Message from PF-3527

RocketChat ID: uxh6o87fWFSG4c4XZ

Q15: Has felt that his political and religious beliefs were at odds. He was a member of the LDS church since birth and the church leadership are pro-multiculturalism. Reconciled this by refusing to accept the authority of the church leadership.

Q16: Literature that has been impactful on him are Revolt Against The Modern world and some other Evola books as well as Beowulf hanley translation.

Q17: Current level of physical fitness is "medium-low". Can do 10 reps of a 25lb dumbbell. Lifts weights every other night. No MMA experience.

Q18: Ideal family structure is the nuclear family with extended family being involved. Multiple generations should be involved. Modern families are too impulsive, divorce rates too high, do not put importance on family. Personal upbringing was similar to modern family, parents are divorced. Opposed to LGBT, porn, promisc.

Q19: American figure who he most admires is Theodore Roosevelt for establishing the national parks and his involvement in the Spanish-American war.

Q20: American historical figure who he despises is MLK Jr. He was a degenerate behind the scenes and was a marxist.

Q21: The nationalist movement today is doing better than in the past. Pro-Globalist sentiment by the government is fueling the nationalist movement. Flaws in the nationalist movement are accelerationism and infighting. Our organization is good because we are non-violent and we are activists.

Q22: Goals for the future are to become self-reliant, get a gf or wife.