Message from @vinyl
Discord ID: 640033001451028500
tfw there's a character in the Neflix show Daybreak that dresses up like the Courrier from Fallout New Vegas
"I am the eye of Fallout."
.... wait.... was that a namedrop of the Fallout series?
***When you get woke up after being shot in the face during the nuclear boogaloo***
run like the wind, brother
The fuck am I looking at? Looks like power plant equipment or something that goes at a substation.
Nigga he put the clamps on wrong
Look nigga
This is a @country doggo tier meme
That's some final destination shit right there
It probably weighs 3-5 tons
Hell the first few times I played new vegas I snuck through Sloan because I didn't know there was a way around
I wish I could play New Vegas, but I fucked up with mods and now I have to redownload a 3rd of it, which will take me a few billion years.
The first time I played nv I went north and thought *what the heck is a cazador?*
*Big fucking mistake*
Big flies
check out this fire track from my boi skinny boy crak head
trippy pussy
If you believe in gaming put this on 5 discord server. Don't just ignore this because it says in the Adolf Hitler's Gaming Book: Mein Gamepf if you deny him, he will kill you becuase you are anti-gamer. This is the simplest test. If you love Gaming and you are not ashamed of it, copy and paste it on 5 discord servers.
The toe pics...