Message from @FucknOathMate
Discord ID: 289241824856637442
Full image incoming
rare pepe
Get your wives here
Don't tell aelle, he'll send me there
So they mean just a regular girls only school?
Slug doxxxed
Women don't exist
Not many know this
Woah link that shit
Women’s Day Organizer Linda Sarsour Arrested Outside Trump Tower
>Linda Sarsour, one of the International Women’s Day protest organizers, was arrested outside of Trump Tower in New York City Wednesday afternoon.
>Sarsour was one of several women reportedly cuffed and taken into custody for disorderly conduct after receiving several warnings from police to cease and desist.
Link the qts blog pls
>when muslims are mentioned
Gibbs me dem colored contacts
tfw my best friend is here
@Convo hey friend
@everyone welcome @Convo to the server
most! important! discord! is! niggkike bar mitzvah!
If you leave like this again
im going to find you
and kill you
nigger where did you go you normie fag
first things first@Convo
are you aware of Mediterranean Supreamcy?
let me get you started