Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 624427013167644687
i was gonna fix the lighting on that one but i got bored and gave up
@FantasticFwoosh what is that from? without names swapped
I have no idea its just a random picture.
ah shit, just sounds like its from a shitty film or something
Its not the kind of shit you write on bathroom walls is it?
gedda the fuck outttaaaa heeeerreee
Wrong guy. Should I fuck with her like "Oh I don't believe in CC"?
Ask if there will be sky screaming
@Dionysus AKA Giegue Fuck with her
Say that you will pollute harder than China
I keep getting random texts with people thinking I'm a Robert, I'm G
Is your dad a Robert
Nah, he's a John
He's serious about deleting it soon
He seeming did that with the first video
Comrades being comrads
That's upsetting
Though typically given guinea pigs have been eaten across the world for a long time, it wouldn't be suprising that they probably value their life similar to other animal-feed rodents, i do have a soft spot for them though.
o o f
@country doggo @Deleted User ain't that the picture of the dad who fed his sons guinea pig to the snake?
@country doggo that's fucking funny if what Tersheus said is true