Message from @backstreetgoy-TN

Discord ID: 320039339012915200

2017-06-02 00:16:47 UTC  

you should go post that on gavin mcinness' twitter and see if he blocks you hahahah

2017-06-02 00:29:44 UTC  

Didn't He say some anti fag stuff recently

2017-06-02 00:29:46 UTC  

Over the last three years my apartment has gone from 70% white to 20% white. I've noticed that white people will talk to each other on the elevator now when they wouldn't before.

2017-06-02 00:30:08 UTC  

I have been featured in the Jewish Daily Forward

2017-06-02 00:33:10 UTC  

>cite jewish daily forward
>get attacked by... jewish daily forward

2017-06-02 00:33:13 UTC  

congrats goy

2017-06-02 00:35:57 UTC  

lmao look at the author

2017-06-02 00:37:26 UTC  


2017-06-02 00:40:06 UTC  

@Alex - LA he always says fag stuff

2017-06-02 00:40:17 UTC  

hes stuck a dildo up his ass live on his show before

2017-06-02 00:40:49 UTC  

they had an article on their site that i think they took down that was virtue signalling that its not gay to be in a relationship with a tranny if it looks like a hot girl

2017-06-02 00:42:40 UTC  

What happen to oreilly

2017-06-02 00:45:44 UTC  

some sexual harassment thing i think, i havnt been paying attention to the news much lately tbh

2017-06-02 01:10:50 UTC  

@Alex - LA he was slaying too many thots.

2017-06-02 01:13:52 UTC  

Tabloid expose at checkout

2017-06-02 01:14:05 UTC  

Good thing he was a shabbos goy for so many years

2017-06-02 01:16:31 UTC  

I can't wait till Hannity is exposed as the closet faggot he is and resigns in shame.

2017-06-02 01:46:05 UTC  

wew lad, it's getting tiresome beating down all these cucks on why today's withdrawal from the climate accord is a good thing.

2017-06-02 03:22:04 UTC

2017-06-02 03:24:18 UTC  

I second that oven-motion

2017-06-02 03:24:51 UTC  


2017-06-02 03:25:01 UTC  

whenever a white person commits a violent act that makes the news, that picture should be our response.

2017-06-02 03:25:15 UTC  

Can you blame somebody for snapping?

2017-06-02 03:25:19 UTC  


2017-06-02 03:25:31 UTC  

ive already snapped tbh

2017-06-02 03:25:37 UTC  

I can tell convo

2017-06-02 03:25:54 UTC  

still convo, live to fight another day

2017-06-02 03:26:37 UTC  

And people take offense to this

2017-06-02 03:26:47 UTC

2017-06-02 03:26:55 UTC  

They pulled it down today!

2017-06-02 03:27:51 UTC  

That shit article gets to up while my innocent meme gets stripped.

2017-06-02 03:28:02 UTC

2017-06-02 03:29:01 UTC  

It's been said too many times, "If you want to know who rules over you, look for who you are not allowed to criticize."

2017-06-02 03:31:49 UTC  

We need to add a george lincoln rockwell corn cob pipe emoticon

2017-06-02 03:32:28 UTC

2017-06-02 03:32:43 UTC  

Nig he is

2017-06-02 03:32:59 UTC  

Take it from the (((wise))) nigger

2017-06-02 03:43:58 UTC  

I remember all of the kvetching about Bush not joining the Kyoto treaty, and how the USA actually achieved the Kyoto treaty's goals thanks to cheap natural gas.

2017-06-02 03:53:49 UTC  

who has that picture of all the media companies, their ceo and cco as a graph and has them colored in as goy, gay or jew