Message from @Tersheus
Discord ID: 624637485342916638
Nah, he's a John
He's serious about deleting it soon
He seeming did that with the first video
Comrades being comrads
That's upsetting
Though typically given guinea pigs have been eaten across the world for a long time, it wouldn't be suprising that they probably value their life similar to other animal-feed rodents, i do have a soft spot for them though.
o o f
@country doggo @Deleted User ain't that the picture of the dad who fed his sons guinea pig to the snake?
@country doggo that's fucking funny if what Tersheus said is true
I want to end the world, so these fit for me
It's a bot
@country doggo I'd gladly choke out that snake with my body
Totally a bot
>Boys will be boys
> When you SO looks over at the burger you're currently eating and asks for a bite