Message from @Fitzydog
Discord ID: 523376288753516554
shitty cards tho
The food it's what's important
terrible background and fuckin calibri
did they design these in powerpoint
Also the dude clearly has some mental issues
Look at those eyes
He's seen One panzerotto too many
eaten too much fagolosi
what the actual fuck. looks like solid and liquid heart attack.
...I want one bite.
I'd eat it
@galesteppes Nigga, that looks fucking delicious.
I'll just leave this here
Italians not understanding British culture <:pepe_smug:378719408341909506>
(((mods))) should decouple food and fitness
you fat fucks
shut yo ass up you ebt abusing nigga
welfare queen n shieet
I spent my Food Stamps on BACON
Anyone have any tips for building chest muscle? I need to start remaking my sessions.
get breast implants
@MountainMan While I do endurance rather than strength, iirc high load and low reps tend to be good if you want to induce muscular hypertrophy.
Thank you Pyongyang, very cool.
the fuck is this crap