Message from @ThatRightWingFish
Discord ID: 469318215277740044
@KoninginTanja presies my punt...
okay, well i dont consider that necessarily politically incorrect, it's far more popular among the politically correct from my own personal experiences of the people that openly share these things. But I suppose making it a racial matter explains it.
Yes this is what happens when there is no rule of law, the people then take the law in their own hands, and it is chaos.. The law is not for the righteous people, it is for people like this, who want to make their own.
Ek kan die wreedheid nie verstaan nie.
Hulle is n wrede nasie, ons moet dit verstaan. As men we cant recoil from the realities of nature.
Kyk na hul geskiedenis, hul kultuur.. dit is in hulle programeer die manier hoe hulle uitkyk na die wereld. Hulle respekteer emosie, nie intellek nie
Barbaars. Da was diere doodgemaak by die hermanus optogte. Daar was n kat in n vuur gegooi. Baie wreed
@HoppeanSnake_ZA no I could never ever take it at face value. This is not human.
Die realiteit van Ras en IQ. High IQ groups tend to create societies that are far less violent.
Agreed Hoppen, the truth of nature is as we see it, we shouldnt fear it, we should carve a place out of nature for ourselves, and make it home.
@Sheamus Mag die Here ons beskerm, en hulle van hul boosheid bevry!
@Sheamus thats truth to power
After all, we have the law on our side. 😃 the law is not for the righteous, but for the thieves, the rapists, the murderers and all things unholy. The law will make a comeback, it is natural for chaos to be made order by the conquerors.
We should 100% create a website where we can start laying out our ideological framework. There is a sizebale Afrikaner inteligência that can be used for content creation and more importantly to orientate ourselves properly when discussing certain taboo topics.
Agreed, i think that could be interesting, more community driven framework online instead of political motivations. I dont like how everything has to be made political these days, whatever happened to right and wrong, now we have left, right and centre, and both extremes and all other grey areas in between.
Websites dont attract too much views,it takes a big following to get the traffic. Hence why discord is currently the best platform to network
Yeah but that's if you intend on making it a social matter... Dont think he is suggesting another social platform, but rather a community oriented goal to define ourselves accordingly. Websites attract attention, as long as you share it and give a good enough reason for people to stick around.
I'm out for tonight, cheers
Willem do you think the eff is behind farm murders?
I think they are... But they are not the only ones... There is a bigger agenda... Cash and transit.. weapons stolen from police faults... Robberies... Murders... Fraud... It looks like they are funding something...
Its the same tactics used during apartheid...
I think we give then more credit than what they deserve, maybe. They only want to fund their fat arses. Look at their faction wars, we are no threat to their power, we are just the rope they use to hang each other.
@crazyBoer ernst roets het n boek vrygestal onlang oor dit,lees dit.
CrazyBoer ,JA ABSALUTELY I DO THINK SO! Too many instances have come up recently to think otherwise. The Carte Blanche footage and the stuff in Ernst Roets' book (which I have not read yet)
Wasn't there a photo floating around of invaders with military grade jammers ?
Anybody here from Kimberley? I recently visited The big hole and didn't have an opportunity to film the intro vid. I walked out in the first 3 minutes (ek het my moer gestrip) If anyone lives there please make a video of the propaganda video they show before the tour. And post it on youtube.
How about this clip of oom Kruger for intro of Pofadder media 😬
wow, im glad to have found this. Thanks guy!
Where are you from @The Burn ?
Born in Gauteng, moved to CT for studies, lived there for 11 years and not in KZN for a while trying to figuring out what's next
after expropriation
Found this a few weeks ago
Ditsem! @Objective Realist, you just advanced to level 1!