue eyes).

12. Raised Christian, but says he's not sure if he can be a Christian because he's dabbled in hedonism and has always put his race first. Has never felt like religious beliefs have conflicted with political, able to work with activists of other religions.

Result: Accepted


28 Years Old/Kansas/Kansas City (Permres: Yes)

Conductor: Jon UT
Notes: Tyler SD

Test Question: How long ago did you send in your application?
Answer: Sent in one about 6 months back, never got a response; sent another a week ago and got the link.

1. Have never interviewed before.

2. Has access to a personal vehicle.

3. Has never had substance abuse issues.

4. No past crimes.

5. Was previously in the marine corp, out in 2018.

6. No ailments.

7. Has always had a passion for "outspoken ideology", though highschool was fairly melancholy, but when he started paying taxes he really moved forward. When he started in the military he read Beyond Good and Evil, Thus Spoke Zarathustra; by Evola: Men Amongst the Tigers, Revolt Against the Modern World; also ready Mein Kampf.

8. Labels self as a Natsoc, influenced by working class family, grandfather who fought for Germany. Believes that the government exists to serve the interests of the people and Natsoc best aligns to that end. As a teenager we was needlessly leftist, but shortly after matured and realized how wrong and against reality it was. Raised in Texas, went to skinhead and punk shows, was never really a leftist as much as he was someone who had leftist views at one point due to who he was surrounded by in HS. Seeing how X had struggled with rejection from society engaged him forward in his political journey especially.

9. It was the demo at the March For Life that enraptured him, how organized and directed it was. Decided to join 6 months ago. Had a doxxing experience where an employee of his recognized him (Michael Knowels event "Men Aren't Women") that was eye-opening for how bad things were and what he needed to do. Wants to join because he needs to do something; has stickered for White lives matter in the past, but felt it lacked organization. Agrees to do everything an activist needs to do.

10. Has heard of civnationalism, sees it as an erroneous starting point. Believe that a true identity is required, that there is an ethnic component to being an American (European) due to heritage.

11. Family has been here since early 1700s, they mostly came from Germany and Wales. Describes self as German (blond hair and blue eyes).

12. Raised Christian, but says he's not sure if he can be a Christian because he's dabbled in hedonism and has always put his race first. Has never felt like religious beliefs have conflicted with political, able to work with activists of other religions.

Interviewee- 248255
Conductor: Sam_MN
Notetaker: Randolph IL


Test Q: How long ago did you send in your application?: 2 weeks ago

-- Applicant Information --

Personal Transportation: Yes

Permanent Resident: Yes. No plans to move.

Political Ideology: Fascist. Revenge against Judeo Bolshevism. Jews can never have control of media or be citizens. Should be exiled. Fascism is the opposite of Satanic Bolshevism.

Drug Abuse: No. Has had many friends and family member who have.

Religion: Is Orthodox. When the Jews turned against Jesus, they never stopped doing so. They have been at the center of every evil revolutionary position. No problem working with others.

Why Join: Wants to stop sitting idly by as country is as the country dies. Every other org sells out when it comes to race like the Proud Boys. Melting Pot ideology got us into this position.

Skills: Electrician. No medical skills.

Read Manifesto: Yes. Has not read it in a while. Didn't disappoint. It hold true to his ideals. He agrees with it from the standpoint of a fascist.

-- In-depth Questions --

Q1: Never interviewed

Q2: No crimes or government employment

Q3: No ailments

Q4: Upbringing was similar to any other. Public school made him liberal. Started browsing pol in 2007/8 which led him to Evola and Hitler. Discovered a few years later. Iron March was a huge contributor to ideological development. Conversations with people on the website radicalized him. Learning about the fall of Tsarist Russia led him to discovering the parasitical nature of the Jews. Thinks capitalism and communism are two sides of the same Jewish coin. Jews attack all things good in this world.

Q5: Found PF on Pol a couple of years ago. Book fair video. Thinks that the Fed accusations are dumb. Our organizations discipline and order convinced him to join. Agrees with firearms statement.

Q6: Does not think migratory foreigners can become Americans. Europeans are different from other races.

Q7: Family has been in America for at least 4 generations. Father is Armenia background. Mother has German background. Calls himself an American. Considers himself white and looks white despite some of his Armenian back ground.

Q8: Has not done any activism in the past. Wanted to join Atomwaffen and help it grow in the south west. Atomwaffen was trying to collapse the United States. Doesn't agree with their methods of violence but does think it will come down to violence eventually. Can see himself participating in marches as well as other activism.

Q9: Violence is justified defensively. Agrees and understand violence statement. Could restrain himself in a march.

Q10: Physical confrontation with father a couple of years ago. Had to wrestle a gun out of his hand. He was on meth. Subdued him with his brothers.

Interviewee- 248255
Conductor: Sam_MN
Notetaker: Randolph IL


Test Q: How long ago did you send in your application?: 2 weeks ago

-- Applicant Information --

Personal Transportation: Yes

Permanent Resident: Yes. No plans to move.

Political Ideology: Fascist. Revenge against Judeo Bolshevism. Jews can never have control of media or be citizens. Should be exiled. Fascism is the opposite of Satanic Bolshevism.

Drug Abuse: No. Has had many friends and family member who have.

Religion: Is Orthodox. When the Jews turned against Jesus, they never stopped doing so. They have been at the center of every evil revolutionary position. No problem working with others.

Why Join: Wants to stop sitting idly by as country is as the country dies. Every other org sells out when it comes to race like the Proud Boys. Melting Pot ideology got us into this position.

Skills: Electrician. No medical skills.

Read Manifesto: Yes. Has not read it in a while. Didn't disappoint. It hold true to his ideals. He agrees with it from the standpoint of a fascist.

-- In-depth Questions --

Q1: Never interviewed

Q2: No crimes or government employment

Q3: No ailments

Q4: Upbringing was similar to any other. Public school made him liberal. Started browsing pol in 2007/8 which led him to Evola and Hitler. Discovered a few years later. Iron March was a huge contributor to ideological development. Conversations with people on the website radicalized him. Learning about the fall of Tsarist Russia led him to discovering the parasitical nature of the Jews. Thinks capitalism and communism are two sides of the same Jewish coin. Jews attack all things good in this world.

Q5: Found PF on Pol a couple of years ago. Book fair video. Thinks that the Fed accusations are dumb. Our organizations discipline and order convinced him to join. Agrees with firearms statement.

Q6: Does not think migratory foreigners can become Americans. Europeans are different from other races.

Q7: Family has been in America for at least 4 generations. Father is Armenia background. Mother has German background. Calls himself an American. Considers himself white and looks white despite some of his Armenian back ground.

Q8: Has not done any activism in the past. Wanted to join Atomwaffen and help it grow in the south west. Atomwaffen was trying to collapse the United States. Doesn't agree with their methods of violence but does think it will come down to violence eventually. Can see himself participating in marches as well as other activism.

Q9: Violence is justified defensively. Agrees and understand violence statement. Could restrain himself in a march.

Q10: Physical confrontation with father a couple of years ago. Had to wrestle a gun out of his hand. He was on meth. Subdued him with his brothers.

Q11: Schedule allows for weekly meetings.

Q12: Biggest threat to America is itself. America has no ideology. It is a bunch of divided factions and races fighting each other urged on by the Jewish media.

Q13: Keeps up with Styxinhammer. Used to watch Fuentes and Alex Jones when he was on YouTube. Watched Fuentes when it was free. Sam Hyde.

Q14: Label on beliefs. Christian National Socialist. He holds true to both of these things. Christianity he holds above all things. Has had first hand experience with the forces of Bolshevism and liberalism.

Q15: Has had conflict with priests and pastor friends about race. They think you can love everyone and sing kumbaya. Disagrees. We have a stake in this country.

Q16: Has read Mien Kampf and Codreanu. Codreanu showed home that you can hold fascist beliefs and not be a bad person.

Q17: Can bench 210. Can run a mile in under 10 min. 6ft 185ibs. No martial arts experience.

Q18: Ideal family structure is one man and one woman. Dating is just a revolving door of sexual partners. It is societally destructive as well as porn and homosexuality.

Q19: Admires Ted Kaczynski. He was able to verbalize his point of view and ideology very well. Doesn't like his methods. Likes his writings.

Q20: Despises the Margaret Sanger for founding planned parenthood.

Q21: Nationalists like to spurg out about things like the holocaust. These things don't help with attracting a large following. PF is not going to make media headlines for doing anything violent or stupid.

• Interviewee-437418
33/NM/Santa Fe
Conductor: Jason NY
Notetaker: Jesse AR


Test Question: How long ago did you apply? A month to 6 weeks ago
Political Ideology: Heavily Libertarian for most of his life. Wanted to be left alone for the longest time. That has changed in recent years, due to BLM and the silencing of White People. We deserve a voice. The current situation is polarizing people and he is going right.
Transportation: Yes
Permanent Resident or Moving: Looking to relocate to Maine at the end of January.
Drug Abuse: No
Religion: Apathetic. Considering joining a Greek Orthodox Church depending on the availability in Maine but personally has no strong feelings on faith. Distrustful of Muslims and Jewish practitioners. All other faiths are alright.
Why Join: This org seems to advocate for a future country that he would like to see his children growing up in. He no longer believes isolation is a workable strategy. Joining an org goes against his nature but he cannot stand by at this point.
Skills: Reasonably fit, BA in Economics and a financial job. Good at hiking, loves camping. Did BJJ for 12 years and has various martial arts experiences.
Read Manifesto: Yes, 6 weeks ago and again 2 weeks ago. Felt that it articulated our country's situation well, and he agrees with the values written on it. Really likes the idea that people who have a strong history here through their family give more value to this country than people who arrived yesterday. His family has been here a long time and we need to change its direction.

Q1: No past interviews.
Q2: No crimes. No government employ.
Q3: No ailments.
Q4: Always thought that this was our country, and society. Didn't see it moving as much as it has. Never liked substance abuse or hookup culture, but it wasn't a big deal for him. You do you. Things are getting torn down around us now. Disagrees with the idea of giving up his voice for someone else's. The way things are going, White People and his children will have no place in this land. We need a Party or an Organization that provides us White People with a voice. Going through college and watching the news cycle informed him on the racial struggle of Whites. Watched Europa The Last Battle and currently uses Telegram to get talking points he agrees with.
Q5: Found us through Telegram, watched a video of our activism. [Note: Probably an Activism Report.] Watched most of our videos, likes our structure and peacefulness. We know what we are doing.
Q6: Unfamiliar with Civic Nationalism. Migrants becoming American would depend on the place of origin of the migrant, French yes Saudis no, because they tend to keep her culture. Americans are people of European descent.
Q7: Mothers side comes from the Border Reavers of England and Scotland. Fathers side came over in the 1800's, primarily English as well. Some German.
Q8: No past organizations. Wanted to become organized because he sees the country going in a bad direction. Can't see himself just staying inside and letting things fall apart. Wants to take part in normal activism, doesn't see himself as a leadership type.
Q9: Violence is only justified in defense of yourself and your family. Understands and Agrees with our Violence Statement.
Q10: Last fight was about 10 years ago.
Q11: Free time varies. about 4-12 hours of free time a week.
Q12: Biggest threat to America is Liberalism. Its pushed by media and politics to break down traditions and morality.
Q13: Uses Facebook, Telegram, watches BBC and Reuters. Telegram top channels: 14 Words, White Preservation Society.
Q14: Believes that he is leaning more towards National Socialism more than anything else. It says that everyone belongs, and has a home to keep and maintain. It is the ONLY ideology that embraces that. Parents were total party followers, die hard Republicans or Democrats, didn't matter what the party or politicians did. That taught him about our political system.
Q15: No conflict between faith and politics.
Q16: Has been reading Evola for the past few months. It's taught him about natural roles in society, and that roles can give people pride, and teaches them to pass along things between generations to maintain tradition.
Q17: Reasonably fit. Can run a mile just fine, can lift well, good at hiking up mountains. Not exceptional in any one area, but works out 3 days a week. Runs at each workout as well. 12 years experience in BJJ, and he also trained on kick boxing, muai thai, a little krav maga, but BJJ is his heart and wants to find a boxing gym once he moves. Brown Belt in BJJ and can help others to learn the fundamentals. 180 lbs, 5'9.

• Interviewee-437418
33/NM/Santa Fe
Conductor: Jason NY
Notetaker: Jesse AR


Test Question: How long ago did you apply? A month to 6 weeks ago
Political Ideology: Heavily Libertarian for most of his life. Wanted to be left alone for the longest time. That has changed in recent years, due to BLM and the silencing of White People. We deserve a voice. The current situation is polarizing people and he is going right.
Transportation: Yes
Permanent Resident or Moving: Looking to relocate to Maine at the end of January.
Drug Abuse: No
Religion: Apathetic. Considering joining a Greek Orthodox Church depending on the availability in Maine but personally has no strong feelings on faith. Distrustful of Muslims and Jewish practitioners. All other faiths are alright.
Why Join: This org seems to advocate for a future country that he would like to see his children growing up in. He no longer believes isolation is a workable strategy. Joining an org goes against his nature but he cannot stand by at this point.
Skills: Reasonably fit, BA in Economics and a financial job. Good at hiking, loves camping. Did BJJ for 12 years and has various martial arts experiences.
Read Manifesto: Yes, 6 weeks ago and again 2 weeks ago. Felt that it articulated our country's situation well, and he agrees with the values written on it. Really likes the idea that people who have a strong history here through their family give more value to this country than people who arrived yesterday. His family has been here a long time and we need to change its direction.

Q1: No past interviews.
Q2: No crimes. No government employ.
Q3: No ailments.
Q4: Always thought that this was our country, and society. Didn't see it moving as much as it has. Never liked substance abuse or hookup culture, but it wasn't a big deal for him. You do you. Things are getting torn down around us now. Disagrees with the idea of giving up his voice for someone else's. The way things are going, White People and his children will have no place in this land. We need a Party or an Organization that provides us White People with a voice. Going through college and watching the news cycle informed him on the racial struggle of Whites. Watched Europa The Last Battle and currently uses Telegram to get talking points he agrees with.
Q5: Found us through Telegram, watched a video of our activism. [Note: Probably an Activism Report.] Watched most of our videos, likes our structure and peacefulness. We know what we are doing.
Q6: Unfamiliar with Civic Nationalism. Migrants becoming American would depend on the place of origin of the migrant, French yes Saudis no, because they tend to keep her culture. Americans are people of European descent.
Q7: Mothers side comes from the Border Reavers of England and Scotland. Fathers side came over in the 1800's, primarily English as well. Some German.
Q8: No past organizations. Wanted to become organized because he sees the country going in a bad direction. Can't see himself just staying inside and letting things fall apart. Wants to take part in normal activism, doesn't see himself as a leadership type.
Q9: Violence is only justified in defense of yourself and your family. Understands and Agrees with our Violence Statement.
Q10: Last fight was about 10 years ago.
Q11: Free time varies. about 4-12 hours of free time a week.
Q12: Biggest threat to America is Liberalism. Its pushed by media and politics to break down traditions and morality.
Q13: Uses Facebook, Telegram, watches BBC and Reuters. Telegram top channels: 14 Words, White Preservation Society.
Q14: Believes that he is leaning more towards National Socialism more than anything else. It says that everyone belongs, and has a home to keep and maintain. It is the ONLY ideology that embraces that. Parents were total party followers, die hard Republicans or Democrats, didn't matter what the party or politicians did. That taught him about our political system.
Q15: No conflict between faith and politics.
Q16: Has been reading Evola for the past few months. It's taught him about natural roles in society, and that roles can give people pride, and teaches them to pass along things between generations to maintain tradition.
Q17: Reasonably fit. Can run a mile just fine, can lift well, good at hiking up mountains. Not exceptional in any one area, but works out 3 days a week. Runs at each workout as well. 12 years experience in BJJ, and he also trained on kick boxing, muai thai, a little krav maga, but BJJ is his heart and wants to find a boxing gym once he moves. Brown Belt in BJJ and can help others to learn the fundamentals. 180 lbs, 5'9.

33/NM/Santa Fe
Conductor: Jason NY
Notetaker: Jesse AR


Test Question: How long ago did you apply? A month to 6 weeks ago
Political Ideology: Heavily Libertarian for most of his life. Wanted to be left alone for the longest time. That has changed in recent years, due to BLM and the silencing of White People. We deserve a voice. The current situation is polarizing people and he is going right.
Transportation: Yes
Permanent Resident or Moving: Looking to relocate to Maine at the end of January.
Drug Abuse: No
Religion: Apathetic. Considering joining a Greek Orthodox Church depending on the availability in Maine but personally has no strong feelings on faith. Distrustful of Muslims and Jewish practitioners. All other faiths are alright.
Why Join: This org seems to advocate for a future country that he would like to see his children growing up in. He no longer believes isolation is a workable strategy. Joining an org goes against his nature but he cannot stand by at this point.
Skills: Reasonably fit, BA in Economics and a financial job. Good at hiking, loves camping. Did BJJ for 12 years and has various martial arts experiences.
Read Manifesto: Yes, 6 weeks ago and again 2 weeks ago. Felt that it articulated our country's situation well, and he agrees with the values written on it. Really likes the idea that people who have a strong history here through their family give more value to this country than people who arrived yesterday. His family has been here a long time and we need to change its direction.

Q1: No past interviews.
Q2: No crimes. No government employ.
Q3: No ailments.
Q4: Always thought that this was our country, and society. Didn't see it moving as much as it has. Never liked substance abuse or hookup culture, but it wasn't a big deal for him. You do you. Things are getting torn down around us now. Disagrees with the idea of giving up his voice for someone else's. The way things are going, White People and his children will have no place in this land. We need a Party or an Organization that provides us White People with a voice. Going through college and watching the news cycle informed him on the racial struggle of Whites. Watched Europa The Last Battle and currently uses Telegram to get talking points he agrees with.
Q5: Found us through Telegram, watched a video of our activism. [Note: Probably an Activism Report.] Watched most of our videos, likes our structure and peacefulness. We know what we are doing.
Q6: Unfamiliar with Civic Nationalism. Migrants becoming American would depend on the place of origin of the migrant, French yes Saudis no, because they tend to keep her culture. Americans are people of European descent.
Q7: Mothers side comes from the Border Reavers of England and Scotland. Fathers side came over in the 1800's, primarily English as well. Some German.
Q8: No past organizations. Wanted to become organized because he sees the country going in a bad direction. Can't see himself just staying inside and letting things fall apart. Wants to take part in normal activism, doesn't see himself as a leadership type.
Q9: Violence is only justified in defense of yourself and your family. Understands and Agrees with our Violence Statement.
Q10: Last fight was about 10 years ago.
Q11: Free time varies. about 4-12 hours of free time a week.
Q12: Biggest threat to America is Liberalism. Its pushed by media and politics to break down traditions and morality.
Q13: Uses Facebook, Telegram, watches BBC and Reuters. Telegram top channels: 14 Words, White Preservation Society.
Q14: Believes that he is leaning more towards National Socialism more than anything else. It says that everyone belongs, and has a home to keep and maintain. It is the ONLY ideology that embraces that. Parents were total party followers, die hard Republicans or Democrats, didn't matter what the party or politicians did. That taught him about our political system.
Q15: No conflict between faith and politics.
Q16: Has been reading Evola for the past few months. It's taught him about natural roles in society, and that roles can give people pride, and teaches them to pass along things between generations to maintain tradition.
Q17: Reasonably fit. Can run a mile just fine, can lift well, good at hiking up mountains. Not exceptional in any one area, but works out 3 days a week. Runs at each workout as well. 12 years experience in BJJ, and he also trained on kick boxing, muai thai, a little krav maga, but BJJ is his heart and wants to find a boxing gym once he moves. Brown Belt in BJJ and can help others to learn the fundamentals. 180 lbs, 5'9.

33/NM/Santa Fe
Conductor: Jason NY
Notetaker: Jesse AR


Test Question: How long ago did you apply? A month to 6 weeks ago
Political Ideology: Heavily Libertarian for most of his life. Wanted to be left alone for the longest time. That has changed in recent years, due to BLM and the silencing of White People. We deserve a voice. The current situation is polarizing people and he is going right.
Transportation: Yes
Permanent Resident or Moving: Looking to relocate to Maine at the end of January.
Drug Abuse: No
Religion: Apathetic. Considering joining a Greek Orthodox Church depending on the availability in Maine but personally has no strong feelings on faith. Distrustful of Muslims and Jewish practitioners. All other faiths are alright.
Why Join: This org seems to advocate for a future country that he would like to see his children growing up in. He no longer believes isolation is a workable strategy. Joining an org goes against his nature but he cannot stand by at this point.
Skills: Reasonably fit, BA in Economics and a financial job. Good at hiking, loves camping. Did BJJ for 12 years and has various martial arts experiences.
Read Manifesto: Yes, 6 weeks ago and again 2 weeks ago. Felt that it articulated our country's situation well, and he agrees with the values written on it. Really likes the idea that people who have a strong history here through their family give more value to this country than people who arrived yesterday. His family has been here a long time and we need to change its direction.

Q1: No past interviews.
Q2: No crimes. No government employ.
Q3: No ailments.
Q4: Always thought that this was our country, and society. Didn't see it moving as much as it has. Never liked substance abuse or hookup culture, but it wasn't a big deal for him. You do you. Things are getting torn down around us now. Disagrees with the idea of giving up his voice for someone else's. The way things are going, White People and his children will have no place in this land. We need a Party or an Organization that provides us White People with a voice. Going through college and watching the news cycle informed him on the racial struggle of Whites. Watched Europa The Last Battle and currently uses Telegram to get talking points he agrees with.
Q5: Found us through Telegram, watched a video of our activism. [Note: Probably an Activism Report.] Watched most of our videos, likes our structure and peacefulness. We know what we are doing.
Q6: Unfamiliar with Civic Nationalism. Migrants becoming American would depend on the place of origin of the migrant, French yes Saudis no, because they tend to keep her culture. Americans are people of European descent.
Q7: Mothers side comes from the Border Reavers of England and Scotland. Fathers side came over in the 1800's, primarily English as well. Some German.
Q8: No past organizations. Wanted to become organized because he sees the country going in a bad direction. Can't see himself just staying inside and letting things fall apart. Wants to take part in normal activism, doesn't see himself as a leadership type.
Q9: Violence is only justified in defense of yourself and your family. Understands and Agrees with our Violence Statement.
Q10: Last fight was about 10 years ago.
Q11: Free time varies. about 4-12 hours of free time a week.
Q12: Biggest threat to America is Liberalism. Its pushed by media and politics to break down traditions and morality.
Q13: Uses Facebook, Telegram, watches BBC and Reuters. Telegram top channels: 14 Words, White Preservation Society.
Q14: Believes that he is leaning more towards National Socialism more than anything else. It says that everyone belongs, and has a home to keep and maintain. It is the ONLY ideology that embraces that. Parents were total party followers, die hard Republicans or Democrats, didn't matter what the party or politicians did. That taught him about our political system.
Q15: No conflict between faith and politics.
Q16: Has been reading Evola for the past few months. It's taught him about natural roles in society, and that roles can give people pride, and teaches them to pass along things between generations to maintain tradition.
Q17: Reasonably fit. Can run a mile just fine, can lift well, good at hiking up mountains. Not exceptional in any one area, but works out 3 days a week. Runs at each workout as well. 12 years experience in BJJ, and he also trained on kick boxing, muai thai, a little krav maga, but BJJ is his heart and wants to find a boxing gym once he moves. Brown Belt in BJJ and can help others to learn the fundamentals. 180 lbs, 5'9.

14 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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