Message from @backstreetgoy-TN
Discord ID: 320040841743958017
What happen to oreilly
some sexual harassment thing i think, i havnt been paying attention to the news much lately tbh
@Alex - LA he was slaying too many thots.
Tabloid expose at checkout
Good thing he was a shabbos goy for so many years
I can't wait till Hannity is exposed as the closet faggot he is and resigns in shame.
wew lad, it's getting tiresome beating down all these cucks on why today's withdrawal from the climate accord is a good thing.
I second that oven-motion
whenever a white person commits a violent act that makes the news, that picture should be our response.
Can you blame somebody for snapping?
ive already snapped tbh
I can tell convo
still convo, live to fight another day
And people take offense to this
They pulled it down today!
That shit article gets to up while my innocent meme gets stripped.
It's been said too many times, "If you want to know who rules over you, look for who you are not allowed to criticize."
We need to add a george lincoln rockwell corn cob pipe emoticon
Nig he is
Take it from the (((wise))) nigger
I remember all of the kvetching about Bush not joining the Kyoto treaty, and how the USA actually achieved the Kyoto treaty's goals thanks to cheap natural gas.
who has that picture of all the media companies, their ceo and cco as a graph and has them colored in as goy, gay or jew
I have 2013 here
thanks mate
What do NEETs do on fridays?
depends on if the NEET is an alcoholic.
im not
well then shitposting it is.
oh wow, what a waste
@Eli Mosley isn't Friday the beginning of the 72 hour jew bantz period?
vidya gaems @Eli Mosley