✿ Mittens ✿

Discord ID: 111576918779772928

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*gasp* how sexist

Why is this place so transphobic?

Idk, I just see a welcome sign for trans people with "it's okay to watch jordan peterson" on it, it sort of makes me feel like it's making a statement about trans people or something.

Jordan Peterson is basically a hero to some because he fought against a bill that would force people to use correct pronouns, which is fine if you like freedom of speech. But I feel like a lot of people just like Jordan Peterson because they perceive him as being anti trans. I actually wouldn't be surprised if he is, but I don't actually know.

I've watched quite a lot about him, actually.

My point stands, I don't see why you would put that on a center for trans people.

Right about what?

He's become like this icon for a lot of transphobic people though.

I didn't say that lol.

I just don't like Jordan Peterson, and I think it sends kind of a bad message to put that on a trans center. And I don't dislike him because he fought back against that anti free speech bill. He talks about the left in a pretty generalized and obnoxious way, he's anti porn, and he made a new years video talking about how he's upset people don't worship jesus.

I think Jordan Peterson is a reactionary charlatan, not for the free speech thing but for other reasons.

He's hugely anti left, and yeah a lot of his followers just like him because they think he stopped transgender madness or something. I see so many transphobic jordan peterson lovers on like 4chan or whatever.

You talk about people being in an echo chamber, here I am. I have some differing views than you, and you call me a troll.

Do you wanna talk in voice chat?

So maybe you can hear when I'm being honest or dishonest? I feel like no one's heard of poe's law.

Yeah I'm always up for voice chat. I feel like everything gets taken the wrong way in text. Text is such a shitty form of communication. A lot of the nuances of communication is list in text chat.

Idk man, I'll talk to you about it in voice chat.

You wanna talk to me about it in voice chat daniel?

I'm kinda done having these controversial debates in text.

Not you


I guess being anti porn and making desperate pleas for people to worship jesus is smart.

I'm pretty sure I've unironically heard Jordan Peterson talk about cultural marxism too.

No, I'm talking about Jordan Peterson.

Come on into voice chat daniel.

He sounds pretty anti porn to me.

He's just sitting there talking about the negative ways porn effects people.

This one is pretty cool. I marked the time in the video.

He's crying about how people don't love "the individual" 😢

I'm pretty sure he's talking about Jesus.


That's his whole MO is religious symbolism.

Idk why you expect me to answer sincerely to these bait questions.

He's talking about Jesus, dude.

Listen to him talking about god.

He's talking about sins and crimes and god.

I'm too stupid, great argument.

He's talking about living spirit too.

"the divine individual" is what he's talking about. Oh and listen to him talking about "lifting the cross symbolically"

He's talking about Jesus. Fuck you.

You act like I'm just an ignorant moron and he's not talking about Jesus, he's talking about Jesus.

This is why you don't talk like an asshole to someone in a discussion.

You look like a jackass right now, Daniel.

Idk why you keep equating my views to some broad umbrella of views.

We're talking about Jordan Peterson, and you're pretty much textbook strawmanning me.

Sure, buddy.

You're really angry today.

Did someone forget to change your diapers or something?

Yeah, I think Jordan Peterson is a charlatan, an overrated charlatan.

You're a dick.

Good to know, you don't sound too smart yourself.

Mmmm yeah gimme that hatred for the disabled.

Dude, if you want to have a real argument, have some class.

Don't act like you have to prove you're better than someone to make a point.

That's not how people come to agreements.

I'm so glad that everyone loves that quote.

I never said I'm a liar. What am I lying about?

What am I lying about DanielKO?

You said I'm a liar, you can't even remember what I lied about?

I said Jordan Peterson is anti porn, he talks about why porn is bad for two whole videos.

I said Jordan Peterson cried because not enough people accept Jesus, and I linked the video where he cried that not enough people love Jesus.

^actual picture of me

Considering what you've written

no need to be rude, @Deleted User

Replace socialism with tens of thousands of people dying each year because they can't afford health care.

This makes porky happy

You're not even arguing with facts.

You're just using the same old tired argument that socialism leads to dead people.

Where's the cause and effect?

Damn, I wish I could copy paste what I already said about this in another chat room.

I believe in a hybrid system.

Even sargon of akkad believes in social welfare, he said in his interview with styxhexenhammer666, a libertarian.

Look at all the people typing oh my god.

No thanks. I'd actually like to live forever. As long as there's things to learn I think life will be very interesting. I think if I knew everything, I would probably transcend the need for things to be interesting anyways.

I take that as a complement so thanks.

I actually really love the gay community.

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