Message from @Pathos - NY
Discord ID: 276983182010744833
Gavin chimpout was kinda shit tier tbh
Are u the nigga from that episode of intwrsecional
the one with carelus rex and dmarcus
Click that link, you wont be disappointed
Promise 😉
Best preworkout motivation video
I've watched that video so much I'm starting to learn German
Mac Tonight
Grand Mac is just a Big Mac from ten years ago
Big Mac is totally kekked these days
> when he's not Big Mac pilled
Why live fam
What the fuck is this
Black history month speech transcript
Anyone up now?
@greg_p - TX I am
aw shit, looks like antifa got hacked 😉
Wonder if weev had anything to do with this?
Still on
Sorry, I was on a late-night brainstorming call about plans after TRSestlemania
Yo gpyim
Make it back alright ?
@Pathos - NY yeah man
I'm home
@Nikephoros i missed what happened to the site during the hack :(
Hitler video
Good stuff
If you ever want to trigger a muslim IMMEDIATELY