Message from @Beauregard
Discord ID: 303990017473380352
thanks....aww yeah. im pumped
Can't wait for the triggering
this is pretty good
it shows a good action/reaction sequence of events. I wish videos on twatter could be longer to show antifa in the begining as well
oh cool an anti white shooting can't wait to watch the coverage on cn- oh
found this shit on twatter
why are they posting this on twitter. lmao
they think they are safe in this literal hitler dictatorship
I would assume to make people think they are planning to assasinate someone
actually thats giving them a little too much credit
if thats real, it should be passed along to someone
they could just be dumb
ill send it to eli
auburn is 6pm right?
mountain time I guess
7pm CST
8pm EST
I guess it could be moving since he's actually doing it in the hall again, So i'm not positive
they're central so...original speech was at 7, after the cancel it was 6 but it might go back to 7 now
Its central
Plz read
Don't make me tag everyone
i read
those comments are poz
I wanted to talk about this earlier. It's great.
everyone is saying how it will place an exclamation point on what we already know about nazi atrocities
we all know how this goes lol
has anyone on codoh looked through these yet? you'd think that based on the archeological evidence we have already we can show the holocaust didn't happen.
this explanation is pretty standard, and extremely gay: "[–]ClassBShareHolder [score hidden] 2 hours ago
I'll take a stab at this one. Have you ever noticed that most nail salons are owned by Asians? Ethnic/religious groups help each other. Or, they hire from within their group transferring knowledge of business success.
Jewfish people have been known as business people. Merchants. Jewelers. Lawyers. Their success made others jealous. When one group becomes successful, outsiders begin to suspect foul play/cheating for their success. When one group starts to dominate the financial market, they start to be resented.
It doesn't take much to turn that resentment into hate and fear."
"its jealousy goy"