Message from @Wehrmacht
Discord ID: 306993578289135646
interesting, I would have thought it would show up at the end but all I see is a reply from Jimmy. Jimmy appears to have seen it.
I wonder if we're running into caching issues with CloudFlare. I see VNN is now using it.
It may be that I can see it since I'm a moderator. Sometimes a newbie's posts first few posts don't show until they're approved.
approve it man!
Hey, this is mike from the pdx stormers
hey dude!
@KommieKillinKowboy Nice at!
Causa, Oregon's immigrant rights organization, is calling for hundreds of people to march for the liberty and lives of immigrant families during its annual May Day event. A rally will be held Monday, May 1 on the Capitol steps in Salem at 11:30 am, followed by a march that will end by 2:00 pm.
these kikes got it too:
I know we are handsome and all but I have noticed the teevee jews are really slick about not showing any of our signs. Maybe we should have signs with jew naming on them next time so they are forced to print "da goyim know" etc.
I say someone (Jimmy, seeing as he is already ousted) should make a very large sign in his front yard naming off, oh, say, a couple thousand Jews as media executives, hedge fund managers, high ranking faggs, etc.
On may 13th Antifa are doing a public violence training at a park in Washington. We need to show up and make it difficult/impossible to get their training done. Megaphone would help. Someone be who has the FB post please share.
Ignore the *be
Can someone proved the ROAR action network post about the protest at jimmies?
a park in WA huh? That could be fun.
Did anyone catch the names of the friendlies who joined us on Monday, specifically red sweatshirt and his tall friend in the black shirt?
It's on my autist station at home
No names for Red Coat and black shirt, but I'll keep an eye out for them in the hood. Black shirt reminds me of the guy who was standing in his front yard and witnessed my throw down of Cucky Red Beard a few weeks back. I did a drive by of that house this evening, but didn't see anyone around.
Red Coat
red hoodie …
Heil baaaaaased red coat
I'm going.
I'll meet you there bruder
Sweet and some IE guys will also be there
@blackhat 16 if you can make it up to Corvallis I'll get us to Portland.
I cannot go. It's our monthly APB meeting followed by an AF kameraden's bachelor party... sorry my dude 😦
the illegals and jobless leeches are also holding a rally on monday
No human is illegal goy. It's 2017
@cos/sin-WA dat goy and I will be there tomorrow. What is the word on opposition? Are they organizing as well?
Violence man
Threats extend to family's
@Australopithecus Jordan but mostleikley nothing will come of it but a nice walk. We are coming out in force.
Alrighty so there is Vestal elementary school close to the park and meet up I'm gonna be there at 920 then move to meet with other guys at the listed meet up sight. If you want to walk with us all are welcome.
Will probably be meeting at the park. We will be there a little closer to 10. I looked it up on google. It should be relatively easy to find you guys.
Ya I have a pretty cool hard hat
I saw that, will look for the RWSS
There's a good chance if I were to go up there and play my pipes it would trigger the dog shit out of any antifa in the area.