Message from @Asgardian117
Discord ID: 279298862546419713
He was speaking to the Commonwealth Club and he was a bloated little toad of jewiness
he was so full of himself
Yeah, it was repulsive
Night goys
> tfw 140 iq
Some normie shared this shit on fbook
So u be sayin she got jumbo gibZ?
Jews be triggered by Christians...
hahaha make jews squirm
Anyone see Twitter drop 10% last night ?
Horribly missed their earnings expectations
Fucking hilarious
Uncle sams misguided children is now showing videos of alt right men be attacked by Antifa without labeling the guys as alt right. They do label Antifa howerver
who are uncle sam's misguided etc.
A normie "badass" lol muh freedoms
US Marine Corps
Yes "muh freedoms"
We got Paul Nehlen on the show
Idk how u get all these ppl V congrats
Good this is good
Paul was actually very willing to, just a matter of being able to get his attention since he's a busy account. He was in one of my DM groups
Oh that's great man!
Hopefully he can run again with some $ behind him
Hopefully so
Lemme get that mid afternoon RT fam
@everyone Kids Incorporated is implicitly white
👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 I grew up on Kids Incorporated. Everything on Disney channel in the 80s-late 90s was implicitly white 😢
Jesus Christ