Message from PF-5597

RocketChat ID: 99HhXcPPLMaHJZo3H

• Interviewee-437418
33/NM/Santa Fe
Conductor: Jason NY
Notetaker: Jesse AR


Test Question: How long ago did you apply? A month to 6 weeks ago
Political Ideology: Heavily Libertarian for most of his life. Wanted to be left alone for the longest time. That has changed in recent years, due to BLM and the silencing of White People. We deserve a voice. The current situation is polarizing people and he is going right.
Transportation: Yes
Permanent Resident or Moving: Looking to relocate to Maine at the end of January.
Drug Abuse: No
Religion: Apathetic. Considering joining a Greek Orthodox Church depending on the availability in Maine but personally has no strong feelings on faith. Distrustful of Muslims and Jewish practitioners. All other faiths are alright.
Why Join: This org seems to advocate for a future country that he would like to see his children growing up in. He no longer believes isolation is a workable strategy. Joining an org goes against his nature but he cannot stand by at this point.
Skills: Reasonably fit, BA in Economics and a financial job. Good at hiking, loves camping. Did BJJ for 12 years and has various martial arts experiences.
Read Manifesto: Yes, 6 weeks ago and again 2 weeks ago. Felt that it articulated our country's situation well, and he agrees with the values written on it. Really likes the idea that people who have a strong history here through their family give more value to this country than people who arrived yesterday. His family has been here a long time and we need to change its direction.

Q1: No past interviews.
Q2: No crimes. No government employ.
Q3: No ailments.
Q4: Always thought that this was our country, and society. Didn't see it moving as much as it has. Never liked substance abuse or hookup culture, but it wasn't a big deal for him. You do you. Things are getting torn down around us now. Disagrees with the idea of giving up his voice for someone else's. The way things are going, White People and his children will have no place in this land. We need a Party or an Organization that provides us White People with a voice. Going through college and watching the news cycle informed him on the racial struggle of Whites. Watched Europa The Last Battle and currently uses Telegram to get talking points he agrees with.
Q5: Found us through Telegram, watched a video of our activism. [Note: Probably an Activism Report.] Watched most of our videos, likes our structure and peacefulness. We know what we are doing.
Q6: Unfamiliar with Civic Nationalism. Migrants becoming American would depend on the place of origin of the migrant, French yes Saudis no, because they tend to keep her culture. Americans are people of European descent.
Q7: Mothers side comes from the Border Reavers of England and Scotland. Fathers side came over in the 1800's, primarily English as well. Some German.
Q8: No past organizations. Wanted to become organized because he sees the country going in a bad direction. Can't see himself just staying inside and letting things fall apart. Wants to take part in normal activism, doesn't see himself as a leadership type.
Q9: Violence is only justified in defense of yourself and your family. Understands and Agrees with our Violence Statement.
Q10: Last fight was about 10 years ago.
Q11: Free time varies. about 4-12 hours of free time a week.
Q12: Biggest threat to America is Liberalism. Its pushed by media and politics to break down traditions and morality.
Q13: Uses Facebook, Telegram, watches BBC and Reuters. Telegram top channels: 14 Words, White Preservation Society.
Q14: Believes that he is leaning more towards National Socialism more than anything else. It says that everyone belongs, and has a home to keep and maintain. It is the ONLY ideology that embraces that. Parents were total party followers, die hard Republicans or Democrats, didn't matter what the party or politicians did. That taught him about our political system.
Q15: No conflict between faith and politics.
Q16: Has been reading Evola for the past few months. It's taught him about natural roles in society, and that roles can give people pride, and teaches them to pass along things between generations to maintain tradition.
Q17: Reasonably fit. Can run a mile just fine, can lift well, good at hiking up mountains. Not exceptional in any one area, but works out 3 days a week. Runs at each workout as well. 12 years experience in BJJ, and he also trained on kick boxing, muai thai, a little krav maga, but BJJ is his heart and wants to find a boxing gym once he moves. Brown Belt in BJJ and can help others to learn the fundamentals. 180 lbs, 5'9.