Message from @Christopher
Discord ID: 529382702412201984
intervention by who
fucking liberals
>controlled congress
By a handful of votes not enough to win a vote on straight party line, though it never would be.
> control supreme court
That was only gained recently with kavanaugh, and scotus doesnt approve/disapprove funding.
she did get elected more or less by showing up to a race where no one else did bother to show up
I got libertarian capitalist on spekr. Me so right wing
I got almost exactly 50, -50 (right wing libertarian)
Fucking Neo-Cons couldn't use their advantage to get shit done for 2 years, but they *just happen* to want to give it a swing right before they lose their majority
they never wanted anything to change.
as the status quo was perfect for them as it did line there pockets with money, what the people wanted was unimportant
Can we yeet the leftist diaspora jews please
@Fitzydog then let's start the new year with no fed <:pepe_smug:378719408341909506>
Before I begin, I would like to say that I am not a collectivist. I have a very individualist ideology, in that I think a society which forces collectivization necessarily needs everyone to be on the same page. That is why there is often a tribal group dynamic in left wing organizations which is against free speech, and does not allow free, individualistic thought.
Now, that said, some of the basic problems of capitalism would be inequality, environmental destruction, and the inherent unsustainability of a system which must always expand for it to exist. That is aside from the inherently less enjoyable quality of the work place.
Inequality is present under capitalist systems where there is great wealth gathered at the top, while tens of thousands of people die because they don't have health care, millions are under student loan debt, and the first world exists because of the exploitation of the third world. To expound on the third world argument; the first world consumes many resources, so much so that it would require many planets for the third world to operate on the level of the third world. Yet, instead of sharing the wealth of these first world countries with the world, companies ship jobs over seas so they can pay lower wages.
This takes us to the problem of wages, and why the tendency of the rate of profit to fall will necessarily lead to the end of capitalism. In a world with finite resources, a system which must expand indefinitely, cannot grow indefinitely. Especially when faced with peak oil reserves, and global warming which threatens aggriculture, water supplies, and coastal areas. Capitalism, when it cannot grow anymore, will collapse, and we will need to adopt a sustainable system.
Capitalism's toll on the environment - whether it is because of solely capitalism, or industrialization in general - has been massive. Capitalism requires growth, and it, as well as heavily industrial communism are unsustainable. 60% of species on the planet have gone extinct, there is now global warming which threatens to destroy the planet if we do not eliminate greenhouse gas emissions in 12 years. That is because of the greenhouse effect, in which gasses build up in the atmosphere and cause the planet to retain heat. If the planet reaches a critical temperature, it could enter the runaway greenhouse effect, which is what wiped out venus's oceans.
Now, I see the problem with collectivization. It leads to a society which is Orwellian, and...
at least you're not a centrist anymore @meratrix
Okay so
You argue that capitalism must expand
@✿ Mittens ✿ You know that there are free market opportunities to help the environment?
I disagree.
i dont even know where to start with that Mittens
i'm pretty damn sure that guy is just a copypasting asswipe, fitzy
Cap is about supply and demand
I just wrote it on the spot, nyuu
saw him do that a few times already
ah okay then
There are resources that we either reuse, or cannot deplete.