Message from @Mee6
Discord ID: 469120960960921602
how long before brollies with points are banned?
Lol I know. Our muslim loving police even tweeted a photo of a bicycle wheel they had "confiscated"😂
That's when they're not busy dancing in the fag pride parades
"Upholding the law with interperative dance"
I can already see the dance off's happening when there is antifa riots
"You got SERVED by the swift moves of the law"
Strike a pose!
It's a paradox cause as a conservative one wants to support the police. But these aren't police. They don't deserve respect.
Lol I wonder if we'd get these nowadays...🤔
They wont replay those videos on british tv
ye I know what you mean
It's fine. I think white males are taking the hint and leaving the dems. Good news for us
Does anybody follow Alex Jones?
Alex Jones is a fraud.
I did but a lot of his stuff is so overwrought that I stopped. I pop in every now and then. I actually prefer Owen Shroyer
@Deejay from Earth please elaborate
See if you can find his 9-11 crying video on youtube. It's hilarious.
@Malcolm the Seceder They're both awesome
@Deejay from Earth 9/11 was no joke
@Kesh I watched Alex regularly for about 8 years until he uploaded this and deleted it an hour later Alex is compromised.
I doubt Alex was faking it
Yeah I have nothing per se against Jones though I think he is kinda cooky. But one can't watch everything
Alex has proven to be vindicated time and time again
@Kesh Its worth watching that interview and then make your mind up about him
alex jones is a madman, but he is right alot of the time. cant take him serious on eveything he says
9-11. NO PLANES.
I think Alex Jones puts Israel before America.