Message from @Kesh
Discord ID: 469122250709401610
I can already see the dance off's happening when there is antifa riots
"You got SERVED by the swift moves of the law"
Strike a pose!
It's a paradox cause as a conservative one wants to support the police. But these aren't police. They don't deserve respect.
Lol I wonder if we'd get these nowadays...🤔
They wont replay those videos on british tv
ye I know what you mean
It's fine. I think white males are taking the hint and leaving the dems. Good news for us
Ditsem! @Malcolm the Seceder, you just advanced to level 3!
Does anybody follow Alex Jones?
Alex Jones is a fraud.
I did but a lot of his stuff is so overwrought that I stopped. I pop in every now and then. I actually prefer Owen Shroyer
@Deejay from Earth please elaborate
See if you can find his 9-11 crying video on youtube. It's hilarious.
@Malcolm the Seceder They're both awesome
@Kesh I watched Alex regularly for about 8 years until he uploaded this and deleted it an hour later Alex is compromised.
I doubt Alex was faking it
Yeah I have nothing per se against Jones though I think he is kinda cooky. But one can't watch everything
Alex has proven to be vindicated time and time again
@Kesh Its worth watching that interview and then make your mind up about him
alex jones is a madman, but he is right alot of the time. cant take him serious on eveything he says
9-11. NO PLANES.
I think Alex Jones puts Israel before America.
@Arm did you see his other video following up with regards to the David Duke interview. I urge you to check it out
@The Fleeb Yeah that's my take. On pure politics he's pretty spot on but he can veer way off track and when he starts talking about other dimensions and stuff I'm just like🙄
@Deejay from Earth again please elaborate
I think he deliberately misleads people
like for instance he will name george soros as being behind the immigration and then he says its the nazi's.
@The Fleeb he is on target 99.99% of the time. It's been proven