Message from @Duke of Txtspeak
Discord ID: 624654746866679821
He seeming did that with the first video
Comrades being comrads
That's upsetting
Though typically given guinea pigs have been eaten across the world for a long time, it wouldn't be suprising that they probably value their life similar to other animal-feed rodents, i do have a soft spot for them though.
o o f
@country doggo @Deleted User ain't that the picture of the dad who fed his sons guinea pig to the snake?
@country doggo that's fucking funny if what Tersheus said is true
When you hit your asshole stepdad in the head with a dildo
Sorry I was late
It's a bot
@country doggo I'd gladly choke out that snake with my body
Totally a bot
>Boys will be boys
> When you SO looks over at the burger you're currently eating and asks for a bite
Yes Denisovian human subspecies, im sure someone out there digs big teeth.
I wish